blob: 405c0706cd3b2c2804ed56b09032aad16ebb959c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This module manages the platform properties in mttools/platforms. """
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from cros_remote import CrOSRemote
from util import AskUser, ExecuteException
from xorg_conf import XorgInputClassParser
# path to current script directory
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
platforms_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'platforms'))
xorg_conf_project_path = 'src/platform/xorg-conf'
props_template = """\
"gestures": {
"xorg": {
"file": "%s",
"identifiers": %s
"ignore": [
AbsInfo = namedtuple("AbsInfo", ("min", "max", "res"))
class PlatformProperties(object):
""" A class containing hardware and xorg properties for a platform.
The class can be created from an activity log or by providing
the name of the platform. Information will then be read from the
'platforms_dir' directory.
def __init__(self, platform=None, log=None):
self.absinfos = {}
self.device_class = "touchpad" = {}
self.ignore_properties = []
if platform:
basename = os.path.join(platforms_dir, platform) = platform
self.hwprops_file = basename + '.hwprops'
self.props_file = basename + '.props'
self.xorg_parser = XorgInputClassParser()
elif log: = ''
if log.evdev:
def _ParseEvdevLog(self, evdev_data):
# Look for embedded hwproperties in header. Format:
# absinfo: axis min max 0 0 res
values_regex = 6 * ' ([-0-9]+)'
abs_regex = re.compile('# absinfo:' + values_regex)
for match in abs_regex.finditer(evdev_data):
axis = int(
info = AbsInfo(min=int(, max=int(,
self.absinfos[axis] = info
def _ParseHWProperties(self, data):
"""Parse x and y dimensions and resolution from hwprops file."""
values_regex = 6 * ' ([0-9\\-a-fA-F]+)'
abs_regex = re.compile('A:' + values_regex)
for match in abs_regex.finditer(data):
axis = int(, 16)
info = AbsInfo(min=int(, max=int(,
self.absinfos[axis] = info
def _ParseProperties(self, data):
""" Parse properties from file and inject xorg properties. """ = {}
self.ignore_properties = []
data = json.loads(data)
if 'gestures' in data:['gestures'])
if 'device_class' in data:
self.device_class = data['device_class']
if 'ignore' in data:
# Sanity check: Make sure it is not used inside ebuild.
if os.environ.get('PN') and os.environ.get('S'):
raise Exception("Should not be executed inside ebuild")
# If run on a Chromebook device, access xorg-conf files from their normal
# installed location. If run from inside chroot, access xorg-conf files
# from the xorg-conf project repository.
src_root = os.environ.get('CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT')
if src_root:
xorg_conf_path = os.path.join(src_root, xorg_conf_project_path)
xorg_conf_path = '/etc/gesture'
if not os.path.exists(xorg_conf_path):
xorg_conf_path = '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d'
if xorg_conf_path and 'xorg' in data and 'file' in data['xorg']:
filename = os.path.join(xorg_conf_path, data['xorg']['file'])
input_classes = self.xorg_parser.Parse(file=filename)
if 'identifier' in data['xorg']:
properties = input_classes[data['xorg']['identifier']]
if 'identifiers' in data['xorg']:
for identifier in data['xorg']['identifiers']:
properties = input_classes[identifier]
for prop in self.ignore_properties:
if prop in
def Match(self, other, loose, debug=False):
""" Compare properties and return similarity.
Compare these properties to another PlatformProperties instance.
The return value is a score between 1. 0 meaning there is a big mismatch
and 1 meaning the properties match completely.
Only a selected range of properties are compared in order to
prevent property adjustments to cause platforms to be mismatched.
scores = []
def compare_absinfo_prop(a, b, field):
a_value = float(getattr(a, field)) if a else None
b_value = float(getattr(b, field)) if b else None
score = 0.0
if a_value is not None and b_value is not None:
delta = abs(float(a_value) - float(b_value))
if delta > 0:
score = 1.0 - min(1.0, delta / max(abs(a_value), abs(b_value)))
score = 1.0
a_str = str(a_value) if a_value is not None else "N/A"
b_str = str(b_value) if b_value is not None else "N/A"
if debug:
print " %s: %.2f (%s == %s)" % (field, score, a_str, b_str)
for axis in set(self.absinfos.keys() + other.absinfos.keys()):
if debug:
print "axis %d:" % axis
self_absinfo = self.absinfos.get(axis, None)
other_absinfo = other.absinfos.get(axis, None)
compare_absinfo_prop(self_absinfo, other_absinfo, "min")
compare_absinfo_prop(self_absinfo, other_absinfo, "max")
compare_absinfo_prop(self_absinfo, other_absinfo, "res")
return reduce(lambda x, y: (x * y), scores)
class PlatformDatabase(object):
""" Class for managing platforms.
