Remove battery_cutoff scripts.

The battery cutoff scripts have been moved to src/platform/factory/sh/cutoff.

TEST=build_packages --board link; build_image factory_install --board link

Change-Id: Icbd8c35c97e271e043a5969eaffafcd62b9a0bbe
Commit-Ready: Hung-Te Lin <>
Tested-by: Hung-Te Lin <>
Reviewed-by: Hung-Te Lin <>
diff --git a/battery_cutoff/ b/battery_cutoff/
deleted file mode 100755
index e37f28d..0000000
--- a/battery_cutoff/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script controls battery power level and performs required battery
-# cutoff protection by sending commands to EC with ectool.
-SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
-# After calling to draw image with frecon, we must
-# redirect text output to tty1 to display information on the screen.
-usage_help() {
-  echo "Usage: $0
-    [--method shutdown|reboot|battery_cutoff]
-    [--check-ac connect_ac|remove_ac]
-    [--min-battery-percent <minimum battery percentage>]
-    [--max-battery-percent <maximum battery percentage>]
-    [--min-battery-voltage <minimum battery voltage>]
-    [--max-battery-voltage <maximum battery voltage>]"
-reset_activate_date() {
-  /usr/sbin/activate_date --clean
-has_battery() {
-  ( type ectool && ectool battery ) >/dev/null 2>&1
-get_battery_percentage() {
-  local full="" current=""
-  full="$(ectool battery 2>/dev/null |
-    awk '/Last full charge/ {print int($4)}')"
-  current="$(ectool battery 2>/dev/null |
-    awk '/Remaining capacity/ {print int($3)}')"
-  echo $((current * 100 / full))
-get_battery_voltage() {
-  ectool battery 2>/dev/null | awk '/Present voltage/ {print int($3)}'
-is_ac_present() {
-  ectool battery | grep -q AC_PRESENT
-require_ac() {
-  if ! is_ac_present; then
-    "${DISPLAY_MESSAGE}" "connect_ac"
-    while ! is_ac_present; do
-      sleep 0.5
-    done
-  fi
-require_remove_ac() {
-  if is_ac_present; then
-    "${DISPLAY_MESSAGE}" "remove_ac"
-    while is_ac_present; do
-      sleep 0.5
-    done
-  fi
-check_battery_value() {
-  local min_battery_value="$1" max_battery_value="$2"
-  local get_value_cmd="$3"
-  local battery_value=""
-  local prev_battery_value=""
-  battery_value="$(${get_value_cmd})"
-  if [ -n "$min_battery_value" ] &&
-     [ "$battery_value" -lt "$min_battery_value" ]; then
-    require_ac
-    ${DISPLAY_MESSAGE} "charging"
-    # Wait for battery to charge to min_battery_value
-    prev_battery_value="-1"
-    # Print a new line before and after showing battery info.
-    echo ""
-    while [ "$battery_value" -lt "$min_battery_value" ]; do
-      # Only print battery info when it changes.
-      if [ "$battery_value" -ne "$prev_battery_value" ]; then
-        # Keep printing battery information in the same line.
-        printf '\rcurrent: %s, target: %s' \
-            "$battery_value" "$min_battery_value" >"${TTY}"
-        prev_battery_value="$battery_value"
-      fi
-      sleep 1
-      battery_value="$(${get_value_cmd})"
-    done
-    echo ""
-  fi
-  if [ -n "$max_battery_value" ] &&
-     [ "$battery_value" -gt "$max_battery_value" ]; then
-    require_remove_ac
-    ${DISPLAY_MESSAGE} "discharging"
-    # Wait for battery to discharge to max_battery_value
-    prev_battery_value="-1"
-    # Print a new line before and after showing battery info.
-    echo ""
-    while [ "$battery_value" -gt "$max_battery_value" ]; do
-      # Only print battery info when it changes.
-      if [ "$battery_value" -ne "$prev_battery_value" ]; then
-        # Keep printing battery information in the same line.
