blob: 9abb39486b6a9c4c7aaf5000bfd60db1b8fb4e3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include <glib.h>
class FilePath;
namespace login_manager {
namespace gobject {
struct SessionManager;
class SystemUtils {
virtual ~SystemUtils();
// Sends |signal| to |pid|, with uid and euid set to |owner|.
// NOTE: Your saved UID is kept unchanged. If you expect to drop and regain
// root privs, MAKE SURE YOUR suid == 0.
virtual int kill(pid_t pid, uid_t owner, int signal);
// Returns 0 if normal mode, 1 if developer mode, -1 if error.
virtual int IsDevMode();
// Returns: true if child specified by |child_spec| exited,
// false if we time out.
virtual bool ChildIsGone(pid_t child_spec, int timeout);
virtual bool EnsureAndReturnSafeFileSize(const FilePath& file,
int32* file_size_32);
virtual bool EnsureAndReturnSafeSize(int64 size_64, int32* size_32);
// Atomically writes the given buffer into the file, overwriting any
// data that was previously there. Returns the number of bytes
// written, or -1 on error.
virtual bool AtomicFileWrite(const FilePath& filename,
const char* data,
int size);
virtual bool TouchResetFile();
// Broadcasts |signal| over DBus, originating from |origin|, adding
// |payload| and |user| as args. It is an error to pass NULL for
// |payload|, |origin| or |user|.
virtual void BroadcastSignal(gobject::SessionManager* origin,
guint signal,
const char* payload,
const char* user);
// TODO(cmasone): Move this to libchromeos as a part of factoring ownership
// API out of the session_manager.
// Sends |signal_name| to Chromium browser, optionally adding |payload|
// as an arg if it is not NULL.
virtual void SendSignalToChromium(const char* signal_name,
const char* payload);
// Same as above, but accepts a boolean status that'll be encoded as
// |kSignalSuccess| and |kSignalFailure| respectively.
virtual void SendStatusSignalToChromium(const char* signal_name, bool status);
// TODO(cmasone): Move this to libchromeos as a part of factoring ownership
// API out of the session_manager.
// Sends |signal_name| to power manager.
virtual void SendSignalToPowerManager(const char* signal_name);
// Makes a best-effort attempt to append |msg| to the system log that is
// persisted across stateful partition wipes.
virtual void AppendToClobberLog(const char* msg) const;
// Initializes |error| with |code| and |message|.
virtual void SetGError(GError** error,
ChromeOSLoginError code,
const char* message);
// Initializes |error| with |code| and |message|.
virtual void SetAndSendGError(ChromeOSLoginError code,
DBusGMethodInvocation* context,
const char* message);
// If this file exists on the next boot, the stateful partition will be wiped.
static const char kResetFile[];
// Strings for encoding boolean status in signals.
static const char kSignalSuccess[];
static const char kSignalFailure[];
// Sends |signal_name| to |interface, optionally adding |payload|
// as an arg if it is not NULL.
static void SendSignalTo(const char* interface,
const char* signal_name,
const char* payload);
} // namespace login_manager