blob: 50758dc8d690dc9108ce5134ddbd9fdf5b6e3b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package hwsec
This file implements the control of our daemons.
It is meant to have our own implementation so we can support the control in
both local and local test; also, we also wait for D-Bus interfaces to be responsive
instead of only (re)starting them.
Reference code:
import (
// DaemonGoal describes a job's goal. See Section, "initctl status", in the Upstart Cookbook.
type DaemonGoal string
// DaemonState describes a job's current state. See Section 4.1.2, "Job States", in the Upstart Cookbook.
type DaemonState string
const (
// unknownGoal indicates that a task job doesn't exist.
unknownGoal DaemonGoal = "unknown"
// startGoal indicates that a task or service job has been started.
startGoal DaemonGoal = "start"
// stopGoal indicates that a task job has completed or that a service job has been manually stopped or has
// a "stop on" condition that has been satisfied.
stopGoal DaemonGoal = "stop"
// waitingState is the initial state for a job.
waitingState DaemonState = "waiting"
// startingState indicates that a job is about to start.
startingState DaemonState = "starting"
// securityState indicates that a job is having its AppArmor security policy loaded.
securityState DaemonState = "security"
// preStartState indicates that a job's pre-start section is running.
preStartState DaemonState = "pre-start"
// spawnedState indicates that a job's script or exec section is about to run.
spawnedState DaemonState = "spawned"
// postStartState indicates that a job's post-start section is running.
postStartState DaemonState = "post-start"
// runningState indicates that a job is running (i.e. its post-start section has completed). It may not have a PID yet.
runningState DaemonState = "running"
// preStopState indicates that a job's pre-stop section is running.
preStopState DaemonState = "pre-stop"
// stoppingState indicates that a job's pre-stop section has completed.
stoppingState DaemonState = "stopping"
// killedState indicates that a job is about to be stopped.
killedState DaemonState = "killed"
// postStopState indicates that a job's post-stop section is running.
postStopState DaemonState = "post-stop"
var (
// Matches a leading line of e.g. "ui start/running, process 3182" or "boot-splash stop/waiting".
statusRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[^ ]+ ([-a-z]+)/([-a-z]+)(?:, process (\d+))?$`)
// A set of all daemon goals
allGoals = map[DaemonGoal]struct{}{
unknownGoal: {},
startGoal: {},
stopGoal: {},
// A set of all daemon states
allStates = map[DaemonState]struct{}{
waitingState: {},
startingState: {},
securityState: {},
preStartState: {},
spawnedState: {},
postStartState: {},
runningState: {},
preStopState: {},
stoppingState: {},
killedState: {},
postStopState: {},
// DaemonInfo represents the information for a daemon.
type DaemonInfo struct {
Name string
DaemonName string
HasDBus bool
DBusName string
Optional bool
// AttestationDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for attestation.
var AttestationDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "attestation",
DaemonName: "attestationd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.Attestation",
// CryptohomeDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for cryptohome.
var CryptohomeDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "cryptohome",
DaemonName: "cryptohomed",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.UserDataAuth",
// TPMManagerDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for tpm_manager.
var TPMManagerDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "tpm_manager",
DaemonName: "tpm_managerd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.TpmManager",
// TrunksDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for trunks.
var TrunksDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "trunks",
DaemonName: "trunksd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.Trunks",
Optional: true,
// TcsdDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for tcsd.
var TcsdDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "tcsd",
DaemonName: "tcsd",
HasDBus: false,
Optional: true,
// PCAAgentDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for pca_agent.
var PCAAgentDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "pca_agent",
DaemonName: "pca_agentd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.PcaAgent",
// FakePCAAgentDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for fake_pca_agent.
// Note that fake_pca_agentd runs the same service as pca_agentd.
var FakePCAAgentDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "fake_pca_agent",
DaemonName: "fake_pca_agentd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.PcaAgent",
// ChapsDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for chaps.
var ChapsDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "chaps",
DaemonName: "chapsd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.Chaps",
// BootLockboxDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for bootlockbox.
var BootLockboxDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "bootlockbox",
DaemonName: "bootlockboxd",
HasDBus: true,
DBusName: "org.chromium.BootLockbox",
Optional: true,
// U2fdDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for u2fd.
var U2fdDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "u2fd",
DaemonName: "u2fd",
HasDBus: false,
Optional: true,
// UIDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for ui.
var UIDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "ui",
DaemonName: "ui",
HasDBus: false,
// TPM2SimulatorDaemon represents the DaemonsInfo for tpm2 simulator.
var TPM2SimulatorDaemon = &DaemonInfo{
Name: "tpm2-simulator",
DaemonName: "tpm2-simulator",
HasDBus: false,
// LowLevelTPMDaemons represents the low level TPM daemons.
var LowLevelTPMDaemons = []*DaemonInfo{
// HighLevelTPMDaemons represents the high level TPM daemons.
