blob: 3db663f045ec583b4487f8a6d58b9c88c2e739b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Unittest for cgpt_state module
In this unit teset, cgpt_table is used as a template to manipulate the change
of gpt information. It is initialized as test_cgpt_handler.MOCKED_COMMANDS.
cgpt_table is dynamically changed by cgpt_handler.set_partition() over
the iterations of cgpt_state.test_loop() so that
cgpt_handler.get_device_info() can read kernel properties out of it.
import os
import re
import sys
import unittest
import cgpt_handler
import cgpt_state
import test_cgpt_handler
# Global variables to be shared between TestCgptState and MockChromeosInterface
cgpt_table = test_cgpt_handler.MOCKED_COMMANDS
step = 0
class MockChromeosInterface:
def __init__(self, cgpt_choice):
# The cgpt step file will be kept under /tmp during this unit test.
self.state_dir = '/tmp'
cgpt_state_seq_body = cgpt_state.CGPT_STATE_SEQ_BODY[cgpt_choice]
cgpt_state_seq_end = cgpt_state.CGPT_STATE_SEQ_END
self.cgpt_state_seq = cgpt_state_seq_body + cgpt_state_seq_end
self.POS_BOOT_VEC = cgpt_state.CgptState.PARA_POS['BOOT_VEC']
self.POS_EXPECTED = cgpt_state.CgptState.PARA_POS['EXPECTED']
def state_dir_file(self, file_name):
return os.path.join(self.state_dir, file_name)
def log(self, msg):
def boot_state_vector(self):
'''Mocked to read boot vector from cgpt_state_seq directly.'''
global step
return self.cgpt_state_seq[step - 1][self.POS_BOOT_VEC]
def get_root_dev(self):
'''Mocked to return a fixed root device'''
return '/dev/sda'
def run_shell_command_get_output(self, command):
'''Mocked to return device info for cgpt_handler.get_device_info()'''
return [x.rstrip() for x in cgpt_table[command].split('\n')]
def run_shell_command(self, command):
'''Mocked to perform cgpt_handler.set_partition on cgpt_table()'''
global step
ATTR_NAME = cgpt_state.CgptState.PROP_NAME
PART_POS = {2:0, 4:1}
attr_dict = {}
# extract partition id from the command line
part ='-i \d+', command)
if part:
part_id = int([1])
# Extract attribute values from cgpt_state_seq
expected_props = self.cgpt_state_seq[step][self.POS_EXPECTED]
expected_prop = expected_props[PART_POS[part_id]]
attr_val_str = expected_prop.split(':')
for i, name in enumerate(ATTR_NAME):
attr_dict[name] = int(attr_val_str[i])
# scan through every line of cgpt table
part_flag = False
table_content = cgpt_table['cgpt show /dev/sda']
lines = table_content.split('\n')
for i in range(len(lines)):
# Proceed to the correct partition
if 'Label:' in lines[i] and int(lines[i].split()[2]) == part_id:
part_flag = True
# Set attributes into the line of the mocked cgpt table
if part_flag and 'Attr:' in lines[i]:
for j, name in enumerate(ATTR_NAME):
if attr_dict[name] is not None:
lines[i] = re.sub(r'(%s)=\d*' % ATTR_NAME[j],
r'\1=%d' % attr_dict[name], lines[i])
# reconstruct cgpt table with modified attributes
cgpt_table['cgpt show /dev/sda'] = '\n'.join(lines)
class TestCgptState(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
cgpt_choice = 'COMPLETE'
self.chros_if = MockChromeosInterface(cgpt_choice)
self.cgpt_st = cgpt_state.CgptState(cgpt_choice, self.chros_if,
# Suppress error messages generated by the program under test.
self.stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w')
def test_cgpt_state_test_loop(self):
global step
# To test set_step() and get_step() work as expected
step_got = self.cgpt_st.get_step()
self.assertEqual(step, step_got)
# to test whether cgpt_state.test_loop() works as expected
while self.cgpt_st.test_loop() == 0:
step += 1
# To verify the number of steps executed is as expected
self.assertEqual(step, self.cgpt_st.num_steps-1)
def tearDown(self):
sys.stdout = self.stdout
# remove the temporary cgpt step file
if __name__ == '__main__':