blob: ee5debc211d557de074f1d1acf473b8db0954b9c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# A tiny stub for ZIP based Chrome OS firmware updater package.
# Developer friendly features (-V, --manifest, --{un,re}pack) may depend on
# zip/unzip, which will be available on test images or non-Chrome OS.
# For any features that will run on a standard Chrome OS release image,
# it can only invoke `futility` and should never depend on zip/unzip.
: "${TMP_TEMPLATE="fwupdater.XXXXXX"}"
warn() {
echo "$*" >&2
die() {
warn "ERROR: $*"
exit 1
has_program() {
type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
need_program() {
has_program "$1" || die "Need program '$1' to continue."
repack() {
local dest="$(readlink -f "$1")"
local src="$2"
if [ ! -d "${src}" ]; then
die "Does not exist: ${src}"
elif [ ! -e "${dest}" ]; then
die "Cannot find $1 -> ${dest}"
need_program futility
futility update -a "${src}" --manifest > "${src}/manifest.json"
# Use a standard timestamp for the version files so that we get the same
# exact sharball each time. Otherwise the changing timestamps creates small
# differences.
touch -t 201701010000 "${src}/VERSION" "${src}/manifest.json"
# TODO(hungte) Use futility to check content and initial repack in future.
need_program zip
# Currently the libzip inside futility will discard SFX if we try to update
# so we need to always create a new archive.
local cut_mark="$(sed -n '/^##CUTHERE##/=' "${dest}")"
if ! [ "${cut_mark}" -gt 0 ]; then
die "SFX File corrupted: ${dest}"
sed -i "$((cut_mark + 1)),\$d" "${dest}"
local tmp="$(mktemp --tmpdir "${TMP_TEMPLATE}")"
# We need some extra work to get reproducible zip archives.
# -X: Disable extra fields (e.g. atime). We don't need them.
# TZ=UTC: Force stable timezone for timestamps rather than the active one.
(cd "${src}" && TZ=UTC zip -r -X "${tmp}.zip" .) \
|| die "Failed archiving: ${dest}"
cat "${tmp}.zip" >>"${dest}"
rm -f "${tmp}" "${tmp}.zip"
zip -A "${dest}"
echo "OK: Repacked (updated): ${src} -> ${dest}"
unpack() {
local src="$1"
local dest="$2"
if [ ! -e "${src}" ]; then
die "Does not exist: ${src}"
elif [ -z "${dest}" ]; then
die "Need a destination folder to extract contents."
mkdir -p "${dest}" || die "Failed to create folder: ${dest}"
echo "Extracting to: ${dest}"
# Force a stable timezone rather than the active one.
if ! has_program futility ||
! TZ=UTC futility update -a "${src}" --unpack "${dest}"; then
need_program unzip
TZ=UTC unzip -o "${src}" -d "${dest}"
echo "OK: Unpacked: ${dest}"
# Reports current system information
report_system() {
local self="$1"
if ! crossystem fwid >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# The firmware manifest key in futility comes from the model name,
# which can be obtained via "cros_config / name". This is given
# here for informational purposes. Check the output of "crosid" for
# what futility uses.
local model="$(cros_config /firmware image-name || cros_config / name || echo unknown)"
local manifest="$(sh "${self}" --manifest 2>/dev/null)"
local package="$(echo "${manifest}" |
jq -c ".${model}.host.versions" 2>/dev/null)"
local swwp="1"
if [ "$(futility flash --wp-status --ignore-hw)" = "WP status: disabled" ]; then
if [ -z "${package}" ]; then
package="RO=$(echo "${package}" | jq -r .ro) RW=$(
echo "${package}" | jq -r .rw)"
echo "
Machine Model: ${model}
Write Protect: HW=$(crossystem wpsw_cur) SW=${swwp}
Last Boot Version: RO=$(crossystem ro_fwid) ACT/$(
crossystem mainfw_act)=$(crossystem fwid)
Firmware Updater: ${package}
usage() {
local prog="$1"
echo "Usage: ${prog} [options]
-V: print human readable version information
--manifest: print machine readable (JSON) version information
--unpack DEST: unpack the contents to DEST
--repack SRC: repack with contents from SRC
if has_program futility; then
echo "If no options are given, prints firmware info and exits."
echo "Other options will be passed to 'futility update' command:"
echo ""
exec futility update --help
echo "You need to install 'futility' for other commands and options."
main() {
set -e
case "$1" in
# TODO(hungte) Replace by generating a human readable output by
# processing the output of --manifest.
warn "WARNING: The output format of -V may change anytime."
warn "WARNING: For machine-friendly version, please use --manifest"
if has_program unzip; then
unzip -p "$0" VERSION
echo "Package Contents:"
exec unzip -l "$0"
elif has_program futility; then
local tmp="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir "${TMP_TEMPLATE}")"
futility update -a "$0" --unpack "${tmp}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
cat "${tmp}/VERSION" || true
echo "Package Contents:"
(cd "${tmp}" && find . -type f) || true
rm -rf "${tmp}"
die "Need program 'unzip' or 'futility' to continue."
if has_program futility && futility update -a "$0" "$@"; then
return 0
need_program unzip
exec unzip -p "$0" manifest.json
unpack "$0" "$2"
repack "$0" "$2"
repack "$0" "${1##*=}"
# Legacy options.
warn "'$1' is deprecated. Please use '--unpack' in future."
unpack "$0" "$2"
warn "'$1' is deprecated. Please use '--repack' in future."
repack "$0" "$2"
--help | -h)
usage "$0"
# This is what a release Chrome OS will run and can only invoke futility.
report_system "$0"
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
die "When invoked as $0, you need to specify at least one mode (-m)."
need_program futility
exec futility update -a "$0" "$@"
main "$@"
# Contents below are ZIP data.