blob: 935880950dceed852df8a41b56d06f62afe44420 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package shillconst defines the constants of shill service.
// This is defined under common/ as they might be used in both
// local and remote tests.
package shillconst
import (
// Timeout constants for shill tests.
const (
DefaultTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// ServiceProviderOverridePath isth path of the modb file to override serviceproviders.pbf
const ServiceProviderOverridePath = "/usr/share/shill/serviceproviders-exclusive-override.pbf"
// Type values defined in dbus-constants.h
// The values are used both for Service type and Technology type.
const (
TypeEthernet = "ethernet"
TypeWifi = "wifi"
TypeCellular = "cellular"
TypeVPN = "vpn"
TypePPPoE = "pppoe"
// Device property names defined in dbus-constants.h .
const (
// Device property names.
DevicePropertyAddress = "Address"
DevicePropertyDBusObject = "DBus.Object"
DevicePropertyInhibited = "Inhibited"
DevicePropertyInterface = "Interface"
DevicePropertyPowered = "Powered"
DevicePropertyType = "Type"
DevicePropertySelectedService = "SelectedService"
// Cellular device property names.
DevicePropertyCellularAPNList = "Cellular.APNList"
DevicePropertyCellularHomeProvider = "Cellular.HomeProvider"
DevicePropertyCellularICCID = "Cellular.ICCID"
DevicePropertyCellularPolicyAllowRoaming = "Cellular.PolicyAllowRoaming"
DevicePropertyCellularSIMPresent = "Cellular.SIMPresent"
DevicePropertyCellularSIMSlotInfo = "Cellular.SIMSlotInfo"
DevicePropertyCellularSIMLockStatus = "Cellular.SIMLockStatus"
// Keys into the dictionaries exposed as properties
DevicePropertyCellularSIMLockStatusLockType = "LockType"
DevicePropertyCellularSIMLockStatusLockEnabled = "LockEnabled"
DevicePropertyCellularSIMLockStatusRetriesLeft = "RetriesLeft"
// Valid values taken by properties exposed by shill.
DevicePropertyValueSIMLockTypePIN = "sim-pin"
DevicePropertyValueSIMLockTypePUK = "sim-puk"
// Ethernet device property names.
DevicePropertyEthernetBusType = "Ethernet.DeviceBusType"
DevicePropertyEthernetLinkUp = "Ethernet.LinkUp"
DevicePropertyEthernetMACSource = "Ethernet.UsbEthernetMacAddressSource"
DevicePropertyEapDetected = "EapAuthenticatorDetected"
DevicePropertyEapCompleted = "EapAuthenticationCompleted"
// WiFi device property names.
DevicePropertyWiFiBgscanMethod = "BgscanMethod"
DevicePropertyWiFiScanInterval = "ScanInterval"
DevicePropertyWiFiBgscanShortInterval = "BgscanShortInterval"
DevicePropertyMACAddrRandomEnabled = "MACAddressRandomizationEnabled"
DevicePropertyMACAddrRandomSupported = "MACAddressRandomizationSupported"
DevicePropertyScanning = "Scanning" // Also for cellular.
DevicePropertyWakeOnWiFiAllowed = "WakeOnWiFiAllowed"
DevicePropertyWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabled = "WakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabled"
DevicePropertyLastWakeReason = "LastWakeReason"
DevicePropertyNetDetectScanPeriodSeconds = "NetDetectScanPeriodSeconds"
// IPConfig property names.
const (
IPConfigPropertyAddress = "Address"
IPConfigPropertyNameServers = "NameServers"
IPConfigPropertyBroadcast = "Broadcast"
IPConfigPropertyDomainName = "DomainName"
IPConfigPropertyGateway = "Gateway"
IPConfigPropertyMethod = "Method"
IPConfigPropertyMtu = "Mtu"
IPConfigPropertyPeerAddress = "PeerAddress"
IPConfigPropertyPrefixlen = "Prefixlen"
IPConfigPropertyVendorEncapsulatedOptions = "VendorEncapsulatedOptions"
IPConfigPropertyWebProxyAutoDiscoveryURL = "WebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrl"
IPConfigPropertyiSNSOptionData = "iSNSOptionData"
// Manager property names.