-        printf '\rcurrent: %s, target: %s' \
-            "$battery_value" "$max_battery_value" >"${TTY}"
-        prev_battery_value="$battery_value"
-      fi
-      sleep 1
-      battery_value="$(${get_value_cmd})"
-    done
-    echo ""
-  fi
-check_ac_state() {
-  local cutoff_ac_state="$1"
-  if [ "$cutoff_ac_state" = "connect_ac" ]; then
-    require_ac
-  elif [ "$cutoff_ac_state" = "remove_ac" ]; then
-    require_remove_ac
-  fi
-main() {
-  local cutoff_method=""
-  local cutoff_ac_state=""
-  local min_battery_percent="" max_battery_percent=""
-  local min_battery_voltage="" max_battery_voltage=""
-  local key
-  while [ $# -ge 1 ]
-  do
-    key="$1"
-    case "$key" in
-      "--method" )
-        cutoff_method="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      "--check-ac" )
-        cutoff_ac_state="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      "--min-battery-percent" )
-        min_battery_percent="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      "--max-battery-percent" )
-        max_battery_percent="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      "--min-battery-voltage" )
-        min_battery_voltage="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      "--max-battery-voltage" )
-        max_battery_voltage="$2"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-      * )
-        usage_help
-        exit 1
-        ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  reset_activate_date
-  if has_battery; then
-    # Needed by 'ectool battery'.
-    mkdir -p /var/lib/power_manager
-    modprobe i2c_dev
-    if [ -n "$min_battery_percent" ] || [ -n "$max_battery_percent" ]; then
-      check_battery_value "$min_battery_percent" "$max_battery_percent" \
-        "get_battery_percentage"
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$min_battery_voltage" ] || [ -n "$max_battery_voltage" ]; then
-      check_battery_value "$min_battery_voltage" "$max_battery_voltage" \
-        "get_battery_voltage"
-    fi
-  fi
-  # Ask operator to plug or unplug AC before doing cut off.
-  check_ac_state "$cutoff_ac_state"
-  $DISPLAY_MESSAGE "cutting_off"
-  # TODO (shunhsingou): In bug
-  #, small amount
-  # of devices fail to do cut off in factory. This may be caused by unstable
-  # ectool, or shutdown fail in the tmpfs. Here we add more retries for
-  # solving this problem. Remove the retry when finding the root cause.
-  for i in $(seq 5)
-  do
-    case "$cutoff_method" in
-      "shutdown" )
-        shutdown -h now
-      ;;
-      "reboot" )
-        reboot
-      ;;
-      "battery_cutoff" )
-        crossystem battery_cutoff_request=1 && sleep 3 && reboot
-      ;;
-      * )
-        # By default we shutdown the device without doing anything.
-        shutdown -h now
-    esac
-    sleep 15
-  done
-  $DISPLAY_MESSAGE "cutoff_failed"
-  sleep 1d
-  exit 1
-main "$@"
diff --git a/battery_cutoff/ b/battery_cutoff/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c5449f..0000000
--- a/battery_cutoff/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Script used to show boot message.
-# Temp message file for display_boot_message.
-MESSAGE_FILE="$(mktemp --tmpdir)"
-on_exit() {
-  rm -f "${MESSAGE_FILE}"
-# Prints usage help for commands usage.
-usage_help() {
-  echo "Usage: $0 mode
-  connect_ac: Message for connecting AC.
-  remove_ac: Message for removing AC.
-  charging: Message when charging battery.
-  discharging: Message when discharging battery.
-  cutting_off: Message when running cut off commands.
-  wipe: Message when wiping.
-  wipe_failed: Message when wipe failed.
-  cutoff_failed: Message when cut off failed.
-  inform_shopfloor: Message when inform shopfloor.
-  inform_shopfloor_failed: Message when inform shopfloor failed.
