blob: f922e27062159f5e8faa730ef6ee80b4632e1858 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This consists of functions sourced by the /init script and used
# exclusively for recovery images. Note that this code uses the
# busybox shell (not bash, not dash).
# Include disk information.
. /usr/sbin/
# Minimum (default) version in firmware space
# Starting kernel rollback version.
# TPM NVRAM index where the rollback firmware version is stored.
# TPM NVRAM index where the rollback kernel version is stored.
# TPM NVRAM index for the lockbox.
# TPM NVRAM index for OOBE autoconfig public key hashes.
# Recovery version is the top nibble of the firmware version. Lock out the
# recovery image if the version is greater than this.
# Where chromeos-install will store any related hardware diagnostics data.
# Minimum battery charge required for TPM firmware update.
# Whether we should proceed with OOBE auto-setup.
# PEM-format keys for signing OOBE configuration data.
# Domain specified for OOBE auto-enrollment.
# Installation Target.
# DST_DEV_BASE: A device path for concatenate partition number.
# Sample: /dev/mmcblk0p /dev/sda
# Usage: "${DST_DEV_BASE}${PART_NUM}"
# DST: A device path for the block device itself (similar to rootdev -d).
# Sample: /dev/mmcblk0 /dev/sda
# Error codes used as return code by functions to indicate installation
# should be aborted for the corresponding reason.
# Indicates a failure validating the kernel.
# The image failed validation on a device with block_devmode=1.
# Check whether the device owner has configured the device to block
# developer mode. Note that the check works regardless of whether the
# device is currently booted in developer mode or not.
# This check is used to enforce the block_devmode flag. The regular boot
# path checks the flag in chromeos_startup, which resides in the root.
# Hence, only official kernels and roots that are guaranteed to perform the
# check can be allowed to be installed - otherwise developer mode blocking
# is easily circumvented by installing an unofficial kernel or root that
# doesn't perform the block_devmode check.
is_developer_mode_blocked() {
# The device should refuse operation in developer mode if the device
# owner has flipped the block_devmode flag to 1. We still block
# even if firmware write protection is disabled, because removing a
# screw is simpler than hooking up a different disk or using a
# dediprog to reprogram the flash directly.
if crossystem 'block_devmode?1'; then
return 0
[ "$(vpd -i RW_VPD -g block_devmode)" = "1" ]
# Verifies the recovery root by reading all blocks of the dm-verity
# block device. Return code indicates whether verification succeeded.
verify_recovery_root() {
local usb_base=$(basename "$USB_DEV")
local size=$(( 512 * $(cat /sys/block/$usb_base/size) ))
# Ensure the verified rootfs is fully intact or fail with no USB_DEV.
# REAL_USB_DEV is left intact.
# Correctness wins over speed for this. Correctness also wins
# over readability. :-(
# High level summary: The 'pv -n' command copies bytes from stdin
# to stdout, and periodically prints *to stderr* the amount read
# as a percentage of the size in the '-s' option. The pipeline
# redirects the stderr from 'pv' into stdin of 'progress_bar'.
# This usage is covered in the pv(1) man page, which rightly warns
# that "it may cause the programmer to overheat."
# The 'set -x' output goes to stderr, which would become input
# to 'progress_bar', below. Turn it off in a subshell so as not
# to affect the main process.
set +x
# This 'dd' is the actual validation. We must capture the
# exit code in order to figure out whether it passed or not.
dd if="$USB_DEV" bs=$((16 * 1024 * 1024)) 2>/dev/null
echo $? >/tmp/verification_status
) | pv -n -s $size >/dev/null
) 2>&1 | ( set -x ; progress_bar ) >$LOG_DIR/progress.log 2>&1
if [ "$(cat /tmp/verification_status)" != "0" ]; then
dlog "Included root filesystem could not be verified."
