blob: ef2599550ef73e44603aa9e500745003514c6543 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package chromecrash contains functionality shared by tests that
// exercise Chrome crash-dumping.
package chromecrash
import (
const (
// CryptohomePattern is a glob pattern that matches all of the cryptohome links
// inside of /home/chronos.
CryptohomePattern = "/home/chronos/u-*"
// CryptohomeCrashPattern is a glob pattern that matches any crash directory
// inside any user's cryptohome.
CryptohomeCrashPattern = "/home/chronos/u-*/crash"
// vModuleFlag is passed to Chrome when testing Chrome crashes. It allows us
// to debug certain failures, particularly cases where consent didn't get set
// up correctly, as well as any problems with the upcoming crashpad changeover.
vModuleFlag = "--vmodule=chrome_crash_reporter_client=1,breakpad_linux=1,crashpad=1,crashpad_linux=1,broker_process=3,sandbox_linux=3,stats_reporting_controller=1,autotest_private_api=1"
// nanosecondsPerMillisecond helps convert ns to ms. Needed to deal with
// gopsutil/process which reports creation times in milliseconds-since-UNIX-epoch,
// while golang's time can only be constructed using nanoseconds-since-UNIX-epoch.
nanosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000 * 1000
// chromeConfPath is the path to the Chrome config file. Extra entries in that
// file occasionally mess up Chrome crash tests.
chromeConfPath = "/etc/chrome_dev.conf"
// crashReporterExecPath is the path to the crash_reporter executable.
crashReporterExecPath = "/sbin/crash_reporter"
// crashpadExecPath is the path to the crashpad binary.
crashpadExecPath = "/opt/google/chrome/crashpad_handler"
// chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid contains fmt.Sprintf format string that
// expects an integer PID of a chrome process. fmt.Sprintf will return a regex
// string that, when concatenated with an extension, matches Chrome crashes
// from that PID.
chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid = `chrome\.\d{8}\.\d{6}\.\d+\.%d\.`
// breakpadDmpFileRegexp is the regexp we use to find a BreakpadDmp file.
// Unlike normal .meta files, the native breakpad .dmp files do not include
// the PID in the filename.
breakpadDmpFileRegexp = `chromium-.*-minidump-.*\.dmp`
// CrashHandler indicates which crash handler the test wants Chrome to use:
// breakpad or crashpad.
type CrashHandler int
const (
// Breakpad indicates Chrome should install the older breakpad crash handler. Breakpad
// is an in-process crash handler.
Breakpad CrashHandler = iota
// Crashpad indicates Chrome should install the new crashpad crash handler. Crashpad
// runs as a separate "crashpad_handler" process which monitors the chrome processes.
// GetExtraArgs gives the list of arguments we should pass via chrome.ExtraArgs into the
// chrome.New() function.
func GetExtraArgs(handler CrashHandler, consentType crash.ConsentType) []string {
// Breakpad needs an extra argument to do mock consent. Crashpad doesn't care
// about consent (at least on ChromeOS); it passes all crashes along to
// crash_reporter and lets crash_reporter decide on consent. So we don't need
// any extra arguments if the crash handler is Crashpad.
if handler == Breakpad && consentType == crash.MockConsent {
return []string{vModuleFlag, "--enable-crash-reporter-for-testing"}
return []string{vModuleFlag}
// ProcessType is an enum listed the types of Chrome processes we can kill.
type ProcessType int
const (
// Browser indicates the root Chrome process, the one without a --type flag.
Browser ProcessType = iota
// GPUProcess indicates a process with --type=gpu-process. We use GPUProcess
// to stand in for most types of non-Browser processes, including renderer and
// zygote; given the comments above Chrome's NonBrowserCrashHandler class, the
// code path should be similar enough that we don't need separate tests for
// those process types.
// Broker indicates a process with --type=broker. Broker processes go through
// a special code path because they are forked directly.
// String returns a string naming the given ProcessType, suitable for displaying
// in log and error messages.
func (ptype ProcessType) String() string {
switch ptype {
case Browser:
return "Browser"
case GPUProcess:
return "GPUProcess"
case Broker:
return "Broker"
return "Unknown ProcessType " + strconv.Itoa(int(ptype))
// CrashFileType is an enum listing the types of crash output files the crash
// system might produce.
type CrashFileType int
const (
// MetaFile refers to the .meta files created by crash_reporter. This is the
// normal crash file type.
