blob: 6619846e994574c69209bd350e3a55a30bb6eef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package upstart interacts with the Upstart init daemon on behalf of local tests.
package upstart
import (
const (
statefulPartitionDir = "/mnt/stateful_partition"
upstartJobDir = "/etc/init"
uiJob = "ui" // special-cased in StopJob due to its respawning behavior
var statusRegexp *regexp.Regexp
var allGoals map[upstart.Goal]struct{}
var allStates map[upstart.State]struct{}
func init() {
// Matches a leading line of e.g. "ui start/running, process 3182" or "boot-splash stop/waiting".
// Supports job instances, e.g. "ml-service (mojo_service) start/running, process 712".
// Supports tmpfiles state, e.g. "ui start/tmpfiles, (tmpfiles) process 19419"
statusRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^[^ ]+ (?:\([^ ]+\) )?([-a-z]+)/([-a-z]+)(?:, (?:\(tmpfiles\) )?process (\d+))?$`)
allGoals = map[upstart.Goal]struct{}{upstart.StartGoal: {}, upstart.StopGoal: {}}
allStates = make(map[upstart.State]struct{})
for _, s := range []upstart.State{
upstart.PostStopState} {
allStates[s] = struct{}{}
// Arg represents an extra argument passed to an upstart job.
type Arg struct {
key, value string
// WithArg can be passed to job-related functions to specify an extra argument
// passed to a job.
func WithArg(key, value string) Arg {
return Arg{key: key, value: value}
// convertArgs converts args to "KEY=value" pattern that can be used as command line arguments.
func convertArgs(args ...Arg) []string {
var cmdArgs []string
for _, arg := range args {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", arg.key, arg.value))
return cmdArgs
// JobStatus returns the current status of job.
// If the PID is unavailable (i.e. the process is not running), 0 will be returned.
// An error will be returned if the job is unknown (i.e. it has no config in /etc/init).
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func JobStatus(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) (goal upstart.Goal, state upstart.State, pid int, err error) {
cmdArgs := append([]string{"status", job}, convertArgs(args...)...)
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", cmdArgs...)
stdout, stderr, err := cmd.SeparatedOutput()
// Tolerates err if stderr starts with "initctl: Unknown instance". It happens when
// job is multiple-instance, and the specific instance is treated as stop/waiting.
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(stderr), "initctl: Unknown instance") {
return upstart.StopGoal, upstart.WaitingState, pid, nil
return goal, state, pid, err
return parseStatus(job, string(stdout))
// parseStatus parses the output from "initctl status <job>", e.g. "ui start/running, process 28515".
// Also supports job instance status. e.g. "ml-service (mojo_service) start/running, process 6820".
// The output may be multiple lines; see the example in Section,
// "Single Job Instance Running with Multiple PIDs", in the Upstart Cookbook.
func parseStatus(job, out string) (goal upstart.Goal, state upstart.State, pid int, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(out, job+" ") {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("missing job prefix %q in %q", job, out)
m := statusRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if m == nil {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("unexpected format in %q", out)
goal = upstart.Goal(m[1])
if _, ok := allGoals[goal]; !ok {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("invalid goal %q", m[1])
state = upstart.State(m[2])
if _, ok := allStates[state]; !ok {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("invalid state %q", m[2])
if m[3] != "" {
p, err := strconv.ParseInt(m[3], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return goal, state, pid, errors.Errorf("bad PID %q", m[3])
pid = int(p)
return goal, state, pid, nil
// CheckJob checks the named upstart job (and the specified instance) and
// returns an error if it isn't running or has a process in the zombie state.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func CheckJob(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) error {
if goal, state, pid, err := JobStatus(ctx, job, args...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get %v status", job)
} else if goal != upstart.StartGoal || state != upstart.RunningState {
return errors.Errorf("%v not running (%v/%v)", job, goal, state)
} else if proc, err := process.NewProcess(int32(pid)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to check %v process %d", job, pid)
} else if status, err := proc.Status(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get %v process %d status", job, pid)
} else if status[0] == "Z" {
return errors.Errorf("%v process %d is a zombie", job, pid)
return nil
// JobExists returns true if the supplied job exists (i.e. it has a config file known by Upstart).
func JobExists(ctx context.Context, job string) bool {
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", "status", job)
_, stderr, err := cmd.SeparatedOutput()
// For existing single-instance jobs, `initctl status ${job}` runs without error.
// For existing multiple-instance jobs, it fails with error message:
// initctl: Unknown parameter: ...
// For non-existing jobname, it fails with error message:
// initctl: Unknown job: ${jobname}
if err != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(stderr), "initctl: Unknown parameter") {
return true
return false
return true
// RestartJob restarts the job (single-instance) or the specified instance of
// the job (multiple-instance). If the job (instance) is currently stopped, it will be started.