return 1
return 0
# Checks that we have a valid recovery root before handing it off to the
# installer.
validate_recovery_root() {
# Allow test recovery roots that are unverified unless developer mode
# is blocked by the device owner.
if [ "$USB_DEV" != "/dev/dm-0" ] || is_unofficial_root; then
is_developer_mode_blocked && return $ERR_DEV_MODE_BLOCKED
return 0
# Perform a full device mapper root validation to avoid any unexpected
# failures during postinst. It also allows us to detect if the root
# is intentionally mismatched - such as during Chromium OS recovery
# with a Chrome OS recovery kernel.
verify_recovery_root && return 0
# Verification failed. Only proceed in developer mode.
is_developer_mode || return 1
# If developer mode is blocked, don't allow an unverified root.
is_developer_mode_blocked && return $ERR_DEV_MODE_BLOCKED
# The root we just mounted looked like an official recovery image, but
# it didn't pass validation. Try to fall back to installing a
# developer image.
umount "${USB_MNT}"
dmsetup remove "$DM_NAME" # Free up the real root for use.
find_developer_root || return 1
get_stateful_dev || return 1
message developer_image
return 0
get_dst() {
if [ -z "${DST}" ]; then
dlog "SSD for installation not specified"
return 1
if [ "${DST%[0-9]}" = "${DST}" ]; then
# ex, sda => sda1, sdb1
# ex, mmcblk0 => mmcblk0p1
local src_dev_base="${REAL_USB_DEV%[0-9]*}"
if [ "${src_dev_base}" = "${DST_DEV_BASE}" ]; then
dlog "Cannot find SSD for installation."
return 1
# Checks whether a given key block is also a valid key block used to
# sign a kernel currently installed on the destination block device.
check_install_kernel_key_match() {
dlogf "Searching the system disk for a matching kernel key . . ."
if ! cgpt find -t kernel -M "$1" "$DST"; then
dlog " failed."
return 1
dlog " found."
dlogf "Validating matching signature(s) . . ."
# If we found a keyblock, at the right offset, make sure it actually signed
# the subsequent payload.
local kdev=
for kdev in $(cgpt find -t kernel -M "$1" "${DST}"); do
dlogf " ."
verify_kernel_signature "$kdev" "/tmp/kern.keyblock" || continue
dlog " done."
return 0
dlog " failed."
return 1
# Get the firmware version by directly reading the TPM NVRAM spaces.
# Needed when crossystem doesn't work (e.g. Mario systems).
get_fwver_from_tpmc () {
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
dlog "ERROR: get_fwver_from_tpmc() doesn't take any args"
# Example output:
# 2 3 3 0 1 0
# The first 2 bytes of the output are internal version and flags and
# can be ignored. The full firmware version is stored as a 32-bit
# integer in little endian format.
local out
if ! out=$(tpmc read ${FW_VER_TPM_NV_SPACE} 6); then
dlog "ERROR: tpmc read failed"
echo "${FW_VER_MIN}"
set -- ${out}
if [ $# != 6 ]; then
# The TPM is uninitialized or corrupt. Return a default
# version. Don't lock out recovery because we might be what's
# supposed to fix it.
echo "${FW_VER_MIN}"
echo "$(( 0x$6 << 24 | 0x$5 << 16 | 0x$4 << 8 | 0x$3 ))"
# Get the kernel version by directly reading the TPM NVRAM spaces.
# Needed when crossystem doesn't work (e.g. Mario systems).
get_kernelver_from_tpmc () {
set -- $(tpmc read $KERNEL_VER_TPM_NV_SPACE 9)
# Example output:
# 1 4c 57 52 47 1 0 1 0
# The first 5 bytes of the output are a canary value and can be
# ignored. The full kernel version is stored as a 32-bit integer
# in little endian format.
echo "$(( $9 << 24 | $8 << 16 | $7 << 8 | $6 ))"
verify_kernel_signature() {
local kern_dev="$1"
local keyblock="$2"