This class reads all available platforms from the platforms_dir and allows
to search for matching platforms to an activity log file.
def __init__(self):
platform_files = [f for f in os.listdir(platforms_dir)
if f.endswith('.hwprops')]
self.platforms = {}
for filename in platform_files:
name = filename.replace('.hwprops', '')
self.platforms[name] = PlatformProperties(platform=name)
def FindMatching(self, log, loose=True, debug=False):
""" Find platform matching activity_data.
Returns the PlatformProperties instance of the platform matching
the activity log data. This method might terminate the program in
case no match can be made, or the match is ambiguous.
result = None
properties = PlatformProperties(log=log)
for name, platform in self.platforms.items():
if debug:
print "-" * 30, name
score = platform.Match(properties, loose, debug)
if debug:
print name, "score =", score
if score > 0.96:
if result:
if loose:
if debug:
print "-" * 10, "Multiple matches. Try strict"
return self.FindMatching(log, False, debug)
print ('multiple matching platforms:',,
return None
result = platform
if not result:
print 'cannot find matching platform'
return None
return result
def RegisterPlatformFromDevice(ip):
# get list of multitouch devices
remote = CrOSRemote(ip)
inputcontrolexist = True
devices = remote.SafeExecute(
"/opt/google/input/inputcontrol -t multitouch --names",
except ExecuteException:
inputcontrolexist = False
if inputcontrolexist:
# Each line has the format:
# id: Device Name
# devices[*][0] will have the id
# devices[*][1] will have the name
devices = devices.splitlines()
devices = [l.split(":", 1) for l in devices]
# select one device from list
idx = AskUser.Select([d[1] for d in devices],
"Which device would you like to register?")
device_id = devices[idx][0]
# read hardware properties
hwprops = remote.SafeExecute(
"/opt/google/input/inputcontrol --id %s --hwprops" % device_id,
event_devices = remote.SafeExecute(
"ls /dev/input/ | grep event",
event_devices = event_devices.splitlines()
devices = []
for d in event_devices:
device_desc_evemu = remote.SafeExecute(
"evemu-describe /dev/input/%s |grep N:" % d,
event_number = int((d.split("event", 1))[1])
device_desc_evemu = device_desc_evemu.split("N:",1)[1]
devices.append([event_number, device_desc_evemu])
idx = AskUser.Select([t[1] for t in devices],
"Which device would you like to register?")
device_id = devices[idx][0]
hwprops = remote.SafeExecute(
"evemu-describe /dev/input/event%s" % devices[idx][0],
if not hwprops:
print "Please update your device to latest canary or:"
print " emerge-${BOARD} inputcontrol"
print " cros deploy $DEVICE_IP inputcontrol"
return None
xorg_files = [
for pattern in xorg_files:
# find filename of xorg configuration file
xorg_file = remote.Execute("ls " + pattern, verbose=False)
if not xorg_file:
xorg_file = xorg_file.strip()
# extract identifiers
print "Selecting Xorg identifiers from", xorg_file
conf = remote.Read(xorg_file)
all_ids = []
for match in re.finditer("Identifier\\s+\"([a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]+)\"", conf):
# ask user to select
idxs = AskUser.SelectMulti(
all_ids, "Which xorg identifiers apply to this device?",
ids = [all_ids[i] for i in idxs]
if ids:
if not ids:
print "Please configure the platform properties manually"
xorg_file = "todo: add correct xorg conf file"
ids = ["todo: add correct xorg identifier"]
ids_string = "[" + ", ".join(["\"%s\"" % i for i in ids]) + "]"
xorg_file = os.path.basename(xorg_file)
sys.stdout.write("Please name this platform: ")
platform_name = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
# write platform info to files
hwprops_file = os.path.join(platforms_dir, platform_name + ".hwprops")
props_file = os.path.join(platforms_dir, platform_name + ".props")
open(hwprops_file, "w").write(hwprops)
open(props_file, "w").write(props_template % (xorg_file, ids_string))
print "Created files: "
print " ", hwprops_file
print " ", props_file
return platform_name