// Note that the job is reloaded if it is already running; this differs from the
// "initctl restart" behavior as described in Section 10.1.2, "restart", in the Upstart Cookbook.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func RestartJob(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("upstart_restart_%s", job))
defer st.End()
cmdArgs := append([]string{job}, convertArgs(args...)...)
// Make sure that the job isn't running and then try to start it.
if err := StopJob(ctx, job, args...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "stopping %s failed", shutil.EscapeSlice(cmdArgs))
if err := StartJob(ctx, job, args...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "starting %s failed", shutil.EscapeSlice(cmdArgs))
return nil
// StopJob stops job or the specified job instance. If it is not currently running, this is a no-op.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
// The ui job receives special behavior since it is restarted out-of-band by the ui-respawn
// job when session_manager exits. To work around this, when job is "ui", this function first
// waits for the job to reach a stable state. See
func StopJob(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("upstart_stop_%s", job))
defer st.End()
if job == uiJob {
// Waits for the vm_concierge job to stabilize if it is running.
// This is a workaround for b/193806814 where vm_concierge ignores
// SIGTERM if the signal is sent in a very early stage of its startup.
// We need this workaround because stopping the ui job triggers the
// vm_concierge job to stop.
// TODO(b/193806814): Remove this workaround once the bug is fixed.
if err := waitVMConciergeJobStabilized(ctx); err != nil {
// Continue even if we fail to wait.
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Ignored: failed to wait for vm_concierge job to stabilize: ", err)
// The ui and ui-respawn jobs go through the following sequence of statuses
// when the session_manager job exits with a nonzero status:
// a) ui start/running, process 29325 ui-respawn stop/waiting
// b) ui stop/stopping ui-respawn start/running, process 30567
// c) ui start/post-stop, process 30586 ui-respawn stop/waiting
// d) ui start/starting ui-respawn stop/waiting
// e) ui start/pre-start, process 30935 ui-respawn stop/waiting
// f) ui start/running, process 30946 ui-respawn stop/waiting
// Run "initctl stop" first to ensure that waitUIJobStabilized doesn't see a).
// It's possible that this command will fail if it's run during b), but in that case
// waitUIJobStabilized should wait for the ui job to return to c), in which case the
// following "initctl stop" command should succeed in bringing the job back to "stop/waiting".
testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", "stop", job).Run()
if err := waitUIJobStabilized(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed waiting for %v job to stabilize", job)
cmdArgs := append([]string{"stop", job}, convertArgs(args...)...)
// Issue a "stop" request and hope for the best.
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", cmdArgs...)
cmdErr := cmd.Run()
// If the job was already stopped, the above "initctl stop" would have failed.
// Check its actual status now.
if err := WaitForJobStatus(ctx, job, upstart.StopGoal, upstart.WaitingState, RejectWrongGoal, 0, args...); err != nil {
if cmdErr != nil {
return err
return nil
// waitUIJobStabilized is a helper function for StopJob that waits for the ui
// job to either have a "start" goal or reach "stop/waiting" while the ui-respawn job
// is in "stop/waiting".
func waitUIJobStabilized(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, "upstart_wait_ui_stabilize")
defer st.End()
const (
respawnJob = "ui-respawn"
timeout = 30 * time.Second
return testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
ug, us, _, _ := JobStatus(ctx, uiJob)
uiStable := ug == upstart.StartGoal || (ug == upstart.StopGoal && us == upstart.WaitingState)
rg, rs, _, _ := JobStatus(ctx, respawnJob)
respawnStopped := rg == upstart.StopGoal && rs == upstart.WaitingState
if !uiStable || !respawnStopped {
return errors.Errorf("%v status %v/%v, %v status %v/%v", uiJob, ug, us, respawnJob, rg, rs)
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: timeout})
// waitVMConciergeJobStabilized waits for the vm_concierge job to stabilize if
// it is running. The job is considered stabilized when 3 seconds pass after
// it starts.
// This is a workaround for b/193806814 where vm_concierge ignores SIGTERM if
// the signal is sent in a very early stage of its startup.
// TODO(b/193806814): Remove this workaround once the bug is fixed.
func waitVMConciergeJobStabilized(ctx context.Context) error {
const (
job = "vm_concierge"
wait = 3 * time.Second
// If the job does not exist, we have nothing to do.
if !JobExists(ctx, job) {
return nil
goal, _, _, err := JobStatus(ctx, job)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the job is stopping, we have nothing to do.
if goal == upstart.StopGoal {
return nil
// Wait until the job enters the running state in case it's still in
// an early stage of starting.
if err := WaitForJobStatus(ctx, job, upstart.StartGoal, upstart.RunningState, RejectWrongGoal, 10*time.Second); err != nil {
return err
// Get the latest PID of the process. This can be different from one
// returned from the last JobStatus call.