if ! dd if="$kern_dev" of="/tmp/kern.bin"; then
return 1
# Validates the signature and outputs a keyblock.
if ! vbutil_kernel --verify "/tmp/kern.bin" \
--keyblock "$keyblock"; then
return 1
return 0
verify_fw_version() {
local fwver recver
fwver=$(crossystem tpm_fwver || get_fwver_from_tpmc)
: $(( recver = fwver >> 28 ))
echo "FW version from TPM: ${fwver}"
echo "Recovery version from top nibble: ${recver}"
if [ ${recver} -gt ${REC_VER_MAX} ]; then
printf "Recovery script locked out due to firmware version 0x%x\n" \
return 1
return 0
verify_kernel_version() {
local kern_dev="$1"
local minversion="$KERNEL_VER_MIN"
if ! dd if="$kern_dev" of="/tmp/kern.bin"; then
return 1
# Get the currently set TPM NVRAM rollback versions.
minversion=$(crossystem tpm_kernver || get_kernelver_from_tpmc)
dlog "Rollback version stored in the TPM: $minversion"
# Validate the signature and rollback versions.
if ! vbutil_kernel --verify "/tmp/kern.bin" --minversion "$minversion"; then
return 1
return 0
verify_install_kernel() {
# TODO(wad) check signatures from stateful on kern b using the
# root of trust instead of using a baked in cmdline.
if [ "$REAL_KERN_B_HASH" != "$KERN_ARG_KERN_B_HASH" ]; then
# Assertion: we have to be in developer mode; this was verified in the
# course of the general init process.
is_developer_mode || return 1
# Only allow verified kernels when developer mode blocking is on.
is_developer_mode_blocked && return $ERR_DEV_MODE_BLOCKED
message developer_image
# Extract the kernel so that vbutil_kernel will happily consume it.
dlog "Checking the install kernel for a valid developer signature . . ."
verify_kernel_signature "$KERN_B_DEV" "/tmp/kern_b.keyblock" || return 1
check_install_kernel_key_match /tmp/kern_b.keyblock || message key_change
return 0
# Looks like we have an official recovery image. Check for version rollback.
dlog "Checking the install kernel for valid versions and signature . . ."
if ! verify_kernel_version "$KERN_B_DEV"; then
# Rollback version check failure is fatal if we are not in developer mode.
is_developer_mode || return $ERR_INVALID_INSTALL_KERNEL
# Don't allow version downgrades when developer mode blocking is on.
is_developer_mode_blocked && return $ERR_DEV_MODE_BLOCKED
message warn_invalid_install_kernel
return 0
setup_install_mounts() {
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777 none "${USB_MNT}/tmp" || return 1
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 run "${USB_MNT}/run" || return 1
mkdir -p -m 0755 "${USB_MNT}/run/lock" || return 1
dlog "Re-binding $BASE_MOUNTS for $NEWROOT_MNT"
for mnt in $BASE_MOUNTS; do
# $mnt is a full path (leading '/'), so no '/' joiner
mkdir -p "$NEWROOT_MNT$mnt"
mount -n -o bind "$mnt" "$NEWROOT_MNT$mnt" || return 1
dlog "Done."
return 0
cleanup_install_mounts() {
dlog "Unmounting $BASE_MOUNTS in $NEWROOT_MNT"
for mnt in $BASE_MOUNTS; do
# $mnt is a full path (leading '/'), so no '/' joiner
umount "$NEWROOT_MNT$mnt"
dlog "Done."
umount "${USB_MNT}/run"
umount "${USB_MNT}/tmp"
return 0
# If the recovery media was provisioned for OOBE auto-setup, we have to ask the
# user for confirmation before proceeding.
request_oobe_autoconfig_acknowledgment() {
if ! is_oobe_autoconfig; then
if [ -n "${OOBE_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN}" ]; then
message oobe_autoconfig_domain
# Check to see if we have a physical recovery switch. This is fairly tricky:
# * recoverysw_is_virtual queries the RECSW_IS_VIRT bit in vboot shared data,
# which will be set for all devices more recent than 2014 that do *not* have
# a physical recovery switch.
# * For boards older than 2014 that are not EOL, the bit will always be 0
# regardless of whether a switch exists or not. But if it doesn't,
# recoverysw_cur will return an error code.
# Note that recoverysw_cur returning without error is not sufficient to
# determine if a board has a recovery switch, e.g. veyron_minnie returns 0
# but is a Chromebook without a recovery switch.
if crossystem 'recoverysw_is_virtual?0' && crossystem recoverysw_cur; then
message oobe_autoconfig_acknowledgment_switch
dlog "Waiting for user to confirm OOBE auto-setup by recovery switch..."
