blob: 53fb3a0e94aad99f1136bce57d017d221b9217e2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
gooftool: Google Factory Tool, providing all Google Required Test
import copy
import glob
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
# cros/gft modules
import flashrom_util
import gft_common
import gft_fwhash
import gft_hwcomp
import gft_report
import gft_upload
import gft_vpd
import gft_wpfw
import gpio
from gft_common import WarningMsg, VerboseMsg, DebugMsg, ErrorMsg, ErrorDie
# global variables and cached objects
g_options = None
g_args = None
# cache for instance of HardwareComponents to speed up
g_hwcomp = None
# list of commands
g_commands = []
# partition number of factory and release rootfs. -1 for kernel.
# factory utilities
def InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=True):
""" Initializes (and try to reuse the instance) a hardware components
detection object.
Returns the initialized (or cached) HardwareComponents object.
global g_hwcomp
if g_hwcomp:
if do_probe:
return g_hwcomp
g_hwcomp = gft_hwcomp.HardwareComponents(verbose=g_options.verbose)
if do_probe:
return g_hwcomp
def FindComponentsDatabases():
""" Finds component database files. If --db_path is assigned, use the
specified path; otherwise look for default folders in system. """
db_path = g_options.db_path
if db_path:
files = glob.glob(db_path)
if not files:
ErrorDie('No components database found in %s.' % db_path)
return files
# find in default path
default_db_paths = [
for db_path in default_db_paths:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(db_path, 'components*'))
if files:
VerboseMsg('Loading components database from %s' % db_path)
return files
# found nothing
ErrorDie('No components database found. You must assign --db_path.')
return None
def VerifySwitch(name, value):
""" Verifies if hardware switches are in correct states. """
my_gpio = gpio.Gpio()
DebugMsg('reading GPIO %s (expected %s)' % (name, value))
if value !=
VerboseMsg('VerifySwitch: %s is not in proper state.' % name)
return False
ErrorDie('VerifySwitch: cannot read: ' + name)
return True
def MatchComponentsDatabases(db_list):
"""Tries to match current system to known qualified component lists.
db_list: list of component list database files.
Tuple of (matched, unmatched, unrelated)
matched: Matched component lists in dict form: { db_file: matched }.
unmatched: Lists matched part_id_hwqual but failed in other components.
unrelated: Those part_id_hwqual does not match.
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents()
if not hwcomp:
ErrorDie('VerifyComponents: failed to detect system configuration.')
matched = {}
unmatched = {}
unrelated = {}
for db in db_list:
VerboseMsg('MatchComponentsDatabases: Matching current system by %s' % db)
(match, failure) = hwcomp.match_current_system(db)
if failure:
if 'part_id_hwqual' in failure:
unrelated[db] = failure
DebugMsg('Unrelated for %s:%s\n' % (db, hwcomp.pformat(failure)))
unmatched[db] = failure
DebugMsg('Unmatched for %s:%s\n' % (db, hwcomp.pformat(failure)))
matched[db] = match
VerboseMsg('Matched: %s' % db)
return (matched, unmatched, unrelated)
def EnableWriteProtect(target, image):
""" Enables and verifies firmware write protection. """
return gft_wpfw.EnableWriteProtect(target, image)
def WriteGBB(db_file):
""" Writes a prepared GBB data to system main firwmare. """
flashrom = flashrom_util.flashrom_util(verbose_msg=VerboseMsg,
# TODO(hungte) Check if current keys in GBB match component list, to prevent
# installing wrong GBB data to systems designed for incompatile keys.
# TODO(hungte) use new flashrom partial read/write syntax to speed up
image_file = gft_common.GetTemporaryFileName('wgbb')
if not flashrom.read_whole_to_file(image_file):
ErrorDie('WriteGBB: failed to read current firmware.')
DebugMsg('WriteGBB: updating with %s' % db_file)
if not gft_fwhash.UpdateGBB(image_file, db_file, in_place=True):
ErrorDie('WriteGBB: failed to update GBB.')
