blob: a9391c627e93a7b636c61a058fdac1d6799b192f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
namespace shill {
class EventDispatcher;
// TrafficMonitor detects certain abnormal scenarios on a network interface
// notifies an observer of various scenarios via callbacks.
class TrafficMonitor {
typedef base::Closure NoIncomingTrafficCallback;
TrafficMonitor(const DeviceRefPtr &device,
EventDispatcher *dispatcher);
virtual ~TrafficMonitor();
// Starts traffic monitoring on the selected device.
virtual void Start();
// Stops traffic monitoring on the selected device.
virtual void Stop();
void set_no_incoming_traffic_callback(
const NoIncomingTrafficCallback &callback) {
no_incoming_traffic_callback_ = callback;
friend class TrafficMonitorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(TrafficMonitorTest, StartAndStop);
FRIEND_TEST(TrafficMonitorTest, SampleTraffic);
// Samples traffic (e.g. receive and transmit byte counts) on the
// selected device and invokes appropriate callbacks when certain
// abnormal scenarios are detected.
void SampleTraffic();
// The device on which to perform traffic monitoring.
DeviceRefPtr device_;
// Dispatcher on which to create delayed tasks.
EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
// Callback to invoke when TrafficMonitor needs to sample traffic
// of the network interface.
base::CancelableClosure sample_traffic_callback_;
// Receive byte count obtained in the last sample when SampleTraffic()
// was invoked.
uint64 last_receive_byte_count_;
// Transmit byte count obtained in the last sample when SampleTraffic()
// was invoked.
uint64 last_transmit_byte_count_;
// Number of samples where both the receive and transmit byte counts
// remain unchanged.
int no_traffic_count_;
// Number of samples where the transmit byte count changes but the
// receive byte count remains unchanged.
int no_incoming_traffic_count_;
// Callback to invoke when TrafficMonitor detects that there is
// outgoing traffic but no incoming traffic.
NoIncomingTrafficCallback no_incoming_traffic_callback_;
// Set to true after |no_incoming_traffic_callback_| is invoked
// and reset to false after |no_incoming_traffic_count_| is reset to 0.
bool no_incoming_traffic_callback_invoked_;
} // namespace shill