blob: 550f0e3494404c7f028320200718dc551f9e8fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package serial
import (
// Config holds parameters of the serial port.
type Config struct {
// Name is the path on the filesystem to the port.
Name string
// Baud rate of the port.
Baud int
// ReadTimeout is the max expected duration of silence during reads.
ReadTimeout time.Duration
// Default Parity is none, Stop bits is 1, Data bits is 8.
// Add here and pipe these through in OpenPort if needed.
// ConnectedPortOpener opens a directly connected port on the localhost. In a
// dut context during local bundle execution, the localhost is the dut.
type ConnectedPortOpener struct {
config Config
// OpenPort opens the port.
func (c *ConnectedPortOpener) OpenPort(ctx context.Context) (Port, error) {
serialCfg := &serial.Config{Name: c.config.Name, Baud: c.config.Baud, ReadTimeout: c.config.ReadTimeout}
p, err := serial.OpenPort(serialCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ConnectedPort{port: p}, nil
// NewConnectedPortOpener creates a new ConnectedPortOpener.
func NewConnectedPortOpener(name string, baud int, readTimeout time.Duration) *ConnectedPortOpener {
cfg := Config{name, baud, readTimeout}
return &ConnectedPortOpener{config: cfg}