blob: 0551b2a714bff3ef6efdaf51480addc9bd936c9d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This protobuf is for sending the characteristics of a storage from a mtp/ptp
// device to the browser.
message MtpStorageInfo {
// The name of the storage. e.g. usb:2,5:65537
optional string storage_name = 1;
// Device vendor name. e.g. Kodak
optional string vendor = 2;
// Device vendor id. e.g. 0x040a
optional uint32 vendor_id = 3;
// Device product name. e.g. DC4800
optional string product = 4;
// Device product id. e.g. 0x0160
optional uint32 product_id = 5;
// Device flags as defined by libmtp. See libmtp's src/device-flags.h.
optional uint32 device_flags = 6;
// Device storage type as defined in the PIMA 15740-2000 standard, first
// edition, section 5.5.3, table 11.
optional uint32 storage_type = 7;
// Device file system type as defined in the PIMA 15740-2000 standard, first
// edition, section 5.5.3, table 12.
optional uint32 filesystem_type = 8;
// Access capability as defined in the PIMA 15740-2000 standard, first
// edition, section 5.5.3, table 13.
optional uint32 access_capability = 9;
// Capacity of the storage in bytes.
optional uint64 max_capacity = 10;
// Free space of the storage in bytes.
optional uint64 free_space_in_bytes = 11;
// Free space of the storage in objects. i.e. How many more objects can be
// created on the device.
optional uint64 free_space_in_objects = 12;
// A description of the storage. This is device dependent.
optional string storage_description = 13;
// The volume label of the storage. This is device dependent.
optional string volume_identifier = 14;