blob: a06baaf706807dd1c072fc21bf7ac78c9904c435 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package firmware
import (
func init() {
Func: FlagsPreservation,
Desc: "Checks that flag values are preserved over different power cycles",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
Attr: []string{"group:firmware", "firmware_unstable"},
Fixture: fixture.DevModeGBB,
SoftwareDeps: []string{"crossystem"},
HardwareDeps: hwdep.D(hwdep.ChromeEC(), hwdep.Battery()),
type crossystemValues struct {
devBootUSBVal string
devBootAltfw string
fwUpdateTriesVal string
locIdxVal string
backupNvramRequest string
func FlagsPreservation(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
h := s.FixtValue().(*fixture.Value).Helper
if err := h.RequireServo(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to init servo: ", err)
if err := h.RequireConfig(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create config: ", err)
// Check if DUT uses vboot2.
vboot2, err := h.Reporter.Vboot2(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to determine fw_vboot2: ", err)
// For legacy devices with vboot1, reboot if crossystem backup_nvram_request
// doesn't return 0.
if !vboot2 {
shouldReboot, err := h.Reporter.CrossystemParam(ctx, reporters.CrossystemParamBackupNvramRequest)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to run crossystem param: ", err)
if shouldReboot != "0" {
s.Logf("Got crossystem backup_nvram_request value: %s, rebooting DUT now", shouldReboot)
if err := h.Servo.SetPowerState(ctx, servo.PowerStateReset); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reboot DUT by servo: ", err)
cs := crossystemValues{}
s.Log("Saving original crossystem values under evaluation to restore at the end of test")
csOriginal, err := readTargetCsVals(ctx, s, h, cs)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read initial crossystem values: ", err)
originalCrossystemMap := createCsMap(csOriginal)
defer func() {
s.Log("Restoring crossystem values to the original settings")
if err := setTargetCsVals(ctx, s, h, originalCrossystemMap); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to restore crossystem values to the original settings: ", err)
// Target crossystem params and their values to be tested.
targetCrossystemMap := map[string]string{
"dev_boot_usb": "1",
"dev_boot_altfw": "1",
"fwupdate_tries": "2",
"loc_idx": "3",
s.Log("Setting crossystem params with target values")
if err := setTargetCsVals(ctx, s, h, targetCrossystemMap); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set target crossystem values: ", err)
for _, tc := range []struct {
powerDisruption string
fwVboot2 bool
{"powerCycleByReboot", vboot2},
{"powerCycleByPressingPowerKey", vboot2},
{"powerCycleByRemovingBattery", vboot2},
} {
s.Log("Saving crossystem params and their values before a power-cycle")
csBefore, err := readTargetCsVals(ctx, s, h, cs)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read crossystem values before a power-cycle: ", err)
beforeCrossystemMap := createCsMap(csBefore)
// For legacy devices with vboot1, crossystem backup_nvram_request should return 1.
if !tc.fwVboot2 {
if csBefore.backupNvramRequest != "1" {
s.Fatalf("DUT is a legacy device. Expected value 1 before power-cycle from crossystem backup_nvram_request, but got %s", csBefore.backupNvramRequest)
switch tc.powerDisruption {
case "powerCycleByReboot":
s.Log("Power-cycling DUT with a reboot")
if err := h.Servo.SetPowerState(ctx, servo.PowerStateReset); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reboot DUT by servo: ", err)
case "powerCycleByPressingPowerKey":
s.Logf("Power-cycling DUT by pressing power button for %s", h.Config.HoldPwrButtonPowerOff)
if err := h.Servo.KeypressWithDuration(ctx, servo.PowerKey, servo.Dur(h.Config.HoldPwrButtonPowerOff)); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set a keypress control by servo: ", err)
s.Log("Waiting for power state to become G3")
if err := h.WaitForPowerStates(ctx, firmware.PowerStateInterval, 1*time.Minute, "G3"); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get powerstates at G3: ", err)
s.Log("Pressing on the power button to power on DUT")
if err := h.Servo.KeypressWithDuration(ctx, servo.PowerKey, servo.DurPress); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to perform a tap on the power button: ", err)
case "powerCycleByRemovingBattery":
// Explicitly log servo type and dut connection type for debugging purposes.
s.Log("Logging servo type and dut connection type")
var validInfo = []string{"servoType", "dutConnectionType"}
for _, info := range validInfo {
if result, err := logInformation(ctx, h, info); err != nil {
s.Logf("Unable to find information on %s: %v", info, err)
} else {
s.Logf("%s: %s", info, result)
s.Log("Power-cycling DUT by disconnecting AC and removing battery")
if err := h.SetDUTPower(ctx, false); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to remove charger: ", err)
// When power is cut, there's a temporary drop in connection with the DUT.
