blob: ab417d9d71fda8506212e484683e792f5013f2df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package lacrosfixt contains tools for working with lacros fixtures.
package lacrosfixt
import (
// LacrosLogPath is where the lacros log file ought to be.
// N.B. If lacros is launched multiple times (via command line launch, the current default),
// then this logfile will be overwritten. Launching means starting a new lacros process entirely,
// not just creating a new window or tab.
const LacrosLogPath = "/home/chronos/user/lacros/lacros.log"
// The FixtValue object is made available to users of this fixture via:
// func DoSomething(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// d := s.FixtValue().(lacros.FixtValue)
// ...
// }
type FixtValue interface {
TestAPIConn() *chrome.TestConn
// NewFixture creates a new fixture that can launch Lacros chrome with the given selection and
// Chrome options.
func NewFixture(selection lacros.Selection, fOpt chrome.OptionsCallback) testing.FixtureImpl {
return NewComposedFixture(selection, func(v FixtValue, pv interface{}) interface{} {
return v
}, fOpt)
// NewComposedFixture is similar to NewFixture but allows tests to customise the FixtValue
// used. This lets tests compose fixtures via struct embedding.
func NewComposedFixture(selection lacros.Selection, makeValue func(v FixtValue, pv interface{}) interface{},
fOpt chrome.OptionsCallback) testing.FixtureImpl {
return &fixtImpl{
selection: selection,
fOpt: fOpt,
makeValue: makeValue,