_, state, pid, err := JobStatus(ctx, job)
if err != nil {
return err
if state != upstart.RunningState {
return nil
// Check when the process started.
st, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d", pid))
if err != nil {
return err
started := st.ModTime()
if started.After(time.Now()) {
return errors.Errorf("process %d started in the future (%v)", pid, started)
// Wait if the process is new.
d := time.Until(started.Add(wait))
if d < 0 {
return nil
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Waiting %s job for %v for stabilization (b/193806814)", job, d)
return testing.Sleep(ctx, d)
// DumpJobs writes the snapshot of all jobs' status to path.
func DumpJobs(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", "list")
cmd.Stdout = f
return cmd.Run(testexec.DumpLogOnError)
// EnsureJobRunning starts job if it isn't currently running.
// If it is already running, this is a no-op.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func EnsureJobRunning(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("upstart_ensure_%s", job))
defer st.End()
// If the job already has a "start" goal, wait for it to enter the "running" state.
// This will return nil immediately if it's already start/running, and will return
// an error immediately if the job has a "stop" goal.
if err := WaitForJobStatus(ctx, job, upstart.StartGoal, upstart.RunningState, RejectWrongGoal, 0, args...); err == nil {
return nil
// Otherwise, start it. This command blocks until the job enters the "running" state.
return StartJob(ctx, job, args...)
// StartJob starts job. If it is already running, this returns an error.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func StartJob(ctx context.Context, job string, args ...Arg) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("upstart_start_%s", job))
defer st.End()
cmdArgs := append([]string{"start", job}, convertArgs(args...)...)
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", cmdArgs...)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GoalPolicy describes how WaitForJobStatus should handle mismatched goals.
type GoalPolicy int
const (
// TolerateWrongGoal indicates that it's acceptable for the job to initially
// have a goal that doesn't match the requested one. WaitForJobStatus will
// continue waiting for the requested goal.
TolerateWrongGoal GoalPolicy = iota
// RejectWrongGoal indicates that an error should be returned immediately
// if the job doesn't have the requested goal.
// WaitForJobStatus waits for job to have the status described by goal/state.
// gp controls the function's behavior if the job's goal doesn't match the requested one.
// If timeout is non-zero, it limits the amount of time to wait.
// args is passed to the job as extra parameters, e.g. multiple-instance jobs can use it to specify an instance.
func WaitForJobStatus(ctx context.Context, job string, goal upstart.Goal, state upstart.State,
gp GoalPolicy, timeout time.Duration, args ...Arg) error {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("upstart_wait_%s", job))
defer st.End()
// Used to report an out-of-band error if we fail to get the status or see a different goal.
return testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
g, s, _, err := JobStatus(ctx, job, args...)
if err != nil {
return testing.PollBreak(err)
if g != goal && gp == RejectWrongGoal {
return testing.PollBreak(errors.Errorf("status %v/%v has non-%q goal", g, s, goal))
if g != goal || s != state {
return errors.Errorf("status %v/%v", g, s)
return nil
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: timeout})
// DisableJob disables the given upstart job, which takes effect on the next
// reboot. The rootfs must be writable when this function is called.
func DisableJob(job string) error {
jobFile := job + ".conf"
currentJobPath := filepath.Join(upstartJobDir, jobFile)
newJobPath := filepath.Join(statefulPartitionDir, jobFile)
return fsutil.MoveFile(currentJobPath, newJobPath)
// IsJobEnabled returns true if the given upstart job is enabled.
func IsJobEnabled(job string) (bool, error) {
jobFile := job + ".conf"
jobPath := filepath.Join(upstartJobDir, jobFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(jobPath); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
return true, nil
// EnableJob enables the given upstart job. The job must have already been
// disabled with DisableJob before this function is called. The rootfs must be
// writable when this function is called.
func EnableJob(job string) error {
jobFile := job + ".conf"
currentJobPath := filepath.Join(statefulPartitionDir, jobFile)
newJobPath := filepath.Join(upstartJobDir, jobFile)
return fsutil.MoveFile(currentJobPath, newJobPath)
// LogPriority represents a logging priority of upstart.
// The system default is info.
type LogPriority int
const (
// LogPriorityDebug is "debug" priority.
LogPriorityDebug LogPriority = iota
// LogPriorityInfo is "info" priority.
// LogPriorityMessage is "message" priority.
// LogPriorityWarn is "warn" priority.
// LogPriorityError is "error" priority.
// LogPriorityFatal is "fatal" priority.
func (p LogPriority) String() string {
switch p {
case LogPriorityDebug:
return "debug"
case LogPriorityInfo:
return "info"
case LogPriorityMessage:
return "message"
case LogPriorityWarn:
return "warn"
case LogPriorityError:
return "error"
case LogPriorityFatal:
return "fatal"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("upstart: Unknown log-priority: %d", int(p)))
// SetLogPriority sets the log priority of Upstart.
func SetLogPriority(ctx context.Context, p LogPriority) error {
if err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "initctl", "log-priority", p.String()).Run(testexec.DumpLogOnError); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set upstart log priority")
return nil