# Wait until the switch goes low in case the user kept the recovery switch
# pressed too long on entering recovery, so that we actually give them a
# chance to confirm.
until crossystem 'recoverysw_cur?0'; do
sleep 0.1
# Wait until user confirms by pressing their recovery switch.
until crossystem 'recoverysw_cur?1'; do
sleep 0.1
# User has no buttons with which to proceed with recovery without accepting
# OOBE auto-setup, so if we reach here it means the user has not cancelled
# by turning off the device.
# evdev mappings for keys determined by `evtest`.
local KEY_ESC=1
local KEY_ENTER=28
local KEY_VOLUMEUP=115
local key=
# Board-specific flag specified in board overlay and created in ramfs
# Makefile.
if [ -f "/.is_detachable" ]; then
if evwaitkey --check --keys ${KEY_VOLUMEUP}:${KEY_VOLUMEDOWN}; then
message oobe_autoconfig_acknowledgment_volume
dlog "Waiting for user to confirm OOBE auto-setup by volume keys..."
key=$(evwaitkey --keys ${KEY_VOLUMEUP}:${KEY_VOLUMEDOWN})
elif evwaitkey --check --keys ${KEY_ESC}:${KEY_ENTER}; then
message oobe_autoconfig_acknowledgment_keyboard
dlog "Waiting for user to confirm OOBE auto-setup by keyboard..."
key=$(evwaitkey --keys ${KEY_ESC}:${KEY_ENTER})
# If we've obtained user acknowledgment, mark ready for OOBE autoconfig.
if [ ${key} -eq ${KEY_ENTER} ] || [ ${key} -eq ${KEY_VOLUMEUP} ]; then
# This shouldn't ever happen, but provide some feedback just in case.
if [ -z "${key}" ]; then
dlog "WARNING!!! Could not find method for confirming OOBE auto-setup!"
dlog "Recovery will proceed without auto-setup."
call_image_recovery_script() {
dlog "Installing software; this will take some time."
dlog "See the debug log on VT3 for the full output."
# Prevent accidentally loading modules from the usb mount
echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled
chroot "${USB_MNT}" /usr/sbin/chromeos-recovery "$@"
local install_status=$?
if [ $install_status -ne 0 ]; then
dlog "WARNING!!! Installation of software failed. Displaying hw diagnostics"
local diagnostics_file="${USB_MNT}/tmp/$LOG_HARDWARE_DIAGNOSTICS"
if [ -f "$diagnostics_file" ]; then
cp "$diagnostics_file" "$LOG_DIR"
dlog \
"============================ HARDWARE DIAGNOSTICS =========================="
dlog $(cat "$diagnostics_file")
dlog "See recovery log for more information."
dlog \
dlog "Missing hardware diagnostics."
return $install_status
clobber_lockbox_space() {
# Clobber the lockbox space, by defining a new space at the same index.
# Protection flags and size of the new space don't matter, as it will get
# recreated again by cryptohome.
local ppwrite_permission=0x1
local temporary_lockbox_size=1
tpmc def $LOCKBOX_TPM_NV_SPACE $temporary_lockbox_size $ppwrite_permission
clear_tpm() {
dlogf "Resetting security device . . ."
# TODO(wad) should we fail on this?
tpmc ppon || dlog "tpmc ppon error: $?"
tpmc clear || dlog "tpmc clear error: $?"
tpmc enable || dlog "tpmc enable error: $?"
tpmc activate || dlog "tpmc activate error: $?"
clobber_lockbox_space || dlog "error clobbering lockbox space: $?"
tpmc pplock || dlog "tpmc pplock error: $?"
dlog " done."
return 0
verify_rw_vpd() {
local tmpfile="$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/rw_vpd.XXXXXX)"
local rc=0
dlog "Verifying RW_VPD"
# First method: Check if RW VPD entries have been populated in sysfs by the
# kernel. If so, assume everything is good. Otherwise fall back to using
# flashrom and vpd utilities (slower).
ls -1A "/sys/firmware/vpd/rw" | grep -q .