# Latest flashrom supports minimal writing, so we don't need to care about
# managing partial writing sections here. Simply provide the whole image.
with open(image_file) as image:
image_data =
if not flashrom.write_whole(image_data):
ErrorDie('WriteGBB: failed to flash firmware to system.')
return True
def VerboseSystemCommand(command, prompt=None):
""" Invokes command and put stdout/stderr messages into verbose log. """
VerboseMsg(" # Executing command: %s" % command)
(_, stdout, stderr) = gft_common.ShellExecution(
command, show_progress=g_options.verbose, progress_message=prompt)
message = '\n'.join((stdout.strip(), stderr.strip())).strip()
if message:
def GFTCommand(f):
""" Decorator for gooftool base commands. """
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
DebugMsg('@Starting to execute command: %s.' % f.__name__)
result = f(*args, **kw)
DebugMsg('@Executed command: %s. Result: %s' %
(f.__name__, "SUCCESS"
if result is not False else "NOT SUCCESS"))
return result
except gft_common.GFTError, e:
DebugMsg('@Executed command: %s. Result: ERROR - %s' %
(f.__name__, e.value))
DebugMsg('@Executed command: %s. Result: FAILED.' % f.__name__)
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', f.__doc__).strip()
return wrapper
def GFTCommandDependency(command_list):
"""Decorator to define the depenedncy of a gooftool command.
command_list: a list or tuple of command functions to be executed in order.
GFTError if any of the commands in dependency return False.
def meta_wrapper(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kargs):
for command in command_list:
if not command():
ErrorDie('%s: failed in sub-command: %s.' %
(f.__name__, command.__name__))
return f(*args, **kargs)
wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = ('Runs: %s. %s' %
(', '.join(['--%s' % command.__name__
for command in command_list]),
return wrapper
return meta_wrapper
# standard procedure
# (function names are used for self-reflection to command line parameters)
# HWID, GBB, and hardware components validation
def probe():
""" Probes hardware components on current system and find match to given
component database files for HWID.
db_list = FindComponentsDatabases()
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=True)
matched_hwids = 0
matched = {}
# Don't care about GBB elements when probing
ignored_cids = ['hash_ro_main_firmware',
for db in db_list:
VerboseMsg('probe: Matching current system by %s' % db)
(matched, failure) = hwcomp.match_current_system(db,
if not failure:
print 'Probed: %s' % db
matched_hwids = matched_hwids + 1
WarningMsg('Unmatched for %s:%s' % (db, hwcomp.pformat(failure)))
# TODO(hungte) we may need to decide a best match during the search
WarningMsg('Current System:%s' % hwcomp.pformat(matched))
return (True if matched_hwids > 0 else False)
def write_gbb():
""" Writes system GBB data by assigned components database. """
if not g_options.write_gbb:
ErrorDie('write_gbb: need a valid component list file.')
return WriteGBB(g_options.write_gbb)
def verify_hwid():
""" Verifies if system HWID matches the qualified component list. """
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents()
(matched, unmatched, unrelated) = (
error_msg = ''
if unmatched:
error_msg += '\nUnmatched items:\n'
error_msg += '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (name, hwcomp.pformat(value))
for name, value in unmatched.items()])
if matched:
DebugMsg('Current System:%s\n' % hwcomp.pformat(matched.values()[0]))
if len(matched) != 1:
ErrorDie('verify_hwid: failed to match exact one HWID (found %d).%s' %
(len(matched), error_msg))
matched_filename = matched.keys()[0]
matched_data = matched[matched_filename]
matched_hwid = matched_data['part_id_hwqual'][0]
print 'Verified: %s (%s)' % (matched_filename, matched_hwid)
return True
def verify_keys():
""" Verifies if the keys in firmware and SSD are matched. """
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False)
script = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], '')
if not os.path.exists(script):
ErrorDie('verify_keys: cannot find script to verify.')
