blob: 3db407d8467dd2c3433e3adbbc44e5f5920cc77c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This module provides various tools for writing cros developer tools.
This includes tools for regular expressions, path processing, chromium os git
repositories, shell commands, and user interaction via command line.
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
class Emerge(object):
"""Provides tools for emerging and deploying packages to chromebooks."""
def __init__(self, board_variant):
self.cmd = "emerge-{}".format(board_variant)
def Emerge(self, package_name):
SafeExecute([self.cmd, package_name], verbose=True)
def Deploy(self, package_name, remote, emerge=True):
if emerge:
SafeExecute(["cros", "deploy", remote.ip, package_name], verbose=True)
class RegexException(Exception):
"""Describes a regular expression failure."""
def __init__(self, regex, string, match_type):
self.regex = regex
self.string = string
self.match_type = match_type
def __str__(self):
capped = self.string
if len(capped) > 256:
capped = capped[1:251] + "[...]"
msg = "RequiredRegex \"{}\" failed to {} on:\n{}\n"
return msg.format(self.regex, self.match_type, capped)
class RequiredRegex(object):
"""Wrapper for regular expressions using exceptions.
Most regular expression calls in mttools are used for parsing and any
mismatches result in a program failure.
To reduce the amount of error checking done in place this wrapper throws
meaningful exceptions in case of mismatches.
cap_length = 30
def __init__(self, pattern):
self.pattern = pattern
def Search(self, string, must_succeed=True):
match =, string)
return self.__Check(match, string, must_succeed, "search")
def Match(self, string, must_succeed=True):
match = re.match(self.pattern, string)
return self.__Check(match, string, must_succeed, "match")
def __Check(self, match, string, must_succeed, match_type):
if not match and must_succeed:
raise RegexException(self.pattern, string, match_type)
return match
class Path(object):
"""Wrapper for os.path functions enforcing absolute/real paths.
This wrapper helps processing file paths by enforcing paths to be
always absolute and with symlinks resolved. Being a class it also
allows a more compact syntax for common operations.
def __init__(self, path, *args):
if isinstance(path, Path):
self.path = path.path
self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
for arg in args:
self.path = os.path.join(self.path, str(arg))
def ListDir(self):
for entry in os.listdir(self.path):
yield Path(self, entry)
def Read(self):
return open(self.path, "r").read()
def Open(self, props):
return open(self.path, props)
def Write(self, value):
def Join(self, other):
return Path(os.path.join(self.path, other))
def CopyTo(self, target):
shutil.copy(self.path, str(target))
def MoveTo(self, target):
target = Path(target)
shutil.move(self.path, str(target))
def RelPath(self, rel=os.curdir):
return os.path.relpath(self.path, str(rel))
def RmTree(self):
return shutil.rmtree(self.path)
def MakeDirs(self):
if not self.exists:
def parent(self):
return Path(os.path.dirname(self.path))
def exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.path)
def is_file(self):
return os.path.isfile(self.path)
def is_link(self):
return os.path.islink(self.path)
def is_dir(self):
return os.path.isdir(self.path)
def basename(self):
return os.path.basename(self.path)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.path != other.path
def __div__(self, other):
return self.Join(other)
def __bool__(self):
return self.exists
def __str__(self):
return self.path
class ExecuteException(Exception):
"""Describes a failure to run a shell command."""
def __init__(self, command, code, out, verbose=False):
self.command = command
self.code = code
self.out = out
self.verbose = verbose
def __str__(self):
string = "$ %s\n" % " ".join(self.command)
if self.out:
string = string + str(self.out) + "\n"
string = string + "Command returned " + str(self.code)
return string
def Execute(command, cwd=None, verbose=False, interactive=False,
"""Execute shell command.
Returns false if the command failed (i.e. return code != 0), otherwise
this command returns the stdout/stderr output of the command.
The verbose flag will print the executed command.
The interactive flag will not capture stdout/stderr, but allow direct
interaction with the command.
if must_succeed:
return SafeExecute(command, cwd, verbose, interactive)
(code, out) = __Execute(command, cwd, verbose, interactive)
if code != 0:
return False
return out
def SafeExecute(command, cwd=None, verbose=False, interactive=False):
"""Execute shell command and throw exception upon failure.
This method behaves the same as Execute, but throws an ExecuteException
if the command fails.
if isinstance(command, basestring):
command = shlex.split(command)
(code, out) = __Execute(command, cwd, verbose, interactive)
if code != 0:
raise ExecuteException(command, code, out, verbose)
return out
def __Execute(command, cwd=None, verbose=False, interactive=False):
if isinstance(command, basestring):
command = shlex.split(command)
if cwd:
cwd = str(cwd)
if verbose:
print "$", " ".join(command)
if interactive:
process = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd)
process = subprocess.Popen(command,
if verbose and not interactive:
# print a . approximately every second to show progress
seconds = 0
while process.poll() is None:
seconds += 0.01
if seconds > 1:
seconds = seconds - 1
print ""
out = None
if not interactive:
out ="\r", "").strip()
return (process.returncode, out)
class GitRepo(object):
"""A helper class to work with Git repositories.