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
dlog "Found RW VPD in sysfs."
return 0
# Test if RW_VPD region exists on system by attempting to read it
# using flashrom.
flashrom -p host -i RW_VPD:${tmpfile} -r
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
dlog "RW_VPD does not exist on this system, skipping."
return 0
rm -f "${tmpfile}"
# vpd utility exit codes defined in vpd/include/lib/lib_vpd.h:
# 0: VPD_OK
# 9: VPD_ERR_NOT_FOUND, meaning VPD was not found.
# 10: VPD_ERR_OVERFLOW, meaning VPD is likely corrupt.
# 11: VPD_ERR_INVALID, meaning VPD is corrupt.
# All others will be treated as generic failures.
vpd -i RW_VPD -l
case $rc in
dlog "Successfully read VPD from RW_VPD."
return 0
dlog "VPD not found in RW_VPD."
dlog "Overflow detected in VPD. May be corrupted."
dlog "VPD found in RW_VPD, but is corrupted."
dlog "Unspecified error when reading VPD from RW_VPD: $rc"
return 1
# From here, erase the RW_VPD region and re-initialize. If erase fails then
# try initializing anyway and hope it works well enough.
dlog "Erasing RW_VPD region and re-initializing the VPD."
flashrom -p host -i RW_VPD -E
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
dlog "Failed to erase RW_VPD region, continuing anyway."
vpd -i RW_VPD -O
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
dlog "Error re-formatting VPD region: $rc"
return 1
return 0
recover_system() {
local source=$(strip_partition "$REAL_USB_DEV")
dlog "Beginning system recovery from $source"
# If we're not running a developer script then we're either
# installing a developer image or an official one. If we're
# in normal recovery mode, then we require that the KERN-B
# on the recovery image matches the hash on the command line.
# In developer mode, we will just check the keys.
verify_install_kernel || return $?
# Only clear on full installs. Shim scripts can call tpmc if they
# like. Only bGlobalLock will be in place in advance.
clear_tpm || return 1
# Check if RW_VPD is valid and reinitialize if not. This is intended to
# ensure certain functionality such as re-enrollment works. Refer to
# for details.
verify_rw_vpd || dlog "Could not verify or re-format RW_VPD"
local extra_flags=
if [ -n "${OOBE_AUTO_CONFIG}" ]; then
# If we're running for OOBE auto-config, write our keys into the chroot
# and add flags to the invocation of chromeos-recovery pointing to them.
local pub_key_file="/tmp/"
local priv_key_file="/tmp/oobe_config_key.pem"
# +x in subshell to prevent logging private key.
set +x
echo "${OOBE_PUBLIC_KEY_PEM}" > "${USB_MNT}${pub_key_file}"
echo "${OOBE_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM}" > "${USB_MNT}${priv_key_file}"
