blob: ac3fa14b6c0e272d96282f348a128f9e9a50f95d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package debugd interacts with debugd D-Bus service.
package debugd
import (
const (
dbusName = "org.chromium.debugd"
dbusPath = "/org/chromium/debugd"
dbusInterface = "org.chromium.debugd"
crashSenderTestMode = "CrashSenderTestMode"
// Scheduler describes a scheduler mode that can be applied via SetSchedulerConfiguration.
type Scheduler string
const (
// Conservative scheduler favors stability.
Conservative Scheduler = "conservative"
// Performance scheduler favors speed.
Performance = "performance"
// CUPSResult is a status code for the CUPS related debugd D-Bus methods.
// Values are from platform2/system_api/dbus/debugd/dbus-constants.h
type CUPSResult int32
const (
// CUPSSuccess indicates the operation succeeded.
CUPSSuccess CUPSResult = 0
// CUPSFatal indicates the operation failed for an unknown reason.
CUPSFatal CUPSResult = 1
// CUPSInvalidPPD indicates the operation failed because the given PPD is invalid.
CUPSInvalidPPD CUPSResult = 2
// CUPSLPAdminFailure indicates the operation failed because lpadmin command failed.
CUPSLPAdminFailure CUPSResult = 3
// CUPSAutoconfFailure indicates the operation failed due to autoconf failures.
CUPSAutoconfFailure CUPSResult = 4
// CUPSBadURI indicates that the operation failed because debugd
// rejected the printer URI.
// CUPSIOError indicates that the operation failed because of I/O error.
CUPSIOError CUPSResult = 6
// CUPSMemoryAllocError indicates that the operation failed because of
// memory allocation error.
CUPSMemoryAllocError CUPSResult = 7
// CUPSPrinterUnreachable indicates that the printer did not respond.
CUPSPrinterUnreachable CUPSResult = 8
// CUPSPrinterWrongResponse indicates that the printer sent
// an unexpected response.
CUPSPrinterWrongResponse CUPSResult = 9
// CUPSPrinterNotAutoconf indicates that the operation failed because
// the printer is not autoconfigurable as it supposed to be.
CUPSPrinterNotAutoconf CUPSResult = 10
func (r CUPSResult) String() string {
switch r {
case CUPSSuccess:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSSuccess(%d)", r)
case CUPSFatal:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSFatal(%d)", r)
case CUPSInvalidPPD:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSInvalidPPD(%d)", r)
case CUPSLPAdminFailure:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSLPAdminFailure(%d)", r)
case CUPSAutoconfFailure:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSAutoconfFailure(%d)", r)
case CUPSBadURI:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSBadURI(%d)", r)
case CUPSIOError:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSIOError(%d)", r)
case CUPSMemoryAllocError:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSMemoryAllocError(%d)", r)
case CUPSPrinterUnreachable:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSPrinterUnreachable(%d)", r)
case CUPSPrinterWrongResponse:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSPrinterWrongResponse(%d)", r)
case CUPSPrinterNotAutoconf:
return fmt.Sprintf("CUPSPrinterNotAutoconf(%d)", r)
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown(%d)", r)
// DRMTraceSize is an enumeration used as an argument to the DRMTraceSetSize method.
type DRMTraceSize uint32
// This must match the DRMTraceSize enum defined in org.chromium.debugd.xml.
const (
DRMTraceSizeDefault DRMTraceSize = 0
DRMTraceSizeDebug = 1
// DRMTraceSnapshotType is an enumeration used as an argument to the DRMTraceSnapshot method.
type DRMTraceSnapshotType uint32
// This must match the DRMTraceSnapshotType enum defined in org.chromium.debugd.xml.
const (
DRMTraceSnapshotTypeTrace DRMTraceSnapshotType = 0
DRMTraceSnapshotTypeModetest DRMTraceSnapshotType = 1
// DRMTraceCategories is a bitmask used as an argument to the DRMTraceSetCategories method.
type DRMTraceCategories uint32
// This must match the DRMTraceCategories flags defined in org.chromium.debugd.xml.
const (
DRMTraceCategoryCore DRMTraceCategories = 0x001
DRMTraceCategoryDriver = 0x002
DRMTraceCategoryKMS = 0x004
DRMTraceCategoryPrime = 0x008
DRMTraceCategoryAtomic = 0x010
DRMTraceCategoryVBL = 0x020
DRMTraceCategoryState = 0x040
DRMTraceCategoryLease = 0x080
DRMTraceCategoryDP = 0x100
DRMTraceCategoryDRMRes = 0x200
// Debugd is used to interact with the debugd process over D-Bus.