const (
ManagerPropertyActiveProfile = "ActiveProfile"
ManagerPropertyAvailableTechnologies = "AvailableTechnologies"
ManagerPropertyDevices = "Devices"
ManagerPropertyEnabledTechnologies = "EnabledTechnologies"
ManagerPropertyProfiles = "Profiles"
ManagerPropertyProhibitedTechnologies = "ProhibitedTechnologies"
ManagerPropertyServices = "Services"
ManagerPropertyServiceCompleteList = "ServiceCompleteList"
ManagerPropertyGlobalFTEnabled = "WiFi.GlobalFTEnabled"
ManagerPropertyScanAllowRoam = "WiFi.ScanAllowRoam"
ManagerPropertyDOHProviders = "DNSProxyDOHProviders"
// Service property names defined in dbus-constants.h .
const (
// Service property names.
ServicePropertyConnectable = "Connectable"
ServicePropertyDevice = "Device"
ServicePropertyError = "Error"
ServicePropertyName = "Name"
ServicePropertyType = "Type"
ServicePropertyIsConnected = "IsConnected"
ServicePropertyMode = "Mode"
ServicePropertyState = "State"
ServicePropertyStaticIPConfig = "StaticIPConfig"
ServicePropertyStrength = "Strength"
ServicePropertyVisible = "Visible"
ServicePropertyAutoConnect = "AutoConnect"
ServicePropertyGUID = "GUID"
ServicePropertyProvider = "Provider"
// Cellular service property names.
ServicePropertyCellularICCID = "Cellular.ICCID"
ServicePropertyCellularAllowRoaming = "Cellular.AllowRoaming"
ServicePropertyCellularLastGoodAPN = "Cellular.LastGoodAPN"
ServicePropertyCellularLastAttachAPN = "Cellular.LastAttachAPN"
ServicePropertyCellularRoamingState = "Cellular.RoamingState"
// Keys into the dictionaries exposed as properties for LastAttachAPN and LastGoodAPN
DevicePropertyCellularAPNInfoApnName = "apn"
DevicePropertyCellularAPNInfoApnSource = "apn_source"
DevicePropertyCellularAPNInfoApnAttach = "attach"
DevicePropertyCellularAPNInfoApnIPType = "ip_type"
// WiFi service property names.
ServicePropertyPassphrase = "Passphrase"
ServicePropertySecurityClass = "SecurityClass"
ServicePropertySSID = "SSID"
ServicePropertyWiFiBSSID = "WiFi.BSSID"
ServicePropertyWiFiFrequency = "WiFi.Frequency"
ServicePropertyWiFiFrequencyList = "WiFi.FrequencyList"
ServicePropertyWiFiHexSSID = "WiFi.HexSSID"
ServicePropertyWiFiHiddenSSID = "WiFi.HiddenSSID"
ServicePropertyWiFiRandomMACPolicy = "WiFi.RandomMACPolicy"
ServicePropertyWiFiPhyMode = "WiFi.PhyMode"
ServicePropertyWiFiRekeyInProgress = "WiFi.RekeyInProgress"
ServicePropertyWiFiRoamState = "WiFi.RoamState"
// EAP service property names.
ServicePropertyEAPCACertPEM = "EAP.CACertPEM"
ServicePropertyEAPMethod = "EAP.EAP"
ServicePropertyEAPInnerEAP = "EAP.InnerEAP"
ServicePropertyEAPIdentity = "EAP.Identity"
ServicePropertyEAPPassword = "EAP.Password"
ServicePropertyEAPPin = "EAP.PIN"
ServicePropertyEAPCertID = "EAP.CertID"
ServicePropertyEAPKeyID = "EAP.KeyID"
ServicePropertyEAPKeyMgmt = "EAP.KeyMgmt"
ServicePropertyEAPUseSystemCAs = "EAP.UseSystemCAs"
ServicePropertyEAPSubjectAlternativeNameMatch = "EAP.SubjectAlternativeNameMatch"
ServicePropertyEAPDomainSuffixMatch = "EAP.DomainSuffixMatch"
// Service Error values
const (
ServiceErrorNoFailure = "no-failure"
// Service state values defined in dbus-constants.h
const (
ServiceStateIdle = "idle"
ServiceStateCarrier = "carrier"
ServiceStateAssociation = "association"
ServiceStateConfiguration = "configuration"
ServiceStateReady = "ready"
ServiceStatePortal = "portal"
ServiceStateNoConnectivity = "no-connectivity"
ServiceStateRedirectFound = "redirect-found"
ServiceStatePortalSuspected = "portal-suspected"
ServiceStateOffline = "offline"
ServiceStateOnline = "online"
ServiceStateDisconnect = "disconnecting"
ServiceStateFailure = "failure"
ServiceStateActivationFailure = "activation-failure"
// Roam state values defined in dbus-constants.h
const (
RoamStateIdle = "idle"
RoamStateAssociation = "association"
RoamStateConfiguration = "configuration"
RoamStateReady = "ready"
// ServiceConnectedStates is a list of service states that are considered connected.