# Normal recovery: the progress bar is full, and it is the user's last
# chance to cancel. The power button has to be held for a full 8 seconds
# to power off, so we allow a short grace period in case the user started
# pressing the power button late in the cycle.
sleep 2
message recovery_start
call_image_recovery_script "$source" ${extra_flags} || return 1
return 0
# Return the path to the node under /sys/block associated with
# the USB stick. The existence of that path is used to test whether
# the user has removed the stick and we can reboot.
# For certain non-interactive test cases, the stateful partition on
# the USB stick may be flagged to request that we bypass the
# interactive removal of the USB stick. If we detect that
# condition, we signal it by returning an empty string instead
# of a path.
# In the case of OOBE auto-configuration, the presence of OOBE auto-config data
# on the stateful partition of the recovery USB also flags that the end of
# recovery should be non-interactive.
get_usb_node_dir() {
local usb_node_dir=/sys/block/$(strip_partition "${REAL_USB_DEV##*/}")
if [ "$INTERACTIVE_COMPLETE" = false ] || \
[ -n "${OOBE_AUTO_CONFIG}" ]; then
elif mount -n -o sync,rw "${REAL_USB_DEV%[0-9]*}1" /tmp; then
if [ -f /tmp/non_interactive ]; then
umount /tmp
echo "$usb_node_dir"
get_usb_debugging_flag() {
local decrypt=""
if get_stateful_dev && mount -n -o sync,ro "${STATE_DEV}" /tmp; then
if [ -f /tmp/decrypt_stateful ]; then
decrypt=$(cat /tmp/decrypt_stateful)
umount /tmp
echo "$decrypt"
is_oobe_autoconfig() {
local has_config=1
if get_stateful_dev && mount -n -o sync,ro "${STATE_DEV}" "${STATEFUL_MNT}"
local oobe_dir="${STATEFUL_MNT}/unencrypted/oobe_auto_config"
local config_path="${oobe_dir}/config.json"
if [ -f "${config_path}" ]; then
local domain_path="${oobe_dir}/enrollment_domain"
if [ -f "${domain_path}" ]; then
# Sanitize characters that are not allowed in punycoded domains. Also,
# truncate it off at 253 characters so we don't read a potentially massive
# string in.
OOBE_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN="$(tr -dc 'a-z0-9.-' < "${domain_path}" | \
cut -b-253)"
umount "${STATEFUL_MNT}"
return ${has_config}
maybe_get_debugging_logs() {
local state=$(get_usb_debugging_flag)
if [ -z "$state" ]; then
return 0
log "Stateful recovery requested."
dlog "Attempting to find the destination stateful . . ."
get_dst || return 0
log "Please wait (this may take up to 2 and a half minutes). . ."
sleep 150 # Five minutes in half.
if ! mount -n -o sync,rw "${DST_DEV_BASE}1" "${STATEFUL_MNT}"; then
log "Unable to perform stateful recovery."
dlog "mount failed for ${DST_DEV_BASE}1"
sleep 1d
reboot -f
local flagfile="${STATEFUL_MNT}/decrypt_stateful"
local decrypted_dir="${STATEFUL_MNT}/decrypted"
local tarball_dir="/tmp/recovery"
local tarball="${tarball_dir}/extracted.tgz"
# Check if the files exist already or if recovery needs to be requested.
if [ -f "$flagfile" ] && [ ! -d "$decrypted_dir" ]; then
log "Prior recovery request incomplete. Starting over . . ."
if [ -f "$flagfile" ] && [ -d "$decrypted_dir" ]; then
log "Prior recovery request exists. Attempting to extract files."
if ! mount -n -o sync,rw "${STATE_DEV}" /tmp 2>"${TTY_LOG}"; then
log "Failed to mount recovery stateful partition."
mkdir -p "$tarball_dir" || on_error
log "Copying files . . ."
# Due to the tty redirection that this script runs under, without the
# explicit stdin and stdout redirects, tar will fail with "Broken pipe".
if ! tar -czf "${tarball}" -C "${STATEFUL_MNT}" \
--exclude './decrypt_stateful' \
--exclude './encrypted*' \
--exclude './home/.shadow/*/*' \
--exclude './dev_image' \
. >"${TTY_LOG}" 2>"${TTY_LOG}" </dev/null ; then
log "Extraction failed. See debug log for more details."
crossystem recovery_request=1
umount /tmp
umount "${STATEFUL_MNT}"
log "Removing the request file and old data . . ."
rm -f "${flagfile}"
rm -rf "${decrypted_dir}"
umount /tmp
umount "${STATEFUL_MNT}"
log "Operation complete, you can now remove your recovery media."
log "The requested data can be found in the /recovery folder."
sleep 1d
reboot -f
log "Stateful recovery requires authentication."
log "Your username and salted password will be temporarily written to the"
log "device for the duration of this recovery process. Once finished,"
log "please be sure to change your password as a precautionary measure."
local username
read -p Username: username <"${TTY_CONSOLE}" 2>"${TTY_CONSOLE}"
if [ -n "${username}" ]; then
local password
read -p Password: -s password <"${TTY_CONSOLE}" 2>"${TTY_CONSOLE}"
# Force a newline for sane output after silent input.
echo "" >"${TTY_CONSOLE}"
local saltfile="${STATEFUL_MNT}"/home/.shadow/salt
if [ ! -f "${saltfile}" ]; then
log "Target has no system salt file. Giving up."
sleep 1d
reboot -f
local salt=$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"' <"$saltfile")
local passkey=$(printf '%s' "${salt}${password}" | sha256sum | cut -c-32)
log "Installing v2 request file . . ."