MetaFile CrashFileType = iota
// BreakpadDmp indicates the .dmp files generated directly by breakpad and
// crashpad. We only see these when we are skipping crash_reporter and having
// breakpad / crashpad dump directly.
// NoCrashFile indicates that we don't expect to see any crash files from the
// kill. Note that this means KillAndGetCrashFiles() may not wait for anything
// after sending a signal to the target process; the target process will
// often not be completely finished crashing after KillAndGetCrashFiles()
// returns.
// String returns a string naming the given CrashFileType, suitable for displaying
// in log and error messages.
func (cfType CrashFileType) String() string {
switch cfType {
case MetaFile:
return "MetaFile"
case BreakpadDmp:
return "BreakpadDmp"
case NoCrashFile:
return "NoCrashFile"
return "Unknown CrashFileType " + strconv.Itoa(int(cfType))
// crashReporterRunning returns true if any crash_reporter processes are
// currently running, false otherwise.
func crashReporterRunning(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
all, err := process.ProcessesWithContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, process := range all {
if exe, err := process.Exe(); err == nil && exe == crashReporterExecPath {
return true, nil
// else ignore the error. If a process exited, or we otherwise can't
// get its executable path, we want to keep going and looking for
// crash_reporter processes.
return false, nil
// CrashTester maintains state between different parts of the Chrome crash tests.
// It should be created (via NewCrashTester) before chrome.New is called. Close should be
// called at the end of the test.
type CrashTester struct {
ptype ProcessType
waitFor CrashFileType
killedPID int
// NewCrashTester returns a CrashTester. This must be called before chrome.New.
// ptype indicates the type of process the KillAndGetCrashFiles will kill. For
// some process types, we wait for the crash file to appear. In these cases,
// waitFor indicates the type of file we are waiting for.
func NewCrashTester(ctx context.Context, ptype ProcessType, waitFor CrashFileType) (*CrashTester, error) {
if ptype < Browser || ptype > Broker {
return nil, errors.Errorf("ptype out of range: %v", ptype)
if waitFor < MetaFile || waitFor > NoCrashFile {
return nil, errors.Errorf("waitFor out of range: %v", waitFor)
return &CrashTester{
ptype: ptype,
waitFor: waitFor,
}, nil
// Close closes a CrashTester. It must be called on all CrashTesters returned from NewCrashTester.
func (ct *CrashTester) Close() {
// verifyChromeConfFile verifies that the Chrome configuration file
// (/etc/chrome_dev.conf) doesn't have any non-comment entries.
// We've had problems with extraneous crash configuration entries left over from
// other tests causing crash tests to flake. To avoid breaking developers'
// workflows (they may have some options in there and still want to run tast
// tests), this will just print warnings about extra entries; it doesn't return
// an error and doesn't fail the test. That should be enough information to
// understand the problem.
func verifyChromeConfFile(ctx context.Context) {
file, err := os.Open(chromeConfPath)
if err != nil {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Could not read %s: %v", chromeConfPath, err)
defer file.Close()
var extraOptions []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if line != "" && line[0] != '#' {
extraOptions = append(extraOptions, line)
if len(extraOptions) > 0 {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Extra options in %s: %v", chromeConfPath, extraOptions)
func cryptohomeCrashDirs(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
// The crash subdirectory may not exist yet, so we can't just do
// filepath.Glob(CryptohomeCrashPattern) here. Instead, look for all cryptohomes
// and manually add a /crash on the end.
paths, err := filepath.Glob(CryptohomePattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range paths {
paths[i] = filepath.Join(paths[i], "crash")
return paths, nil
// deleteFiles deletes the supplied paths.
func deleteFiles(ctx context.Context, paths []string) {
for _, p := range paths {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Removing new crash file ", p)
if err := os.Remove(p); err != nil {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Unable to remove %v: %v", p, err)
// anyPIDsExist returns true if any PIDs in pids are still present. To avoid
// PID races, only processes created before the indicated time are considered.
func anyPIDsExist(pids []int, createdBefore time.Time) bool {
createdBeforeMS := createdBefore.UnixNano() / nanosecondsPerMillisecond
for _, pid := range pids {
proc, err := process.NewProcess(int32(pid))
if err != nil {
// Assume process exited.
// If there are errors, again, assume the process exited.
if createTimeMS, err := proc.CreateTime(); err == nil && createTimeMS <= createdBeforeMS {
return true
return false
// FindCrashFilesIn looks through the list of files returned from KillAndGetCrashFiles,
// expecting to find the crash output files written by crash_reporter after a Chrome crash.
