shill: cellular: Handle vanish of bearer when getting its properties.

This CL changes CellularCapabilityUniversal::OnListBearersReply() to get
the properties of a bearer via a single invocation of
DBusPropertiesProxy::GetAll() instead of multiple invocations of
different property getters in mm1::BearerProxy. This allows us to handle
the vanish of a bearer more gracefully when getting its properties over

TEST=Tested the following:
1. Build and run unit tests.
2. Run network_3GSmokeTest test on platforms with Y3400 and E362 modem.
3. Run network_3GModemControl test with pseudomodem.
4. Test a few 3G dongles that use PPP.

Change-Id: I7d594d59dae5191bc0db1defcdaf4663d929a529
Commit-Queue: Ben Chan <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Chan <>
Tested-by: Ben Chan <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 2ca66fc..482d89c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1063,22 +1063,50 @@
   string network_device;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
     const DBus::Path &path = paths[i];
-    scoped_ptr<mm1::BearerProxyInterface> bearer_proxy(
-        proxy_factory()->CreateBearerProxy(path, cellular()->dbus_owner()));
-    if (!bearer_proxy->Connected()) {
+    scoped_ptr<DBusPropertiesProxyInterface> properties_proxy(
+        proxy_factory()->CreateDBusPropertiesProxy(path,
+                                                   cellular()->dbus_owner()));
+    DBusPropertiesMap properties(
+        properties_proxy->GetAll(MM_DBUS_INTERFACE_BEARER));
+    if (properties.empty()) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get properties of bearer \"" << path
+                   << "\". Bearer is likely gone and thus ignored.";
-    CHECK(new_bearer_path.empty()) << "Found more than one active bearer.";
-    network_device = bearer_proxy->Interface();
+    bool connected = false;
+    if (!DBusProperties::GetBool(
+            properties, MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_CONNECTED, &connected)) {
+      SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer does not indicate whether it is connected "
+                           "or not. Assume it is not connected.";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!connected) {
+      continue;
+    }
     SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Found active bearer \"" << path << "\".";
-    SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer uses interface \"" << network_device << "\".";
+    CHECK(new_bearer_path.empty()) << "Found more than one active bearer.";
+    if (DBusProperties::GetString(
+            properties, MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_INTERFACE, &network_device)) {
+      SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer uses network interface \"" << network_device
+                        << "\".";
+    } else {
+      SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer does not specify network interface.";
+    }
     // TODO(quiche): Add support for scenarios where the bearer is
     // IPv6 only, or where there are conflicting configuration methods
     // for IPv4 and IPv6.
-    DBusPropertiesMap bearer_ip4config = bearer_proxy->Ip4Config();
-    if (ContainsKey(bearer_ip4config, kIpConfigPropertyMethod)) {
-      ipconfig_method = bearer_ip4config[kIpConfigPropertyMethod].reader().
-          get_uint32();
+    DBusPropertiesMap bearer_ip4config;
+    DBusProperties::GetDBusPropertiesMap(
+        properties, MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_IP4CONFIG, &bearer_ip4config);
+    if (DBusProperties::GetUint32(
+            bearer_ip4config, kIpConfigPropertyMethod, &ipconfig_method)) {
       SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer has IPv4 config method " << ipconfig_method;
     } else {
       SLOG(Cellular, 2) << "Bearer does not specify IPv4 config method.";
diff --git a/ b/
index ec6622f..e9e707f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include "shill/mock_glib.h"
 #include "shill/mock_manager.h"
 #include "shill/mock_metrics.h"
-#include "shill/mock_mm1_bearer_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_modem3gpp_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_modemcdma_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_proxy.h"
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@
       : capability_(NULL),
         modem_info_(NULL, dispatcher, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-        bearer_proxy_(new mm1::MockBearerProxy()),
         modem_3gpp_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemModem3gppProxy()),
         modem_cdma_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemModemCdmaProxy()),
         modem_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemProxy()),
@@ -117,12 +115,6 @@
     // TODO(armansito): Some of these methods won't be necessary after 3GPP
     // gets refactored out of CellularCapabilityUniversal.
-    virtual mm1::BearerProxyInterface *CreateBearerProxy(
-        const std::string &path,
-        const std::string &/*service*/) {
-      return test_->bearer_proxy_.release();