-prepare_message() {
-  local message="
-    <span font=\"Noto Sans UI ${FONT_SIZE}\"
-          foreground=\"${FONT_COLOR}\">"
-  printf "${message}\n"
-  # Append messages with newline.
-  for message in "$@"; do
-    printf "${message}\n"
-  done
-  printf "</span>"
-has_bin() {
-  type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
-display_message() {
-  local short_message="$1"
-  shift
-  if has_bin frecon || has_bin ply-image && has_bin pango-view; then
-    prepare_message "$@" >"${MESSAGE_FILE}"
-    if [ "${SHOW_SPINNER}" = "true" ]; then
-      SPINNER_INTERVAL=25 display_boot_message "show_spinner" "${MESSAGE_FILE}"
-    else
-      display_boot_message "show_file" "${MESSAGE_FILE}"
-    fi
-  elif has_bin figlet; then
-    figlet "$short_message"
-  else
-    echo "$short_message"
-  fi
-mode_connect_ac() {
-  (FONT_COLOR="Red" display_message "Connect AC" \
-                                    "Please Connect AC Power" \
-                                    "请连接AC电源")
-mode_remove_ac() {
-  (FONT_COLOR="Red" display_message "Remove AC" \
-                                    "Please Remove AC Power" \
-                                    "请移除AC电源")
-mode_charging() {
-  (SHOW_SPINNER="true" display_message "Charging" \
-                                       "Charging Battery..." \
-                                       "正在充电...")
-mode_discharging() {
-  (SHOW_SPINNER="true" display_message "Discharging" \
-                                       "Discharging Battery..." \
-                                       "正在放电...")
-mode_cutting_off() {
-  (SHOW_SPINNER="true" display_message "Cutting Off" \
-                                       "Cutting Off Battery" \
-                                       "Please wait..." \
-                                       "切断电池电源中" \
-                                       "请稍候...")
-mode_cutoff_failed() {
-  (FONT_COLOR="Red" && display_message "Cutoff Failed" \
-                                       "Battery Cut-off Failed" \
-                                       "Please contact factory team" \
-                                       "无法切断电池电源" \
-                                       "请联络RD")
-mode_wipe() {
-  (SHOW_SPINNER="true" display_message "Wiping" \
-                                       "Factory Wiping In Progress" \
-                                       "正在进行工厂清除程序")
-mode_wipe_failed() {
-  (FONT_COLOR="Red" display_message "Wiping Failed" \
-                                    "Factory Wiping Failed" \
-                                    "无法进行工厂清除程序" \
-                                    "请联络RD")
-mode_inform_shopfloor() {
-  (SHOW_SPINNER="true" display_message "Inform Shopfloor" \
-                                       "Inform Shopfloor In Progress" \
-                                       "传送资料至Shopfloor")
-mode_inform_shopfloor_failed() {
-  (FONT_COLOR="Red" display_message "Inform Shopfloor Failed" \
-                                    "无法传送资料至Shopfloor" \
-                                    "请联络RD")
-main() {
-  if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
-    usage_help
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  local mode="$1"
-  shift
-  case "${mode}" in
-    "connect_ac" | "remove_ac" | "charging" | "discharging" | \
-        "cutting_off" | "cutoff_failed" | "wipe" | "wipe_failed" | \
-        "inform_shopfloor" | "inform_shopfloor_failed" )
-      mode_"${mode}" "$@"
-      # Light up the screen if possible.
-      backlight_tool --set_brightness_percent=100 2>/dev/null || true
-      # Hides cursor and prevents console from blanking after long inactivity.
-      setterm -cursor off -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0 2>/dev/null \
-        >>"${TTY}" || true
-      ;;
-    * )
-      usage_help
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-  esac
-trap on_exit EXIT
-main "$@"
diff --git a/battery_cutoff/ b/battery_cutoff/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f774d4..0000000
--- a/battery_cutoff/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script is used to generate the default XML/RPC request to be sent to
-# shopfloor server. It can be used after factory wiping (in-place wiping tmpfs)
-# or after factory reset (in factory reset shim) to inform shopfloor
-# the operation is completed.