cat > "${flagfile}" <<EOM
log "Installing v1 request file . . ."
printf "1" > "${flagfile}"
umount "${STATEFUL_MNT}"
log "Stateful recovery initiation completed."
log "In 60 seconds, the system will reboot to the local OS."
log "Once the files are prepared, it will return back to recovery mode."
log "Please use this same recovery media."
sleep 60
reboot -f # Back to the system!
return 1
# Shows the appropriate error screen for the specified error code and
# stops further action, i.e. doesn't return.
handle_error() {
case "$1" in
message block_developer_mode
message invalid_install_kernel
# Show the generic error screen by default.
wait_for_battery_to_charge() {
while true; do
local power_status="$(chroot "${USB_MNT}" /usr/bin/dump_power_status)"
# Recheck whether charge level is sufficient.
local battery_charge=$(echo "${power_status}" |
grep "^battery_display_percent " |
cut -d ' ' -f 2)
if [ "${battery_charge%%.*}" -ge "${MIN_BATTERY_CHARGE_PERCENT}" ]; then
# Display the appropriate low battery message.
if echo "${power_status}" | grep -Fqx "line_power_connected 1"; then
message update_firmware_low_battery_charging
message update_firmware_low_battery
sleep 1
tpm_firmware_update_applicable() {
# Only allow the firmware updater to run from an official root. We don't want
# arbitrary code to run with TPM physical presence asserted! If we're running
# an unofficial root, return success so it looks like we don't have an update.
if is_unofficial_root; then
return 1
# Images for boards that we don't ship TPM firmware updates for don't carry
# the updater. Nothing to do in that case.
if ! [ -x "${USB_MNT}/usr/sbin/tpm-firmware-updater" ]; then
return 1
# The TPM is in failed selftest mode after a failed previous TPM firmware
# update. Devices in this condition don't boot in normal mode, and recovery is
# the supported way to fix this via a TPM firmware update retry.
if [ -n "${TPM_FAILED_SELFTEST}" ]; then
return 0
# Attempt a TPM firmware update when the VPD key tpm_firmware_update_params
# contains mode:recovery. This is mainly useful for testing behavior of the
# firmware updater in recovery mode without having to put a device into failed
# selftest mode.
local vpd_params="$(vpd -i RW_VPD -g tpm_firmware_update_params)"
if echo ",${vpd_params}," | grep -qF ',mode:recovery,'; then
return 0
# Current default is not to attempt updating, even if an update is available.
return 1
cold_reset() {
# Issue cold reset via Chromium EC if ectool is available.
if [ -x "${USB_MNT}/usr/sbin/ectool" ]; then
chroot "${USB_MNT}" /usr/sbin/ectool reboot_ec cold
# Checks whether the root includes a TPM firmware update and installs it if
# applicable. Note that this must happen before locking TPM physical presence,
# because this is the only way to recover from a failed previous firmware
# update.
update_tpm_firmware() {
if ! tpm_firmware_update_applicable; then
return 0
while true; do
set +e
# TODO(mnissler): Reading the VPD from flash requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN and
# CAP_SYS_RAWIO. Figure out whether there's a way around that.
chroot "${USB_MNT}" \
/sbin/minijail0 -c 0x220000 --ambient -e -l -n -p -r -v --uts -- \
/bin/sh -x /usr/sbin/tpm-firmware-updater
echo $? > /tmp/tpm-firmware-updater.status
) 2>>"${LOG_DIR}/tpm-firmware-updater.log" | (
# The dummy read is so we only show the update_firmware message to the
# user in case the update actually takes place.
if read progress; then
message update_firmware
local status="$(cat /tmp/tpm-firmware-updater.status)"
case "${status}" in
# We need to reboot to get the TPM back into operational state.
[ "${status}" = "${EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS_COLD_REBOOT}" ] && cold_reset
reboot -f
exit 0
# Let the recovery process continue.
return 0
# Fail and let the caller handle the error.
return 1
# No physical presence? This can only happen if we're not booted in
# recovery mode.
dlog "Attempted TPM firmware update, but no physical presence."