-    }
     virtual mm1::ModemModem3gppProxyInterface *CreateMM1ModemModem3gppProxy(
         const std::string &/*path*/,
         const std::string &/*service*/) {
@@ -168,7 +160,6 @@
   NiceMock<DeviceMockAdaptor> *device_adaptor_;
   MockModemInfo modem_info_;
   MockGLib glib_;
-  scoped_ptr<mm1::MockBearerProxy> bearer_proxy_;
   // TODO(armansito): Remove |modem_3gpp_proxy_| after refactor.
   scoped_ptr<mm1::MockModemModem3gppProxy> modem_3gpp_proxy_;
   scoped_ptr<mm1::MockModemModemCdmaProxy> modem_cdma_proxy_;
diff --git a/ b/
index d8d05ec..98a4179 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "shill/mock_cellular_service.h"
 #include "shill/mock_dbus_properties_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_event_dispatcher.h"
-#include "shill/mock_mm1_bearer_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_modem3gpp_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_modemcdma_proxy.h"
 #include "shill/mock_mm1_modem_proxy.h"
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@
   CellularCapabilityUniversalTest(EventDispatcher *dispatcher)
       : modem_info_(NULL, dispatcher, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-        bearer_proxy_(new mm1::MockBearerProxy()),
         modem_3gpp_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemModem3gppProxy()),
         modem_cdma_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemModemCdmaProxy()),
         modem_proxy_(new mm1::MockModemProxy()),
@@ -195,25 +193,20 @@
     explicit TestProxyFactory(CellularCapabilityUniversalTest *test) :
         test_(test) {
-      ::DBus::Variant ip_method_dhcp;
-      ip_method_dhcp.writer().append_uint32(MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP);
-      bearer_ip4config_dhcp_[
-          CellularCapabilityUniversal::kIpConfigPropertyMethod] =
-          ip_method_dhcp;
-    }
+      active_bearer_properties_[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_CONNECTED].writer()
+          .append_bool(true);
+      active_bearer_properties_[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_INTERFACE].writer()
+          .append_string("/dev/fake");
-    virtual mm1::BearerProxyInterface *CreateBearerProxy(
-        const std::string &path,
-        const std::string &/*service*/) {
-      mm1::MockBearerProxy *bearer_proxy = test_->bearer_proxy_.release();
-      if (path.find(kActiveBearerPathPrefix) != std::string::npos)
-        ON_CALL(*bearer_proxy, Connected()).WillByDefault(Return(true));
-      else
-        ON_CALL(*bearer_proxy, Connected()).WillByDefault(Return(false));
-      ON_CALL(*bearer_proxy, Ip4Config()).WillByDefault(Return(
-          bearer_ip4config_dhcp_));
-      test_->bearer_proxy_.reset(new mm1::MockBearerProxy());
-      return bearer_proxy;
+      DBusPropertiesMap ip4config;
+      ip4config[CellularCapabilityUniversal::kIpConfigPropertyMethod].writer()
+          .append_uint32(MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP);
+      DBus::MessageIter writer =
+          active_bearer_properties_[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_IP4CONFIG].writer();
+      writer << ip4config;
+      inactive_bearer_properties_[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_CONNECTED].writer()
+          .append_bool(false);
     virtual mm1::ModemModem3gppProxyInterface *CreateMM1ModemModem3gppProxy(
@@ -248,21 +241,42 @@
       return sim_proxy;
     virtual DBusPropertiesProxyInterface *CreateDBusPropertiesProxy(
-        const std::string &/*path*/,
+        const std::string &path,
         const std::string &/*service*/) {
       MockDBusPropertiesProxy *properties_proxy =
+      if (path.find(kActiveBearerPathPrefix) != std::string::npos) {
+        ON_CALL(*properties_proxy, GetAll(MM_DBUS_INTERFACE_BEARER))
+            .WillByDefault(Return(active_bearer_properties_));
+      } else {
+        ON_CALL(*properties_proxy, GetAll(MM_DBUS_INTERFACE_BEARER))
+            .WillByDefault(Return(inactive_bearer_properties_));
+      }
       test_->properties_proxy_.reset(new MockDBusPropertiesProxy());
       return properties_proxy;
+    DBusPropertiesMap GetActiveBearerProperties(
+        const string &/*interface_name*/) {
+      DBusPropertiesMap properties;
+      properties[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_CONNECTED].writer().append_bool(true);
+      return properties;
+    }
+    DBusPropertiesMap GetInactiveBearerProperties(
+        const string &/*interface_name*/) {
+      DBusPropertiesMap properties;
+      properties[MM_BEARER_PROPERTY_CONNECTED].writer().append_bool(false);
+      return properties;
+    }
     CellularCapabilityUniversalTest *test_;
-    DBusPropertiesMap bearer_ip4config_dhcp_;
+    DBusPropertiesMap active_bearer_properties_;
+    DBusPropertiesMap inactive_bearer_properties_;
   MockModemInfo modem_info_;
-  scoped_ptr<mm1::MockBearerProxy> bearer_proxy_;
   scoped_ptr<mm1::MockModemModem3gppProxy> modem_3gpp_proxy_;
   scoped_ptr<mm1::MockModemModemCdmaProxy> modem_cdma_proxy_;
   scoped_ptr<mm1::MockModemProxy> modem_proxy_;