platform/x86_64/rambi: Switch to 'HOST_FIRMWARE' target

Squash in,

lib/flashrom: Simplify target_bus param passing logic

We wish to remove manual specification of the bus parameter to the
so-called 'internal' flashrom driver. This removes unused cases and
deals with the removal of INTERNAL_BUS_SPI from 'rambi'.

In the case of INTERNAL_BUS_SPI, only 'rambi' boards make use of it
just because the code is old.

Switch flashrom invocations:
 - $ flashrom -p internal:bus=spi [..]
 + $ flashrom -p host             [..]
on rambi devices when fetching the BOOT_STUB section to get spd data.

TEST=verified on banjo.

Change-Id: Id39c62dca405ce82e5f806b0c6a9515b8e19c0d5
Tested-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Commit-Queue: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Reviewed-by: Jack Rosenthal <>
3 files changed