kernel_device = '/dev/%s' % (hwcomp.get_ssd_name(RELEASE_PARTNO - 1))
command = '%s %s %s' % (script, kernel_device, hwcomp.load_main_firmware())
VerboseSystemCommand(command, prompt='verify_keys: ')
except gft_common.GFTError, e:
ErrorDie('verify_keys: FAILED.\n%s' % e.value)
return True
def verify_vpd():
""" Verifies if the VPD contains valid required data. """
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False)
image_file = hwcomp.load_main_firmware()
gft_vpd.ValidateVpdData(image_file, g_options.verbose)
except gft_common.GFTError, e:
ErrorDie('verify_vpd: FAILED.\n%s' % e.value)
return True
# Hardware Switches
def verify_rootfs():
""" Verifies if the rootfs on SSD is valid (by checking hash). """
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False)
script = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], '')
if not os.path.exists(script):
ErrorDie('verify_rootfs: cannot find script to verify.')
rootfs_device = '/dev/%s' % (hwcomp.get_ssd_name(RELEASE_PARTNO))
command = '%s %s' % (script, rootfs_device)
VerboseSystemCommand(command, prompt='verify_rootfs: ')
except gft_common.GFTError, e:
ErrorDie('verify_rootfs: FAILED.\n%s' % e.value)
return True
def verify_switch_wp():
""" Verifies if hardware write protection switch is enabled. """
if VerifySwitch('write_protect', 1):
return True
ErrorDie('verify_switch_wp: failed')
def verify_switch_dev():
""" Verifies if developer switch is disabled. """
if VerifySwitch('developer_switch', 0):
return True
ErrorDie('verify_switch_dev: failed')
# Report Creation
def create_report():
""" Creates the report (with vpd, hwid, date, ...) for uploading. """
# decide log format
suffix = '.log'
if g_options.report_format == 'gz':
text_armed = False
suffix = suffix + '.gz'
elif g_options.report_format == 'base64':
text_armed = True
ErrorDie('create_report: invalid format: %s' % g_options.report_format)
# TODO(hungte) if matching is still too slow, we can try to reused previous
# cached results.
(matched, unmatched, unrelated) = (
if not len(matched) == 1:
ErrorDie('create_report: HWID is not singularly matched to database.')
vpd_source = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False).load_main_firmware()
report = gft_report.CreateReport(sys.argv,
# Printing this to log may double the log files...
if g_options.verbose:
reduced = copy.deepcopy(report)
reduced['verbose_log'] = ['...(not listed, please check report)...']
sys.stderr.write("Report Detail:\n%s\n" % gft_report.FormatReport(reduced))
data = gft_report.EncodeReport(report, text_armed=text_armed)
if not g_options.report_path:
# create one in temporary folder
g_options.report_path = gft_common.GetTemporaryFileName(prefix='gftrpt_',
gft_common.WriteFile(g_options.report_path, data)
report_saved_message = 'Report saved in: %s' % g_options.report_path
# To help scripting, the message must be printed to console and logged.
print report_saved_message
return True
def upload_report():
""" Uploads a report (by --create_report) for tracking factory process. """
report_path = g_options.report_path
if not (report_path and os.path.exists(report_path)):
ErrorDie('upload_report: need an existing report file '
'(--report_path or --create_report)')
if not g_options.upload_method:
ErrorDie('upload_report: need proper --upload_method.')
if not gft_upload.Upload(report_path, g_options.upload_method):
ErrorDie('upload_report: failed to upload.')
return True
def wpfw():
""" Enables and verifies firmware write protection status. """
if g_options.debug_dryrun_wpfw:
ErrorMsg('wpfw is by-passed. This device CANNOT be qualified.')
return True
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False)
read_binary = gft_common.ReadBinaryFile
target_set = [('bios', hwcomp.load_main_firmware)]
if hwcomp.has_ec():
target_set.insert(0, ('ec', hwcomp.load_ec_firmware))
assert target_set[0][0] == 'ec'
VerboseMsg('wpfw: current platform does not have EC. Ignored.')