return 0
return 1
# Never reached.
return 0
# Generate a key pair for OOBE auto-setup validation, and write a 32-byte SHA256
# digest of the public key into a TPM space defined with PPWRITE permissions.
# The private and public keys are kept in memory as OOBE_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM and
setup_oobe_auto_config_keys() {
# +x to prevent logging private key.
set +x
local key_data="$(cros_oobe_crypto)"
# We will need the keys after we've completed installation.
OOBE_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM=$(echo "${key_data}" | \
OOBE_PUBLIC_KEY_PEM=$(echo "${key_data}" | \
# Restore logging.
set -x
# Split up the hash of the public key into 32 hexadecimal bytes to feed into
# `tpmc`.
local pub_bytes=$(echo "${OOBE_PUBLIC_KEY_PEM}" | sha256sum | \
grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}' | head -n 32)
# Define a 32-byte space with the same PPWRITE permission as the vboot kernel
# rollback space. This prevents a compromised OS from altering it to load an
# arbitrary configuration file without going through recovery.
# For TPM 1.2 set bits:
# - 0: TPM_NV_PER_PPWRITE - Requires physical presence to write.
# For TPM 2.0 set bits:
# - 0: TPM_NV_PPWRITE - Requires physical presence to write.
# - 18: TPM_NV_PER_AUTHREAD - Requires authorization to read (in this case
# with empty password)
# - 25: TPMA_NV_NO_DA - To avoid TPM lockouts in case of bugs in reading
# logic.
# - 30: TPMA_NV_PLATFORMCREATE - The index can be undefined with platform
# authorization but not with owner authorization.
local permissions=
if [ "$(tpmc tpmver)" == "2.0" ]; then
tpmc definespace "${OOBE_AUTO_CONFIG_KEY_HASH_NV_SPACE}" 0x20 "${permissions}"
# No quotes; this is intended to split up the bytes.
tpmc write "${OOBE_AUTO_CONFIG_KEY_HASH_NV_SPACE}" ${pub_bytes}
recovery_install() {
# Always lock the TPM. If a NVRAM reset is ever needed, we can change it.
lock_tpm || on_error
# Check if we're really doing debugging log extraction.
maybe_get_debugging_logs || return 1
# Check if we have a verified recovery root.
validate_recovery_root || handle_error $?
setup_install_mounts || on_error
# Install a TPM firmware update included in the rootfs if applicable.
update_tpm_firmware || message security_module_failure
# Do not install the system image if the TPM is in failed selftest mode. The
# installer is not prepared to handle this state and installing a fresh system
# image will not fix things anyways, so err on the safe side and abort.
[ -z "${TPM_FAILED_SELFTEST}" ] || message security_module_failure
get_dst || on_error
recover_system || handle_error $?
# No error check here: Clean up doesn't need to be successful.
# Save the recovery log to the target on success and the USB.
save_log_files "${DST_DEV_BASE}"1 ext4
save_log_files "${SRC_DEV_BASE}"12 vfat
save_log_files "${SRC_DEV_BASE}"1 ext4
# This assignment depends on the stateful partition on the USB
# stick, so we must do it before unmount_usb and the
# "recovery_complete" message, because the user could remove the
# USB stick from that moment forward.
local usb_node_dir=$(get_usb_node_dir)
if [ -n "$usb_node_dir" ]; then
# Default (interactive) case; wait till the user removes the USB stick.
message recovery_complete
while [ -d "$usb_node_dir" ]; do
sleep 1
elif [ $(cat /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0/active) != tty1 ]; then
# Special (non-interactive) test case, and the user is watching
# VT2 or VT3. Stay up a long time to allow for debugging.
message recovery_complete
dlog "Recovery is complete! The system will remain up to allow"
dlog "you to examine VT screen contents. You must manually"
dlog "power off when you're done."
sleep 1d
# Special (non-interactive) test case; reboot after a nominal
# pause to allow a human to observe the screen.
if [ -n "${OOBE_AUTO_CONFIG}" ]; then
message recovery_complete_oobe_autoconfig
message recovery_complete_noninteractive
reboot -f
exit 0