// In particular, it expects to find a .meta file and a matching .dmp file.
// dirPattern is a glob-style pattern indicating where the crash files should be found.
// FindCrashFilesIn returns an error if the files are not found in the expected
// directory; otherwise, it returns nil.
func FindCrashFilesIn(dirPattern string, files []string) error {
filePattern := filepath.Join(dirPattern, "chrome*.meta")
var meta string
for _, file := range files {
if match, _ := filepath.Match(filePattern, file); match {
meta = file
if meta == "" {
return errors.Errorf("could not find crash's meta file in %s (possible files: %v)", dirPattern, files)
dump := strings.TrimSuffix(meta, "meta") + "dmp"
for _, file := range files {
if file == dump {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("did not find the dmp file %s corresponding to the crash meta file", dump)
// FindBreakpadDmpFilesIn looks through the list of files returned from KillAndGetCrashFiles,
// expecting to find .dmp output files written by breakpad if it writes the dump
// directly (without invoking crash_reporter).
func FindBreakpadDmpFilesIn(dirPattern string, files []string) error {
filePatternStr := "^" + filepath.Join(dirPattern, breakpadDmpFileRegexp) + "$"
filePattern, err := regexp.Compile(filePatternStr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid file pattern %s", filePatternStr)
for _, file := range files {
if filePattern.MatchString(file) {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("could not find breakpad's .dmp file in %s (possible files: %v)", dirPattern, files)
// getChromePIDs gets the process IDs of all Chrome processes running in the
// system. This will wait for Chrome to be up before returning.
func getChromePIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int, error) {
var pids []int
// Don't just return the list of Chrome PIDs at the moment this is called.
// Instead, wait for Chrome to be up and then return the pids once it is up
// and running.
if err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
pids, err = chromeproc.GetPIDs()
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(err)
if len(pids) == 0 {
return errors.New("no Chrome processes found")
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: time.Minute}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get Chrome PIDs")
return pids, nil
// getNonBrowserProcess returns a Process structure of a single Chrome process
// of the indicated type. If more than one such process exists, the first one is
// returned. Does not wait for the process to come up -- if none exist, this
// just returns an error.
func (ct *CrashTester) getNonBrowserProcess(ctx context.Context) (process.Process, error) {
switch ct.ptype {
case GPUProcess:
processes, err := chromeproc.GetGPUProcesses()
if err != nil {
return process.Process{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "error looking for Chrome %s", ct.ptype)
if len(processes) == 0 {
return process.Process{}, errors.Errorf("no Chrome %s's found", ct.ptype)
return processes[0], nil
case Broker:
processes, err := chromeproc.GetBrokerProcesses()
if err != nil {
return process.Process{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "error looking for Chrome %s", ct.ptype)
if len(processes) == 0 {
return process.Process{}, errors.Errorf("no Chrome %s's found", ct.ptype)
return processes[0], nil
return process.Process{}, errors.Errorf("unexpected ProcessType %s", ct.ptype)
// waitForMetaFile waits for a .meta file corresponding to the given pid to appear
// in one of the directories.
// Return nil if the file is found.
func waitForMetaFile(ctx context.Context, pid int, dirs []string) error {
ending := fmt.Sprintf(chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid+"meta", pid)
results, err := crash.WaitForCrashFiles(ctx, dirs, []string{ending})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error waiting for .meta file")
// Investigating test flakes -- why do some parts of the test see the meta
// files and others don't? Dump exactly what WaitForCrashFiles saw.
// TODO( Remove this once flake is resolved; it's kinda
// spammy.
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "crash.WaitForCrashFiles returned ", results)
return nil
// waitForBreakpadDmpFile waits for a .dmp file corresponding to the given pid
// to appear in one of the directories.
