blob: 922a6ae60184128d08debcc29bb4b2ed423edb74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implements the dispatcher state machine of the SPDM responder.
pub mod internal;
mod wait_for_finish;
mod wait_for_key_exchange;
mod wait_for_requester_key;
use spdm_types::deps::SpdmDeps;
use self::internal::SpdmInternalDispatcher;
use crate::Spdm;
/// Defines the methods related to dispatching a request.
/// This is the only trait exposed to the library users.
pub trait SpdmDispatcher {
/// Dispatches an SPDM request to the state machine.
/// - `is_secure` should be set to whether the request is secured (plaintext message if not).
/// - `buf` should contain the SPDM request and the SPDM response will be written back to `buf`.
/// - `req_size` should contain the size in bytes of the SPDM request.
/// - `resp_size` should contain the maximum size in bytes we can write to `buf`, and will be
/// set to the response size.
fn dispatch_request(&mut self, is_secure: bool, buf: &mut [u8], req_size: usize) -> usize;
impl<D: SpdmDeps> SpdmDispatcher for Spdm<D> {
fn dispatch_request(&mut self, is_secure: bool, buf: &mut [u8], req_size: usize) -> usize {
let result = if is_secure {
self.dispatch_secure_request(buf, req_size)
} else {
self.dispatch_plaintext_request(buf, req_size)
match result {
Ok(resp_size) => resp_size,
Err(err) => err.write_response(buf),