This class is specialized to deal with chromium specific git workflows
and uses the git command line program to interface with the repository.
def __init__(self, repo_path, verbose=False):
self.path = Path(repo_path)
self.verbose = verbose
rel_path = self.path.RelPath("/mnt/host/source/src/")
self.review_url = ("" +
def SafeExecute(self, command):
if isinstance(command, str):
command = "git " + command
command = ["git"] + command
return SafeExecute(command, cwd=self.path, verbose=self.verbose)
def Execute(self, command):
if isinstance(command, str):
command = "git " + command
command = ["git"] + command
return Execute("git " + command, cwd=self.path, verbose=self.verbose)
def active_branch(self):
result = self.SafeExecute("branch")
regex = "\\* (\\S+)"
match =, result)
if match:
return None
def branches(self):
branches = []
result = self.SafeExecute("branch")
regex = "(\\S+)$"
for match in re.finditer(regex, result):
print "Branches:", branches
return branches
def working_directory_dirty(self):
result = self.SafeExecute("status")
return "Changes not staged for commit" in result
def index_dirty(self):
result = self.SafeExecute("status")
return "Changes to be committed" in result
def diverged(self):
result = self.SafeExecute("status")
return "Your branch is ahead of" in result
def remote(self):
return self.SafeExecute("remote").strip()
def status(self):
status = []
if self.index_dirty:
status.append("changes in index")
if self.diverged:
status.append("diverged from master")
if self.working_directory_dirty:
status.append("local changes")
if not status:
return ", ".join(status)
def Move(self, source, destination):
source = Path(source).RelPath(self.path)
destination = Path(destination).RelPath(self.path)
self.SafeExecute(["mv", source, destination])
def DeleteBranch(self, branch_name):
if branch_name not in self.branches:
self.SafeExecute("checkout -f m/master")
self.SafeExecute("branch -D " + branch_name)
def CreateBranch(self, branch_name, tracking=None):
if tracking:
self.SafeExecute("checkout -b " + branch_name + " " + tracking)
self.SafeExecute("checkout -b " + branch_name)
def Checkout(self, name, force=False):
cmd = "checkout " + name
if force:
cmd = cmd + " -f"
def Stash(self):
def Add(self, filepath):
self.SafeExecute(["add", Path(filepath).RelPath(self.path)])
def Commit(self, message, ammend=False, all_changes=False,
cmd = "commit"
if ammend or (ammend_if_diverged and self.diverged):
existing = self.SafeExecute("log --format=%B -n 1")
regex = "Change-Id: I[a-f0-9]+"
match =, existing)
if match:
message = message + "\n" +
cmd = cmd + " --amend"
if all_changes:
cmd = cmd + " -a"
cmd = cmd + " -m \"" + message + "\""
def Upload(self):
result = self.SafeExecute("push %s HEAD:refs/for/master" % self.remote)
if "error" in result or "Error" in result:
raise Exception("Failed to upload:\n{}".format(result))
regex = "https://[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\./]+"
match =, result)
if match:
return None
class AskUser(object):
"""Various static methods to ask for user input."""
def Text(message=None, validate=None, default=None):
"""Ask user to input a text."""
while True:
if message:
print message
reply = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if len(reply) == 0:
return default
if validate:
reply = validate(reply)
except Exception, e:
print e
return reply
def Continue():
"""Ask user to press enter to continue."""
AskUser.Text("Press enter to continue.")
def YesNo(message, default=False):
"""Ask user to reply with yes or no."""
if default is True:
print message, "[Y/n]"
print message, "[y/N]"
choice = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if choice in ("y", "Y", "Yes", "yes"):
return True
elif choice in ("n", "N", "No", "no"):
return False
return default
def Select(choices, msg, allow_none=False):
"""Ask user to make a single choice from a list.
Returns the index of the item selected by the user.
allow_none allows the user to make an empty selection, which
will return None.
Note: Both None and the index 0 will evaluate to boolean False,
check the value explicitly with "if selection is None".
selection = AskUser.__Select(choices, msg, False, allow_none)
if len(selection) == 0:
return None
return selection[0]
def SelectMulti(choices, msg, allow_none=False):
"""Ask user to make a multiple choice from a list.
Returns the list of indices selected by the user.
allow_none allows the user to make an empty selection, which
will return an empty list.
return AskUser.__Select(choices, msg, True, allow_none)
def __Select(choices, msg, allow_multi=False, allow_none=False):
# skip selection if there is only one option
if len(choices) == 1 and not allow_none:
return [0]
# repeat until user made a valid selection
while True:
# get user input (displays index + 1).
print msg
for i, item in enumerate(choices):
print " ", str(i + 1) + ":", item
if allow_multi:
print "(Separate multiple selections with spaces)"
if allow_none:
print "(Press enter to select none)"
sys.stdout.write('> ')
selection = sys.stdin.readline()
if len(selection.strip()) == 0 and allow_none:
return []
if allow_multi:
selections = selection.split(" ")
selections = [selection]
# validates single input value
def ProcessSelection(selection):
idx = int(selection) - 1
if idx < 0 or idx >= len(choices):
print 'Number out of range'
return None
except ValueError:
print 'Not a number'
return None
return idx
# validate list of values
selections = [ProcessSelection(s) for s in selections]
if None not in selections:
return selections