var HighLevelTPMDaemons = []*DaemonInfo{
// DaemonController controls the daemons via upstart commands.
type DaemonController struct {
r CmdRunner
// NewDaemonController creates a new DaemonController object, where r is used to run the command internally.
func NewDaemonController(r CmdRunner) *DaemonController {
return &DaemonController{r}
// WaitForAllDBusServices waits for all D-Bus services of our interest to be running.
func (dc *DaemonController) WaitForAllDBusServices(ctx context.Context) error {
// Just waits for cryptohomd because it's at the tail of dependency chain. We might have to change it if any dependency is decoupled.
return dc.waitForDBusService(ctx, CryptohomeDaemon)
func (dc *DaemonController) waitForDBusService(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
// Create a 30 seconds timeout to wait for D-Bus service.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
name := info.DBusName
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "gdbus", "wait", "--system", name); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to wait for D-Bus service %s", name)
return nil
// Start starts a daemon and waits until the D-Bus interface is responsive if it has D-Bus interface.
func (dc *DaemonController) Start(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "start", info.DaemonName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to start %s", info.Name)
if info.HasDBus {
return dc.waitForDBusService(ctx, info)
return nil
// Stop stops a daemon.
func (dc *DaemonController) Stop(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "stop", info.DaemonName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stop %s", info.Name)
return nil
// Restart restarts a daemon and waits until the D-Bus interface is responsive if it has D-Bus interface.
func (dc *DaemonController) Restart(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "restart", info.DaemonName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to restart %s", info.Name)
if info.HasDBus {
return dc.waitForDBusService(ctx, info)
return nil
// Status returns the status of daemon.
func (dc *DaemonController) Status(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) (goal DaemonGoal, state DaemonState, pid int, err error) {
out, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "status", info.DaemonName)
if err != nil {
if info.Optional {
// Don't return error if this is an optional daemon.
return unknownGoal, waitingState, -1, nil
return unknownGoal, waitingState, -1, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to execute status command")
return parseStatus(info.DaemonName, string(out))
// TryStop stops a daemon if it exist and started.
func (dc *DaemonController) TryStop(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
goal, _, _, err := dc.Status(ctx, info)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get the status of %s", info.Name)
if goal == startGoal {
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "stop", info.DaemonName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stop %s", info.Name)
return nil
// Ensure ensures a daemon is started and waits until the D-Bus interface is responsive if it has D-Bus interface.
func (dc *DaemonController) Ensure(ctx context.Context, info *DaemonInfo) error {
goal, _, _, err := dc.Status(ctx, info)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get the status of %s", info.Name)
if goal == stopGoal {
if _, err := dc.r.Run(ctx, "start", info.DaemonName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to start %s", info.Name)
if goal != unknownGoal && info.HasDBus {
return dc.waitForDBusService(ctx, info)
return nil
// TryStopDaemons tries to stop daemons in the reverse order.
func (dc *DaemonController) TryStopDaemons(ctx context.Context, daemons []*DaemonInfo) error {
for i := len(daemons) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
info := daemons[i]
if err := dc.TryStop(ctx, info); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to try to stop %s", info.Name)
return nil
// EnsureDaemons ensures daemons started in order.
func (dc *DaemonController) EnsureDaemons(ctx context.Context, daemons []*DaemonInfo) error {
for _, info := range daemons {
if err := dc.Ensure(ctx, info); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to ensure %s", info.Name)
return nil
// RestartTPMDaemons restarts all TPM-related daemons.
func (dc *DaemonController) RestartTPMDaemons(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := dc.TryStopDaemons(ctx, HighLevelTPMDaemons); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to try to stop high-level TPM daemons")
if err := dc.TryStopDaemons(ctx, LowLevelTPMDaemons); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to try to stop low-level TPM daemons")
if err := dc.EnsureDaemons(ctx, LowLevelTPMDaemons); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to ensure low-level TPM daemons")
if err := dc.EnsureDaemons(ctx, HighLevelTPMDaemons); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to ensure high-level TPM daemons")
return nil
// parseStatus parses the output from "initctl status <job>", e.g. "ui start/running, process 28515".
// The output may be multiple lines; see the example in Section,
// "Single Job Instance Running with Multiple PIDs", in the Upstart Cookbook.
func parseStatus(job, out string) (goal DaemonGoal, state DaemonState, pid int, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(out, job+" ") {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("missing job prefix %q in %q", job, out)
m := statusRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if m == nil {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("unexpected format in %q", out)
goal = DaemonGoal(m[1])
if _, ok := allGoals[goal]; !ok {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("invalid goal %q", m[1])
state = DaemonState(m[2])
if _, ok := allStates[state]; !ok {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("invalid state %q", m[2])
if m[3] != "" {
p, err := strconv.ParseInt(m[3], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("bad PID %q", m[3])
pid = int(p)
return goal, state, pid, nil