blob: 99a96dadff1a355f9b540e2424593d31d22ac585 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "power_manager/common/clock.h"
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/power_supply.h"
namespace power_manager {
class PrefsInterface;
namespace policy {
class BacklightController;
// Used by Daemon to report metrics by way of Chrome.
// This class handles the reporting of complex metrics (e.g. tracking the
// session start time and reporting related metrics after the session stops).
// Classes that just need to report simple metrics in response to an event
// should use the convenience functions declared in common/metrics_sender.h to
// send metrics directly.
class MetricsCollector {
// Returns a copy of |enum_name| with a suffix describing |power_source|
// appended to it. Public so it can be called by tests.
static std::string AppendPowerSourceToEnumName(
const std::string& enum_name,
PowerSource power_source);
// Initializes the object and starts |generate_backlight_metrics_timer_|.
// Ownership of pointers remains with the caller.
void Init(PrefsInterface* prefs,
policy::BacklightController* display_backlight_controller,
policy::BacklightController* keyboard_backlight_controller,
const system::PowerStatus& power_status);
// Records changes to system state.
void HandleScreenDimmedChange(bool dimmed,
base::TimeTicks last_user_activity_time);
void HandleScreenOffChange(bool off, base::TimeTicks last_user_activity_time);
void HandleSessionStateChange(SessionState state);
void HandlePowerStatusUpdate(const system::PowerStatus& status);
void HandleShutdown(ShutdownReason reason);
// Called just before a suspend attempt is performed.
void PrepareForSuspend();
// Called after the system has successfully suspended and resumed.
// |num_suspend_attempts| contains the number of attempts up to and including
// the one in which the system successfully suspended.
void HandleResume(int num_suspend_attempts);
// Called after a request to suspend the system (that is, a series of one or
// more suspend attempts performed in response to e.g. the lid being closed)
// is canceled.
void HandleCanceledSuspendRequest(int num_suspend_attempts);
// Generates UMA metrics on when leaving the idle state.
void GenerateUserActivityMetrics();
// Generates UMA metrics about the current backlight level.
void GenerateBacklightLevelMetrics();
// Handles the power button being pressed or released.
void HandlePowerButtonEvent(ButtonState state);
// Sends a metric reporting the amount of time that Chrome took to acknowledge
// a power button event.
void SendPowerButtonAcknowledgmentDelayMetric(base::TimeDelta delay);
friend class MetricsCollectorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsCollectorTest, BacklightLevel);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsCollectorTest, SendMetricWithPowerSource);
// These methods append the current power source to |name|.
bool SendMetricWithPowerSource(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int min,
int max,
int num_buckets);
bool SendEnumMetricWithPowerSource(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int max);
// Generates a battery discharge rate UMA metric sample. Returns
// true if a sample was sent to UMA, false otherwise.
void GenerateBatteryDischargeRateMetric();
// Sends a histogram sample containing the rate at which the battery
// discharged while the system was suspended if the system was on battery
// power both before suspending and after resuming. Called by
// GenerateMetricsOnPowerEvent(). Returns true if the sample was sent.
void GenerateBatteryDischargeRateWhileSuspendedMetric();
// Increments the number of user sessions that have been active on the
// current battery charge.
void IncrementNumOfSessionsPerChargeMetric();
// Generates number of sessions per charge UMA metric sample if the current
// stored value is greater then 0.
void GenerateNumOfSessionsPerChargeMetric();
PrefsInterface* prefs_;
policy::BacklightController* display_backlight_controller_;
policy::BacklightController* keyboard_backlight_controller_;
Clock clock_;
// Last power status passed to HandlePowerStatusUpdate().
system::PowerStatus last_power_status_;
// Current session state.
SessionState session_state_;
// Time at which the current session (if any) started.
base::TimeTicks session_start_time_;
// Runs GenerateBacklightLevelMetric().
base::RepeatingTimer<MetricsCollector> generate_backlight_metrics_timer_;
// Timestamp of the last generated battery discharge rate metric.
base::TimeTicks last_battery_discharge_rate_metric_timestamp_;
// Timestamp of the last time the power button was down.
base::TimeTicks last_power_button_down_timestamp_;
// Timestamp of the last idle event (that is, either
// |screen_dim_timestamp_| or |screen_off_timestamp_|).
base::TimeTicks last_idle_event_timestamp_;
// Idle duration as of the last idle event.
base::TimeDelta last_idle_timedelta_;
// Timestamps of the last idle-triggered power state transitions.
base::TimeTicks screen_dim_timestamp_;
base::TimeTicks screen_off_timestamp_;
// Information recorded by PrepareForSuspend() just before the system
// suspends. |time_before_suspend_| is intentionally base::Time rather
// than base::TimeTicks because the latter doesn't increase while the
// system is suspended.
double battery_energy_before_suspend_;
bool on_line_power_before_suspend_;
base::Time time_before_suspend_;
// Set by HandleResume() to indicate that
// GenerateBatteryDischargeRateWhileSuspendedMetric() should send a
// sample when it is next called.
bool report_battery_discharge_rate_while_suspended_;
} // namespace power_manager