blob: a4dc0aac2cf44c9e626b0c2c7c6d85a5ceca39c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package vm
import (
// Crosvm holds info about a running instance of the crosvm command.
type Crosvm struct {
cmd *testexec.Cmd // crosvm process
socketPath string // crosvm control socket
stdin io.Writer // stdin for cmd
stdout *os.File // stdout for cmd; uses os.File to set a read dealine
type sharedDirParam struct {
src string
tag string
fsType string
cache string
func (p *sharedDirParam) toArg() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:type=%s:cache=%s", p.src, p.tag, p.fsType, p.cache)
// CrosvmParams - Parameters for starting a crosvm instance.
type CrosvmParams struct {
vmKernel string // path to the VM kernel image
rootfsPath string // optional path to the VM rootfs
diskPaths []string // paths that will be mounted read only
rwDiskPaths []string // paths that will be mounted read/write
socketPath string // path to the VM control socket
kernelArgs []string // string arguments to be passed to the VM kernel
sharedDirs []sharedDirParam // array of configuration of a directory to be shared with the VM
serialOutput string // path to a file where serial output will be written
vhostUserNet []string // paths to sockets that vhost-user-net devices will use
// Option configures a CrosvmParams
type Option func(s *CrosvmParams)
// Rootfs sets a path to the VM rootfs.
func Rootfs(path string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.rootfsPath = path
// Disks adds paths to disks that will be mounted read only.
func Disks(paths ...string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.diskPaths = append(p.diskPaths, paths...)
// RWDisks adds paths to disks that will be mounted read/write.
func RWDisks(paths ...string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.rwDiskPaths = append(p.rwDiskPaths, paths...)
// Socket sets a path to the control socket.
func Socket(path string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.socketPath = path
// KernelArgs sets extra kernel command line arguments.
func KernelArgs(args ...string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.kernelArgs = append(p.kernelArgs, args...)
// SharedDir sets a config for directory to be shared with the VM.
func SharedDir(src, tag, fsType, cache string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.sharedDirs = append(p.sharedDirs, sharedDirParam{src, tag, fsType, cache})
// SerialOutput sets a file that serial log will be written.
func SerialOutput(file string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.serialOutput = file
// VhostUserNet sets a socket to be used by a vhost-user net device.
func VhostUserNet(socket string) Option {
return func(p *CrosvmParams) {
p.vhostUserNet = append(p.vhostUserNet, socket)
// NewCrosvmParams constructs a set of crosvm parameters.
func NewCrosvmParams(kernel string, opts ...Option) *CrosvmParams {
p := &CrosvmParams{
vmKernel: kernel,
for _, opt := range opts {
return p
// ToArgs converts CrosvmParams to an array of strings that can be used as crosvm's command line flags.
func (p *CrosvmParams) ToArgs() []string {
args := []string{"run"}
if p.socketPath != "" {
args = append(args, "--socket", p.socketPath)
if p.rootfsPath != "" {
args = append(args, "--root", p.rootfsPath)
for _, path := range p.rwDiskPaths {
args = append(args, "--rwdisk", path)
for _, path := range p.diskPaths {
args = append(args, "-d", path)
for _, param := range p.sharedDirs {
args = append(args, "--shared-dir", param.toArg())
if p.serialOutput != "" {
args = append(args, "--serial", fmt.Sprintf("type=file,num=1,console=true,path=%s", p.serialOutput))
for _, sock := range p.vhostUserNet {
args = append(args, "--vhost-user-net", sock)
args = append(args, "-p", strings.Join(p.kernelArgs, " "))
args = append(args, p.vmKernel)
return args
// NewCrosvm starts a crosvm instance with the optional disk path as an additional disk.
func NewCrosvm(ctx context.Context, params *CrosvmParams) (*Crosvm, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(params.vmKernel); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to find VM kernel")
vm := &Crosvm{}
vm.cmd = testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "crosvm", params.ToArgs()...)
vm.socketPath = params.socketPath
var err error
if vm.stdin, err = vm.cmd.StdinPipe(); err != nil {
return nil, err
pr, pw, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vm.cmd.Stdout = pw
vm.stdout = pr
defer pw.Close()
if err = vm.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vm, nil
// Close stops the crosvm process (and underlying VM) started by NewCrosvm.
func (vm *Crosvm) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
defer vm.stdout.Close()
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "crosvm", "stop", vm.socketPath)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to exec stop: ", err)
return err
if err := vm.cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed waiting for crosvm to exit: ", err)
return err
return nil
// Stdin is attached to the crosvm process's stdin. It can be used to run commands.
func (vm *Crosvm) Stdin() io.Writer {
return vm.stdin
// Stdout is attached to the crosvm process's stdout. It receives all console output.
func (vm *Crosvm) Stdout() io.Reader {
return vm.stdout
// WaitForOutput waits until a line matched by re has been written to stdout,
// crosvm's stdout is closed, or the deadline is reached. It returns the full
// line that was matched. This function will consume output from stdout until it
// returns.
func (vm *Crosvm) WaitForOutput(ctx context.Context, re *regexp.Regexp) (string, error) {
// Start a goroutine that reads bytes from crosvm and buffers them in a
// string builder. We can't do this with lines because then we will miss the
// initial prompt that comes up that doesn't have a line terminator. If a
// matching line is found, send it through the channel.
type result struct {
line string
err error
ch := make(chan result, 1)
// Allow the blocking read call to stop when the deadline has been exceeded.
// Defer removing the deadline until this function has exited.
deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline()
// If no deadline is set, default to no timeout.
if !ok {
deadline = time.Time{}
defer vm.stdout.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
go func() {
defer close(ch)
var line strings.Builder
var b [1]byte
for {
_, err := vm.stdout.Read(b[:])
if err != nil {
ch <- result{"", err}
if b[0] == '\n' {
if re.MatchString(line.String()) {
ch <- result{line.String(), nil}
select {
case r := <-ch:
if os.IsTimeout(r.err) {
// If the read times out, this means the deadline has passed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return "", errors.Wrap(ctx.Err(), "timeout out waiting for output")
return r.line, r.err