// For detailed spec of each D-Bus method, please find
// src/platform2/debugd/dbus_bindings/org.chromium.debugd.xml
type Debugd struct {
obj dbus.BusObject
// New connects to debugd via D-Bus and returns a Debugd object.
func New(ctx context.Context) (*Debugd, error) {
_, obj, err := dbusutil.Connect(ctx, dbusName, dbusPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Debugd{obj}, nil
// CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter calls debugd.CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter(ctx context.Context, name, uri string) (CUPSResult, error) {
c :=, "CupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter", name, uri)
var status int32
if err := c.Store(&status); err != nil {
return 0, err
return CUPSResult(status), nil
// CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter calls debugd.CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter(ctx context.Context, name, uri string, ppdContents []byte) (CUPSResult, error) {
c :=, "CupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter", name, uri, ppdContents)
var status int32
if err := c.Store(&status); err != nil {
return 0, err
return CUPSResult(status), nil
// CupsRemovePrinter calls debugd.CupsRemovePrinter D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) CupsRemovePrinter(ctx context.Context, name string) error {
c :=, "CupsRemovePrinter", name)
result := false
if err := c.Store(&result); err != nil {
return err
if !result {
return errors.New("CupsRemovePrinter returned false")
return nil
// SetSchedulerConfiguration calls debugd's SetSchedulerConfigurationV2 D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) SetSchedulerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, param Scheduler) (err error) {
result := false
var numCoresDisabled uint32
// TODO(abhishekbh): Support calling the D-Bus method with lock_policy=true, and add test cases to debugd/core_scheduler.go.
if err :=, "SetSchedulerConfigurationV2", string(param), false).Store(&result, &numCoresDisabled); err != nil {
return err
} else if !result {
return errors.New("SetSchedulerConfiguration returned false")
return nil
// PacketCaptureStart calls debugd's PacketCaptureStart D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) PacketCaptureStart(ctx context.Context, output, stat *os.File, options map[string]dbus.Variant) (h string, err error) {
// The handle of the packet capture process that is started by the D-Bus call.
var handle string
c :=, "PacketCaptureStart", dbus.UnixFD(stat.Fd()), dbus.UnixFD(output.Fd()), options)
if c.Store(&handle) != nil {
return handle, errors.Wrap(c.Err, "Packet capture start D-Bus call failed")
return handle, nil
// PacketCaptureStop calls debugd's PacketCaptureStop D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) PacketCaptureStop(ctx context.Context, handle string) (err error) {
if err :=, "PacketCaptureStop", handle).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Packet capture stop D-Bus call failed")
return nil
// SetCrashSenderTestMode calls debugd's SetCrashSenderTestMode. If this is
// set to true, the crash_sender invoked from debugd will just touch the "test
// successful" file instead of uploading crashes.
func (d *Debugd) SetCrashSenderTestMode(ctx context.Context, testMode bool) (err error) {
if err :=, "SetCrashSenderTestMode", testMode).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call SetCrashSenderTestMode")
return nil
// DRMTraceAnnotateLog calls debugd's DRMTraceAnnotateLog D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) DRMTraceAnnotateLog(ctx context.Context, log string) (err error) {
if err :=, "DRMTraceAnnotateLog", log).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call DRMTraceAnnotateLog")
return nil
// DRMTraceSetCategories calls debugd's DRMTraceSetCategories D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) DRMTraceSetCategories(ctx context.Context, categories DRMTraceCategories) (err error) {
if err :=, "DRMTraceSetCategories", uint32(categories)).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call DRMTraceAnnotateLog")
return nil
// DRMTraceSetSize calls debugd's DRMTraceSetSize D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) DRMTraceSetSize(ctx context.Context, size DRMTraceSize) (err error) {
if err :=, "DRMTraceSetSize", uint32(size)).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call DRMTraceSetSize")
return nil
// DRMTraceSnapshot calls debugd's DRMTraceSnapshot D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) DRMTraceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotType DRMTraceSnapshotType) (err error) {
if err :=, "DRMTraceSnapshot", uint32(snapshotType)).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call DRMTraceSnapshot")
return nil
// GetPerfOutputV2 calls debugd's GetPerfOutputV2 D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) GetPerfOutputV2(ctx context.Context, quipperArgs []string, disableCPUIdle bool, output *os.File) (uint64, error) {
var sessionID uint64
c :=, "GetPerfOutputV2", quipperArgs, disableCPUIdle, dbus.UnixFD(output.Fd()))
if c.Err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(c.Err, "failed to call GetPerfOutputV2")
err := c.Store(&sessionID)
return sessionID, err
// StopPerf calls debugd's StopPerf D-Bus method.
func (d *Debugd) StopPerf(ctx context.Context, sessionID uint64) error {
if err :=, "StopPerf", sessionID).Err; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call StopPerf")
return nil
// call is thin wrapper of CallWithContext for convenience.
func (d *Debugd) call(ctx context.Context, method string, args ...interface{}) *dbus.Call {
return d.obj.CallWithContext(ctx, dbusInterface+"."+method, 0, args...)