-usage() {
-  echo "Usage: $0 [factory_wipe|factory_reset]"
-print_post_content() {
-  echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
-  echo "<methodCall>"
-  echo "<methodName>$1</methodName>"
-  echo "<params>"
-  shift 1
-  local var=""
-  for var in "$@"
-  do
-    echo "<param><value><string>${var}</string></value></param>"
-  done
-  echo "</params>"
-  echo "</methodCall>"
-die_with_error_message() {
-  echo "$@" >&2
-  exit 1
-main() {
-  if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
-    usage
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  local sn=""
-  local method=""
-  local post_type="$1"
-  case "${post_type}" in
-    factory_reset )
-      method="FinalizeFQC"
-      ;;
-    factory_wipe )
-      method="Finalize"
-      ;;
-    *)
-      usage
-      exit 1
-  esac
-  sn="$(vpd -g serial_number)"
-  if [ -z "${sn}" ];then
-    die_with_error_message "serial_number is not in ro vpd"
-  fi
-  print_post_content "${method}" "${sn}"
-main "$@"
diff --git a/battery_cutoff/ b/battery_cutoff/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f0409a..0000000
--- a/battery_cutoff/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script makes shopfloor call to inform shopfloor server. It can be used
-# after factory wiping (in-place wiping tmpfs) or after factory reset
-# (in factory reset shim) to inform shopfloor the operation is completed.
-SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
-# After calling to draw image with frecon, we must
-# redirect text output to tty1 to display information on the screen.
-POST_FILE="$(mktemp --tmpdir)"
-on_exit() {
-  rm -f "${POST_FILE}"
-die_with_error_message() {
-  "${DISPLAY_MESSAGE}" "inform_shopfloor_failed"
-  # In factory install shim, we need to reset tty1 to show message in currect
-  # way.
-  stty -F "${TTY}" sane
-  echo "$@" > "${TTY}"
-  # Stop here to show error message on the screen.
-  read
-usage_help() {
-  echo "Usage: $0 SHOPFLOOR_URL <POST_FILE | factory_reset | factory_wipe>"
-post_to_shopfloor() {
-  local shopfloor_url="$1"
-  local post_file="$2"
-  local response=""
-  while true; do
-    echo "Sending data to shopfloor..." >"${TTY}"
-    if response=$(wget -T 30 --tries 1 -q --header='Content-Type: text/xml' \
-        --post-file="${post_file}" -O - "${shopfloor_url}"); then
-      if ! echo "${response}" | grep -q "fault"; then
-        return
-      else
-        echo "Shopfloor call failed with response ${response}" >"${TTY}"
-      fi
-    else
-      echo "Cannot connect to server ${shopfloor_url}." >"${TTY}"
-    fi
-    echo "Retry in 10s..." >"${TTY}"
-    sleep 10
-    # Clear screen.
-    printf "\033c" >"${TTY}"
-  done
-main() {
-  if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
-    usage_help
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  local shopfloor_url="$1"
-  "${DISPLAY_MESSAGE}" "inform_shopfloor"
-  case "$2" in
-    factory_reset|factory_wipe )
-      if ! "${GENERATE_FINALIZE_REQUEST}" "$2" >"${POST_FILE}"; then
-        local err=""
-        err="$(cat ${POST_FILE})"
-        die_with_error_message "Failed to generate request: ${err}"
-      fi
-      post_to_shopfloor "${shopfloor_url}" "${POST_FILE}"
-      ;;
-    * )
-      if [ -f "$2" ]; then
-        wait_for_ethernet
-        post_to_shopfloor "${shopfloor_url}" "$2"
-      else
-        usage_help
-        exit 1
-      fi
-      ;;
-  esac
-trap on_exit EXIT
-main "$@"