blob: fa3e71db7987d1aa1b2ca40d5982ba94fc957257 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include <chromeos/dbus/abstract_dbus_service.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/dbus.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "pico/pico_tts_engine.h"
#include "threading.h"
#include "tts_engine.h"
#include "tts_service.h"
namespace speech_synthesis {
namespace gobject {
struct SpeechSynthesizer;
} // namespace gobject
// Provides a wrapper for exporting SpeechSynthesizerInterface to
// D-Bus and entering the glib run loop.
// ::g_type_init() must be called before this class is used.
class SpeechSynthesizerService : public chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService {
virtual ~SpeechSynthesizerService();
// Implementing chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService
virtual bool Initialize() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Reset() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Run()OVERRIDE;
virtual const char* service_name() const OVERRIDE {
return kSpeechSynthesizerServiceName;
virtual const char* service_path() const OVERRIDE {
return kSpeechSynthesizerServicePath;
virtual const char* service_interface() const OVERRIDE {
return kSpeechSynthesizerInterface;
virtual GObject* service_object() const OVERRIDE{
return G_OBJECT(speech_synthesizer_);
// Interface function prototypes which wrap service.
gboolean Speak(gchar *text,
gchar *properties,
GError **error);
gboolean Stop(GError **error);
gboolean IsSpeaking(gboolean *OUT_isSpeaking_requested,
GError **error);
gboolean Shutdown(GError **error);
// AbstractDbusService override.
virtual GMainLoop* main_loop() OVERRIDE { return main_loop_; }
scoped_ptr<TtsService> ttsService_;
scoped_ptr<AudioOutput> audio_output_;
scoped_ptr<UtteranceOptions> utterance_options_;
gobject::SpeechSynthesizer* speech_synthesizer_;
GMainLoop* main_loop_;
// The time when the last dbus method call was made.
base::Time time_last_call_;
gboolean AddProperties(gchar *properties);
// Update |time_last_call_| to delay idle shutdown.
void UpdateLastCallTime();
// Shutdown the service if dbus method call has not been made for long time.
void ShutdownIfIdle();
// Handler method to be used by g_timeout_add.
static gboolean OnTimeout(gpointer user_data);
} // namespace speech_synthesis