blob: a1d850f75ece53b8fb8fce30f417f1af115dd361 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* qmimsg: QMI messages, and how they are read and written.
* (See qmimsg.c for sources.)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct qmimsg;
* Callback type used by qmimsg_read to read bytes from the input.
typedef int (*qmimsg_read_fn)(void *context, void *buf, size_t len);
* Callback type used by qmimsg_write to write bytes to the output.
typedef int (*qmimsg_write_fn)(void *context, const void *buf, size_t len);
* Creates a new QMI message with the given header data and no TLVs.
int qmimsg_new(uint8_t qmux_flags, uint8_t service, uint8_t client,
uint8_t qmi_flags, uint16_t transaction, uint16_t message,
struct qmimsg **message_out);
* Reads a QMI message from the given input (read_fn and context).
int qmimsg_read(qmimsg_read_fn read_fn, void *context,
struct qmimsg **message_out);
* Frees a QMI message returned by qmimsg_new or qmimsg_read.
void qmimsg_free(struct qmimsg *message);
* Writes a QMI message to the given output (write_fn and context).
int qmimsg_write(struct qmimsg *message,
qmimsg_write_fn write_fn, void *context);
* Prints the contents of a QMI message to stderr for debugging purposes.
void qmimsg_print(struct qmimsg *message);
* Retrieves a tasteful subset of the header fields in a QMI message.
void qmimsg_get_header(struct qmimsg *message,
uint8_t *service_out, uint8_t *client_out,
uint16_t *transaction_out);
* Finds a TLV element with the given type in the payload of the given QMI
* message, checks that the length is length, and copies the value into value.
* Returns 0 if the element was found and was the correct length;
* EINVAL if the element was found but the length was incorrect;
* ENOENT if the element was not found.
int qmimsg_tlv_get(struct qmimsg *message,
uint8_t type, uint16_t length, void *value);
* Finds a TLV element with the given type in the payload of the given QMI
* message, copies the length into length, and copies the value into value.
* If value is NULL, overwrites length with the length of the message without
* checking the existing value of length.
* Returns 0 if the element was found and fit into the buffer;
* ENOSPC if the element was found but the value was too big;
* ENOENT if the element was not found.
int qmimsg_tlv_get_varlen(struct qmimsg *message,
uint8_t type, uint16_t *length, void *value);
* Appends a TLV element with the given type, length, and value to the payload
* of the given QMI message.
* On success, returns zero; on failure, returns errno.
* Returns 0 if the element was added successfully;
* ENOSPC if adding the element would overflow one of the length fields.
int qmimsg_tlv_add(struct qmimsg *message,
uint8_t type, uint16_t length, const void *buf);
#endif /* LIBQMI_QMIMSG_H */