// Return nil if the file is found.
func waitForBreakpadDmpFile(ctx context.Context, pid int, dirs []string) error {
err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(c context.Context) error {
files, err := crash.WaitForCrashFiles(ctx, dirs, []string{breakpadDmpFileRegexp})
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrap(err, "error waiting for .dmp file"))
// We don't want to immediately fail if we can't parse a .dmp file. .dmp files
// may be in the middle of being written out when this code runs, in which
// case we'll get all sorts of odd errors. There's also a (small) possibility
// of one malformed .dmp file (maybe from crash_reporter) matching, in
// which case we just want to look at the other .dmp files. Remember any
// errors for later debugging, but don't stop looking and, above all,
// don't testing.PollBreak.
errorList := make([]error, 0)
for _, fileName := range files[breakpadDmpFileRegexp] {
if found, err := crash.IsBreakpadDmpFileForPID(fileName, pid); err != nil {
errorList = append(errorList, errors.Wrap(err, "error scanning "+fileName))
} else if found {
// Success, ignore all other errors.
return nil
if len(errorList) == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("could not find dmp file with PID %d in %v", pid, files)
if len(errorList) == 1 {
return errorList[0]
return errors.Errorf("multiple errors found scanning .dmp files: %v", errorList)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error waiting for .dmp file")
return nil
// killNonBrowser implements the killing heart of KillAndGetCrashFiles for any
// process type OTHER than the root Browser type.
func (ct *CrashTester) killNonBrowser(ctx context.Context, dirs []string) error {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Hunting for a ", ct.ptype)
var toKill process.Process
// It's possible that the root browser process just started and hasn't created
// the GPU or broker process yet. Also, if the target process disappears during
// the 3 second stabilization period, we'd be willing to try a different one.
// Retry until we manage to successfully send a SEGV.
err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
toKill, err = ct.getNonBrowserProcess(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not find Chrome %s to kill", ct.ptype)
// Sleep briefly after the Chrome process we want starts so it has time to set
// up breakpad.
const delay = 3 * time.Second
createTimeMS, err := toKill.CreateTime()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get create time of process")
createTime := time.Unix(0, createTimeMS*nanosecondsPerMillisecond)
timeToSleep := delay - time.Since(createTime)
if timeToSleep > 0 {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Sleeping %v to wait for Chrome to stabilize", timeToSleep)
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, timeToSleep); err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrap(err, "timed out while waiting for Chrome startup"))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Sending SIGSEGV to target Chrome %s pid %d", ct.ptype, toKill.Pid)
if err = syscall.Kill(int(toKill.Pid), syscall.SIGSEGV); err != nil {
if errno, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errno == syscall.ESRCH {
return errors.Errorf("target process %d does not exist", toKill.Pid)
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrapf(err, "could not kill target process %d", toKill.Pid))
ct.killedPID = int(toKill.Pid)
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to find & kill a Chrome %s", ct.ptype)
// We don't wait for the process to exit here. Most non-Browser processes
// don't actually exit when sent a SIGSEGV from outside the process. (This
// is the expected behavior -- see
// Instead, we wait for the crash file to be written out.
switch ct.waitFor {
case MetaFile:
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Waiting for meta file to appear")
if err = waitForMetaFile(ctx, int(toKill.Pid), dirs); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed waiting for target to write crash meta files")
case BreakpadDmp:
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Waiting for dmp file to appear")
if err = waitForBreakpadDmpFile(ctx, int(toKill.Pid), dirs); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed waiting for target to write crash dmp files")
case NoCrashFile:
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unexpected CrashFileType %d", ct.waitFor)
return nil
// killBrowser implements the specialized logic for killing & waiting for the
// root Browser process. The principal difference between this and killNonBrowser
// is that this waits for the SEGV'ed process to die instead of waiting for a
// .meta file. We can't wait for a file to be created because ChromeCrashLoop
// doesn't create files at all on one of its kills.
func (ct *CrashTester) killBrowser(ctx context.Context) error {
preSleepTime := time.Now()
// Sleep briefly after Chrome starts so it has time to set up breakpad or
// crashpad. (Also needed for
const delay = 3 * time.Second
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Sleeping %v to wait for Chrome to stabilize", delay)
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, delay); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "timed out while waiting for Chrome startup")
pids, err := getChromePIDs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to find Chrome process IDs")
// The root Chrome process (i.e. the one that doesn't have another Chrome process
// as its parent) is the browser process. It's not sandboxed, so it should be able
// to write a minidump file when it crashes.
rp, err := chromeproc.GetRootPID()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get root Chrome PID")
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Sending SIGSEGV to root Chrome process ", rp)
if err = syscall.Kill(rp, syscall.SIGSEGV); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill process")
ct.killedPID = rp
// Wait for all the processes to die (not just the root one). This avoids
// messing up other killNonBrowser tests that might try to kill an orphaned
// process. It also ensures that crashpad_handler has exited; this is
// important since crashpad_handler can survive the root Chrome process and
// still be in the middle of spawning crash_reporter.
