blob: e3cbd108eb815fb913cc0c1ac734640ad84ce579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package memoryuser
import (
// MemoryStressUnit creates a Chrome tab that allocates memory like the
// platform.MemoryStressBasic test.
type MemoryStressUnit struct {
url string
conn *chrome.Conn
cooldown time.Duration
// Run creates a Chrome tab that allocates memory, then waits for the provided
// cooldown.
func (st *MemoryStressUnit) Run(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome) error {
conn, err := cr.NewConn(ctx, st.url)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to open MemoryStressUnit page")
st.conn = conn
// Wait for allocation to complete.
const expr = "document.hasOwnProperty('out') == true"
if err := conn.WaitForExprFailOnErr(ctx, expr); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unexpected error waiting for allocation")
if st.cooldown > 0 {
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, st.cooldown); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to sleep for cooldown")
return nil
// Close closes the memory stress allocation tab.
func (st *MemoryStressUnit) Close(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome) error {
if st.conn == nil {
return nil
tconn, err := cr.TestAPIConn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get TestAPIConn to close %q", st.url)
if err := tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `async (url) => {
const query = tast.promisify(chrome.tabs.query);
const remove = tast.promisify(chrome.tabs.remove);
const tabs = await query({ url });
// Works for any number of tabs, even if it will usually be 1.
await Promise.all( => remove(;
}`, st.url); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to close tab %q", st.url)
return nil
// StillAlive uses Chrome's debug tools to determine if a tab has been killed.
// It has not been killed if it is still a target for debugging.
func (st *MemoryStressUnit) StillAlive(ctx context.Context, cr *chrome.Chrome) bool {
available, err := cr.IsTargetAvailable(ctx, chrome.MatchTargetURL(st.url))
return err == nil && available
// FillChromeOSMemory launches memory stress tabs until one is killed, filling
// up memory in ChromeOS.
func FillChromeOSMemory(ctx context.Context, dataFileSystem http.FileSystem, cr *chrome.Chrome, unitMiB int, ratio float32) (func(context.Context) error, error) {
server := NewMemoryStressServer(dataFileSystem)
var units []*MemoryStressUnit
cleanup := func(ctx context.Context) error {
var res error
for _, unit := range units {
if err := unit.Close(ctx, cr); err != nil {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Failed to close MemoryStressUnit: %s", err)
if res == nil {
res = err
return res
for i := 0; ; i++ {
const tabOpenCooldown = 2 * time.Second
unit := server.NewMemoryStressUnit(unitMiB, ratio, tabOpenCooldown)
units = append(units, unit)
if err := unit.Run(ctx, cr); err != nil {
return cleanup, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to run MemoryStressUnit %q", unit.url)
for _, unit := range units {
if !unit.StillAlive(ctx, cr) {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "FillChromeOSMemory started %d units of %d MiB before first kill", len(units), unitMiB)
return cleanup, nil
// MemoryStressTask wraps MemoryStressUnit to conform to the MemoryTask and
// KillableTask interfaces.
type MemoryStressTask struct{ MemoryStressUnit }
// MemoryStressTask is a MemoryTask.
var _ MemoryTask = (*MemoryStressTask)(nil)
// MemoryStressTask is a KillableTask.
var _ KillableTask = (*MemoryStressTask)(nil)
// String returns a friendly name for the task.
func (st *MemoryStressTask) String() string {
return "Chrome Memory Stress Basic"
// NeedVM is false because we do not need Crostini.
func (st *MemoryStressTask) NeedVM() bool {
return false
// Run creates a Chrome tab that allocates memory, then waits for the provided
// cooldown.
func (st *MemoryStressTask) Run(ctx context.Context, testEnv *TestEnv) error {
return st.MemoryStressUnit.Run(ctx,
// Close closes the memory stress allocation tab.
func (st *MemoryStressTask) Close(ctx context.Context, testEnv *TestEnv) {
// StillAlive returns false if the tab has been discarded, or was never opened.
func (st *MemoryStressTask) StillAlive(ctx context.Context, testEnv *TestEnv) bool {
return st.MemoryStressUnit.StillAlive(ctx,
// MemoryStressServer is an http server that hosts the html and js needed to
// create MemoryStressTasks.
type MemoryStressServer struct {
server *httptest.Server
nextID int
// Resources needed by MemoryStressServer to create MemoryStressTasks.
const (
AllocPageFilename = "memory_stress.html"
JavascriptFilename = "memory_stress.js"
// NewMemoryStressServer creates a server that can create MemoryStressTasks.
// Close() should be called after use.
func NewMemoryStressServer(dataFileSystem http.FileSystem) *MemoryStressServer {
return &MemoryStressServer{
server: httptest.NewServer(http.FileServer(dataFileSystem)),
// NewMemoryStressUnit creates a new MemoryStressUnit.
// allocMiB - The amount of memory the tab will allocate.
// ratio - How compressible the allocated memory will be.
// cooldown - How long to wait after allocating before returning.
func (s *MemoryStressServer) NewMemoryStressUnit(allocMiB int, ratio float32, cooldown time.Duration) *MemoryStressUnit {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?alloc=%d&ratio=%.3f&id=%d", s.server.URL, AllocPageFilename, allocMiB, ratio, s.nextID)
return &MemoryStressUnit{
url: url,
conn: nil,
cooldown: cooldown,
// NewMemoryStressTask creates a new MemoryStressTask.
// allocMiB - The amount of memory the tab will allocate.
// ratio - How compressible the allocated memory will be.
// cooldown - How long to wait after allocating before returning.
func (s *MemoryStressServer) NewMemoryStressTask(allocMiB int, ratio float32, cooldown time.Duration) *MemoryStressTask {
return &MemoryStressTask{*s.NewMemoryStressUnit(allocMiB, ratio, cooldown)}
// Close shuts down the http server.
func (s *MemoryStressServer) Close() {