assert len(target_set) > 0
for target_name, loader_api in target_set:
if not EnableWriteProtect(target_name, read_binary(loader_api())):
ErrorDie('wpfw: failed to enable firmware write protection.')
return True
def prepare_wipe():
""" Prepares the system for transitioning to release state in next reboot. """
if g_options.debug_dryrun_prepare_wipe:
ErrorMsg('prepare_wipe is by-passed. This device CANNOT be qualified.')
return True
wipe_script = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0],
if not os.path.exists(wipe_script):
ErrorDie('prepare_wipe: cannot find script to prepare for wiping.')
wipe_method_map = {
'fast': 'fast',
'secure': '',
method = g_options.wipe_method
hwcomp = InitializeHardwareComponents(do_probe=False)
if method not in wipe_method_map:
ErrorDie('prepare_wipe: unknown wipe method: %s' % method)
tag = wipe_method_map[method]
rootfs_device = '/dev/%s' % (hwcomp.get_ssd_name(RELEASE_PARTNO))
command = 'FACTORY_WIPE_TAGS=%s %s %s' % (tag, wipe_script, rootfs_device)
VerboseSystemCommand(command, prompt='prepare_wipe: ')
except gft_common.GFTError, e:
ErrorDie('prepare_wipe: FAILED.\n%s' % e.value)
return True
def verify():
""" Verifies if whole factory process is ready for finalization. """
# See the depenency list for the real commands to be executed.
return True
def finalize():
""" Finalizes all factory tests and transit system into release state. """
# See the depenency list for the real commands to be executed.
return True
# console command line options
def ConsoleParser():
""" command line option parser """
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
# Message control
parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true',
help='provide debug messages')
parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='provide verbose messages')
parser.add_option('--log_path', metavar='PATH',
help='use the given path for verbose logs.')
# Debugging
parser.add_option('--debug_dryrun_wpfw', action='store_true',
help='make --wpfw in dry-run mode (debugging only)')
parser.add_option('--debug_dryrun_prepare_wipe', action='store_true',
help='make --prepare_wipe in dry-run mode (debugging only)')
# Configuration
parser.add_option('--config', metavar='PATH',
help='path to the config file (TBD)')
parser.add_option('--db_path', metavar='PATH',
help='path to the HWID component list databases')
# Reports
parser.add_option('--report_path', metavar='PATH',
help='override the path for report file')
parser.add_option('--report_format', metavar='FORMAT', default='gz',
help='format of the generated report (see')
parser.add_option('--upload_method', metavar='METHOD:PARAM',
help='assign the upload method (see gft_upload).')
# Wiping
parser.add_option('--wipe_method', metavar='METHOD', default='fast',
help='assign the wipe method (secure/fast).')
# Commands
commands_with_param = {
write_gbb: 'comp_db',
for command in g_commands:
if command in commands_with_param:
parser.add_option('--%s' % command.__name__,
parser.add_option('--%s' % command.__name__,
return parser
# main entry
def _main():
""" main entry """
global g_options, g_args
parser = ConsoleParser()
(g_options, g_args) = parser.parse_args()
if g_args:
parser.error('Un-expected parameter(s): %s\n' % ' '.join(g_args))
if g_options.debug:
g_options.verbose = True
gft_common.SetVerboseLevel(g_options.verbose, g_options.log_path)
DebugMsg('options: ' + repr(g_options) + '\nargs: ' + repr(g_args), log=False)
# execute commands by order.
executed_commands = 0
return_value = 0
for command in g_commands:
command_name = command.__name__
if not getattr(g_options, command_name):
DebugMsg('COMMAND: ' + command_name, log=False)
if not command():
return_value = 1
executed_commands = executed_commands + 1
if executed_commands == 0:
return return_value
if __name__ == '__main__':