blob: 8c19062952bf711b2824814ba734424a1a958e8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _BTLEHID_H_
#define _BTLEHID_H_
#include "gatt.h"
#include "uuid.h"
#include "uuid.h"
// Refer to include/uapi/linux/hid.h in kernel.
//uuid of service
#define BTLE_UUID_HID_SERVICE 0x1812 // org.bluetooth.service.human_interface_device
typedef uniq_t ble_hid_conn_t;
//normal states
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_INVALID 0x00 // should never be seen
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_GATT_DISCOVERY 0x01 // looking for main HID service & enumerating its insides
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_READING 0x02 // reading required things
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_WRITING_CCCDS 0x03 // writing CCCDs as needed
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_UP 0x04 // ready to be used
#define BTLE_HID_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN 0x05 // going down
#define BTLE_HID_REPORT_ID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_IN -1 //fake report ID for boot mode keyboard input
#define BTLE_HID_REPORT_ID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_OUT -2 //fake report ID for boot mode keyboard output
#define BTLE_HID_REPORT_ID_BOOT_MOUSE_IN -3 //fake report ID for boot mode mouse input
typedef void (*BtleHidConnStateCbk)(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, uint8_t state);
typedef void (*BtleHidReportRxCbk)(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, int32_t reportId, sg data, bool byRequest);
//init the subsystem
void btleHidInit(BtleHidConnStateCbk stateCbk, BtleHidReportRxCbk rxCbk) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
ble_hid_conn_t btleHidAttach(gatt_client_conn_t hidId, const char *deviceName) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidDetach(ble_hid_conn_t hidId) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidDetachFromGatt(gatt_client_conn_t hidId) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
//descriptors & info
bool btleHidGetReportDescriptors(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, const void **descriptorDataP, uint32_t *descriptorLenP) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidGetHidInfo(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, uint16_t *hidVerP, uint8_t *countryP, uint8_t *flagsP) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidGetHidName(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, char *hidName) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidGetHostAddress(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, struct bt_addr* addr) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidGetPeerAddress(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, struct bt_addr* addr) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidWriteReport(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, int32_t reportId, sg data) NEWBLUE_EXPORT;
bool btleHidReadReport(ble_hid_conn_t hidId, int32_t reportId) NEWBLUE_EXPORT; // -> BtleHidReportRxCbk