blob: f71f1c7edc6dfa3ccd8257953b5e72d895a1c67a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/monitor_reconfig/monitor_reconfigure_main.h"
using namespace std;
static const char* kDisplay = ":0.0";
namespace chromeos_monitor_reconfig {
MonitorReconfigureMain::MonitorReconfigureMain(Display* display,
XRRScreenResources* screen_info)
: display_(display), screen_info_(screen_info) {
// Initialize hash table with modes
for (int m = 0; m < screen_info_->nmode; m++) {
XRRModeInfo* current_mode = &screen_info_->modes[m];
mode_map_[current_mode->id] = current_mode;
void MonitorReconfigureMain::DetermineOutputs() {
static const string kNotebookOutputName = "LVDS1";
XRROutputInfo* current_output = XRRGetOutputInfo(display_, screen_info_,
if (strcmp(current_output->name, kNotebookOutputName.c_str()) == 0) {
notebook_output_ = current_output;
external_output_ = XRRGetOutputInfo(display_, screen_info_,
} else {
notebook_output_ = XRRGetOutputInfo(display_, screen_info_,
external_output_ = current_output;
XRRModeInfo* MonitorReconfigureMain::FindMaxResolution(XRROutputInfo* output) {
XRRModeInfo* mode_return = NULL;
for (int m = 0; m < output->nmode; m++) {
XRRModeInfo* current_mode = mode_map_[output->modes[m]];
if (mode_return == NULL) {
mode_return = current_mode;
} else {
int n_size = mode_return->height * mode_return->width;
int c_size = current_mode->height * current_mode->width;
if (c_size > n_size) {
mode_return = current_mode;
return mode_return;
bool MonitorReconfigureMain::IsEqual(XRRModeInfo* one,
XRRModeInfo* two) {
return (one->height * one->width) == (two->height * two->width);
bool MonitorReconfigureMain::IsBiggerOrEqual(XRRModeInfo* target,
XRRModeInfo* screen) {
return ((target->width >= screen->width) &&
(target->height >= screen->height));
bool MonitorReconfigureMain::IsBetterMatching(XRRModeInfo* target,
XRRModeInfo* to_match, XRRModeInfo* previous_best) {
if (IsEqual(previous_best, to_match)) return false;
// If the current will have some of the display cut off
// and the new choice doesn't, choose the new one
if ((!IsBiggerOrEqual(previous_best, to_match)) &&
(IsBiggerOrEqual(target, to_match))) {
return true;
// If the current one isn't cropped and the new one would
// get cropped
} else if (IsBiggerOrEqual(previous_best, to_match) &&
(!IsBiggerOrEqual(target, to_match))) {
return false;
// Case if the current is bigger than the matching but the new target falls
// between the current and the matching (so it's closer to the matching)
} else if (IsBiggerOrEqual(previous_best, to_match)) {
return !IsBiggerOrEqual(target, previous_best);
} else {
// Final case, we know the current is smaller than the matching
// We just need to check if the new will bring us closer to the matching
return IsBiggerOrEqual(target, previous_best);
XRRModeInfo* MonitorReconfigureMain::FindBestMatchingResolution(
XRRModeInfo* matching_mode) {
// Need a min mode to increase from
XRRModeInfo min_mode;
min_mode.height = 0;
min_mode.width = 0;
XRRModeInfo* best_mode = &min_mode;
// Match horizontal if notebook is wider, o/w match vertical
for (int m = 0; m < external_output_->nmode; m++) {
XRRModeInfo* current_mode =
if (IsBetterMatching(current_mode, matching_mode, best_mode)) {
best_mode = current_mode;
if (best_mode == &min_mode) best_mode = NULL;
return best_mode;
void MonitorReconfigureMain::SetResolutions(XRRModeInfo* notebook_mode,
XRRModeInfo* external_mode,
XRRModeInfo* overall_screen_size) {
// We use xrandr script to set modes
char buffer[512];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "xrandr --output %s --mode %s",
external_output_->name, external_mode->name);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "xrandr --output %s --mode %s",
notebook_output_->name, notebook_mode->name);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "xrandr --fb %s", overall_screen_size->name);
void MonitorReconfigureMain::Run() {
// Find the max resolution for the notebook
XRRModeInfo* notebook_mode = FindMaxResolution(notebook_output_);
// Find the best mode for external output relative to above mode
XRRModeInfo* external_mode = FindBestMatchingResolution(notebook_mode);
// Set the resolutions accordingly
SetResolutions(notebook_mode, external_mode, notebook_mode);
bool MonitorReconfigureMain::IsExternalMonitorConnected() {
return (external_output_->connection == RR_Connected);
} // end namespace chromeos_monitor_reconfig
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Display* display = XOpenDisplay(kDisplay);
if (display == NULL) {
cerr << "Could not open display '"
<< kDisplay << "'" << endl;
return 1;
} else {
Window window = RootWindow(display, DefaultScreen(display));
XRRScreenResources* screen_info = XRRGetScreenResources(display, window);
main_app(display, screen_info);
if (!main_app.IsExternalMonitorConnected()) {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;