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Waiting for %d Chrome process(es) to exit", len(pids))
err = testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if anyPIDsExist(pids, preSleepTime) {
return errors.New("processes still exist")
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Chrome didn't exit")
// Now wait for all running crash_reporter processes to exit. It's possible
// for crashpad_handler to exit before crash_reporter is finished, and if
// crash_reporter is still running, the meta file might not exist yet.
// Fortunately, crash_reporter never takes too long to run.
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Waiting for all crash_reporters to exit")
err = testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if stillRunning, err := crashReporterRunning(ctx); err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrap(err, "error scanning for crash_reporter"))
} else if stillRunning {
return errors.New("crash_reporter still running")
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "crash_reporter didn't exit")
return nil
// KillAndGetCrashFiles sends SIGSEGV to the given Chrome process, waits for it to
// crash, finds all the new crash files, and then deletes them and returns their paths.
func (ct *CrashTester) KillAndGetCrashFiles(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
dirs, err := cryptohomeCrashDirs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dirs = append(dirs, crash.DefaultDirs()...)
if ct.ptype == Browser {
if err = ct.killBrowser(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill Browser process")
} else {
if err = ct.killNonBrowser(ctx, dirs); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to kill Chrome %s", ct.ptype)
// For reasons unknown, we sometimes don't see the files under the cryptohome
// when we do GetCrashes. Retry several times to avoid brief flakes.
// TODO( Find root cause and remove this workaround.
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Scanning crash directories")
var regexes, optionalRegexes []string
switch ct.waitFor {
case NoCrashFile:
// We don't expect to find anything; we go through the WaitForCrashFiles
// loop once just to make sure there aren't unexpected files being written
// out.
optionalRegexes = []string{".*"}
case BreakpadDmp:
// Filename doesn't include the PID, so just accept any dmp file as the
// expected one. (The problems we've seen have always been the entire
// directory not being present, so this should be OK)
regexes = []string{breakpadDmpFileRegexp}
case MetaFile:
meta := fmt.Sprintf(chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid+"meta", ct.killedPID)
dmp := fmt.Sprintf(chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid+"dmp", ct.killedPID)
regexes = []string{meta, dmp}
// Logs and i915_error_state may be skipped if the dmp file is too large,
// and we don't have control of the dmp file size, so leave them as
// optional. Also, some platforms don't have an i915_error_state, so we
// can't block on that.
logs := fmt.Sprintf(chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid+"chrome.txt.gz", ct.killedPID)
i915 := fmt.Sprintf(chromeCrashFilePatternWithPid+"i915_error_state.log.xz", ct.killedPID)
optionalRegexes = []string{logs, i915}
// NOTE: in some tests (particularly ChromeCrashLoop), we don't know if the
// files will be written out or not, so we can't just loop forever looking
// for the files.
const timeout = 5 * time.Second
var matches map[string][]string
if matches, err = crash.WaitForCrashFiles(ctx, dirs, regexes, crash.OptionalRegexes(optionalRegexes), crash.Timeout(timeout)); err != nil {
notFoundErr, ok := err.(crash.RegexesNotFound)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "WaitForCrashFiles failed")
for _, expectedFiles := range notFoundErr.PartialMatches {
deleteFiles(ctx, expectedFiles)
// Some tests (like ChromeCrashLoop) don't know in advance if they will get
// crash files. Don't return an error if we didn't find the crash files;
// instead, return the list of files we found to the caller and let them
// decide if it was an error.
return notFoundErr.Files, nil
var files []string
for _, fileList := range matches {
files = append(files, fileList...)
deleteFiles(ctx, files)
return files, nil
// KillCrashpad kills all crashpad_handler processes running in the system. It
// returns when there are no more crashpad_handler processes running.
func KillCrashpad(ctx context.Context) error {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Hunting and killing crashpad_handler proceesses")
return testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
all, err := process.ProcessesWithContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Wrap(err, "could not get list of processes"))
foundCrashpadProcess := false
for _, process := range all {
if exe, err := process.Exe(); err == nil && exe == crashpadExecPath {
foundCrashpadProcess = true
if err = syscall.Kill(int(process.Pid), syscall.SIGKILL); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to kill crashpad_handler process")
// else ignore the error. If a process exited, or we otherwise can't
// get its executable path, we want to keep going and looking for
// crashpad_handler processes.
if foundCrashpadProcess {
return errors.New("Some crashpad_handler processes still alive")
return nil
}, nil)