var ServiceConnectedStates = []interface{}{
// Security options defined in dbus-constants.h
const (
SecurityWPA = "wpa"
SecurityWEP = "wep"
SecurityRSN = "rsn"
Security8021x = "802_1x"
SecurityPSK = "psk"
SecurityNone = "none"
// MAC randomization policy constants defined in dbus-constants.h
const (
MacPolicyHardware = "Hardware"
MacPolicyFullRandom = "FullRandom"
MacPolicyOUIRandom = "OUIRandom"
MacPolicyPersistentRandom = "PersistentRandom"
MacPolicyNonPersistentRandom = "NonPersistentRandom"
// ServiceKeyMgmtIEEE8021X is a value of EAPKeyMgmt.
const ServiceKeyMgmtIEEE8021X = "IEEE8021X"
const defaultStorageDir = "/var/cache/shill/"
const (
// DefaultProfileName is the name of default profile.
DefaultProfileName = "default"
// DefaultProfileObjectPath is the dbus object path of default profile.
DefaultProfileObjectPath dbus.ObjectPath = "/profile/" + DefaultProfileName
// DefaultProfilePath is the path of default profile.
DefaultProfilePath = defaultStorageDir + DefaultProfileName + ".profile"
// Cellular Operator info values defined in dbus-constants.h
const (
// OperatorUUIDKey is the unique identifier of the carrier in the shill DB.
OperatorUUIDKey = "uuid"
// Profile property names.
const (
ProfilePropertyCheckPortalList = "CheckPortalList"
ProfilePropertyEntries = "Entries"
ProfilePropertyName = "Name"
ProfilePropertyPortalURL = "PortalURL"
ProfilePropertyPortalCheckInterval = "PortalCheckInterval"
ProfilePropertyServices = "Services"
ProfilePropertyUserHash = "UserHash"
ProfilePropertyProhibitedTechnologies = "ProhibitedTechnologies"
ProfilePropertyArpGateway = "ArpGateway"
ProfilePropertyNoAutoConnectTechnologies = "NoAutoConnectTechnologies"
// Profile entry property names.
const (
ProfileEntryPropertyName = "Name"
ProfileEntryPropertyType = "Type"
// The common prefix of DHCP property keys in shill.
const dhcpPropertyPrefix = "DHCPProperty."
// DHCP property names defined in dhcp/
// These keys can be used in properties of both Manager or Service.
const (
DHCPPropertyHostname = dhcpPropertyPrefix + "Hostname"
DHCPPropertyVendorClass = dhcpPropertyPrefix + "VendorClass"
// Device background scan methods.
// The values are from wpa_supplicant + "none" for no background scan.
// See:
// platform2/shill/supplicant/
const (
DeviceBgscanMethodSimple = "simple"
DeviceBgscanMethodLearn = "learn"
DeviceBgscanMethodNone = "none"
// WakeOnWiFi features.
const (
WakeOnWiFiFeaturesDarkConnect = "darkconnect"
WakeOnWiFiFeaturesNone = "none"
// LastWakeReason values.
const (
WakeOnWiFiReasonDisconnect = "WiFi.Disconnect"
WakeOnWiFiReasonPattern = "WiFi.Pattern"
WakeOnWiFiReasonSSID = "WiFi.SSID"
WakeOnWiFiReasonUnknown = "Unknown"
// DBus Errors
const (
ErrorMatchingServiceNotFound = "Matching service was not found"
ErrorModemNotStarted = "Modem not started"
// For error org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.MobileEquipment.IncorrectPin.
ErrorIncorrectPin = "IncorrectPin"
// For error org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.MobileEquipment.IncorrectPassword.
ErrorIncorrectPassword = "Incorrect password"
ErrorPinFailure = "Failure"
// For error org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.MobileEquipment.SimPuk.
ErrorPukRequired = "SIM PUK required"
ErrorPinBlocked = "PinBlocked"