// Wait for DUT to reconnect before proceeding to the next step.
waitConnectCtx, cancelWaitConnect := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Second)
defer cancelWaitConnect()
if err := s.DUT().WaitConnect(waitConnectCtx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reconnect to DUT: ", err)
// Log information on PD communication status after disconnecting charger.
if pdStatus, err := logInformation(ctx, h, "pdCommunication"); err != nil {
s.Log("Unable to check PD communication status: ", err)
} else {
s.Logf("PD communication status: %s", pdStatus)
// Check that charger was removed.
getChargerPollOptions := testing.PollOptions{
Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
Interval: 1 * time.Second,
if err := testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if attached, err := h.Servo.GetChargerAttached(ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if attached {
return errors.New("charger is still attached - use Servo V4 Type-C or supply RPM vars")
return nil
}, &getChargerPollOptions); err != nil {
s.Logf("Check for charger failed: %v. Attempting to check DUT's battery status", err)
status, err := h.Reporter.BatteryStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Check for battery status failed: ", err)
} else if status != "Discharging" {
s.Fatalf("Unexpected battery status after removing charger: %s", status)
s.Logf("Battery Status: %s", status)
// Between removing charger, and sending battery cutoff,
// waiting for some delay seems to help prevent servo exit.
s.Log("Sleeping for 30 seconds")
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, 30*time.Second); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to sleep: ", err)
if err := h.Servo.WatchdogRemove(ctx, servo.WatchdogCCD); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to remove watchdog for ccd: ", err)
s.Log("Cutting off DUT's battery")
cmd := firmware.NewECTool(s.DUT(), firmware.ECToolNameMain)
if err := cmd.BatteryCutoff(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to send the battery cutoff command: ", err)
s.Log("Checking EC unresponsive")
if err := h.Servo.CheckUnresponsiveEC(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("While verifying whether EC is unresponsive after cutting off DUT's battery: ", err)
s.Log("Powering on DUT by reconnecting AC")
if err := h.SetDUTPower(ctx, true); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reconnect charger: ", err)
s.Log("Waiting for DUT to power ON")
waitConnectCtx, cancelWaitConnect := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 2*time.Minute)
defer cancelWaitConnect()
if err := h.WaitConnect(waitConnectCtx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reconnect to DUT: ", err)
// Cr50 goes to sleep when the battery is disconnected, and when DUT wakes, CCD state might be locked.
// Open CCD after supplying power and before talking to the EC.
if hasCCD, err := h.Servo.HasCCD(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("While checking if servo has a CCD connection: ", err)
} else if hasCCD {
if val, err := h.Servo.GetString(ctx, servo.GSCCCDLevel); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get gsc_ccd_level: ", err)
} else if val != servo.Open {
s.Logf("CCD is not open, got %q. Attempting to unlock", val)
if err := h.Servo.SetString(ctx, servo.CR50Testlab, servo.Open); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to unlock CCD: ", err)
s.Log("Saving crossystem params and their values after a power-cycle")
csAfter, err := readTargetCsVals(ctx, s, h, cs)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read crossystem values after a power-cycle: ", err)
afterCrossystemMap := createCsMap(csAfter)
// For legacy devices with vboot1, crossystem backup_nvram_request should return 0.
if !tc.fwVboot2 {
if csAfter.backupNvramRequest != "0" {
s.Fatalf("DUT is a legacy device. Expected value 0 after power-cycle from crossystem backup_nvram_request, but got %s", csAfter.backupNvramRequest)
// Compare the before and after values in crossystemValues, except backupNvramRequest,
// which is only checked on DUTs using vboot1.
if ok, err := equal(ctx, beforeCrossystemMap, afterCrossystemMap); err != nil || !ok {
s.Fatal("Crossystem values are different after power-cycle: ", err)
} else if ok {
s.Log("Flags are preserved after power-cycle")
func createCsMap(cs *crossystemValues) map[string]string {
var csParamsMap = map[string]string{
"dev_boot_usb": cs.devBootUSBVal,
"dev_boot_altfw": cs.devBootAltfw,
"fwupdate_tries": cs.fwUpdateTriesVal,
"loc_idx": cs.locIdxVal,
return csParamsMap
func readTargetCsVals(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, h *firmware.Helper, cs crossystemValues) (*crossystemValues, error) {
s.Log("Reading crossystem values under test")
var csParamsMap = map[reporters.CrossystemParam]*string{
reporters.CrossystemParamDevBootUsb: &cs.devBootUSBVal,
reporters.CrossystemParamDevBootAltfw: &cs.devBootAltfw,
reporters.CrossystemParamFWUpdatetries: &cs.fwUpdateTriesVal,
reporters.CrossystemParamLocIdx: &cs.locIdxVal,
reporters.CrossystemParamBackupNvramRequest: &cs.backupNvramRequest,
for csKey, csVal := range csParamsMap {
current, err := h.Reporter.CrossystemParam(ctx, csKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
*csVal = current
return &cs, nil
func setTargetCsVals(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, h *firmware.Helper, targetMap map[string]string) error {
targetArgs := make([]string, len(targetMap))
i := 0
for targetKey, targetVal := range targetMap {
targetArgs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", targetKey, targetVal)
if err := h.DUT.Conn().CommandContext(ctx, "crossystem", targetArgs...).Run(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "running crossystem %s", strings.Join(targetArgs, " "))
return nil
func equal(ctx context.Context, mapBefore, mapAfter map[string]string) (bool, error) {
if len(mapBefore) != len(mapAfter) {
return false, errors.New("Lengths of maps under evaluation do not match")
for k, v := range mapBefore {
if elem, ok := mapAfter[k]; !ok || v != elem {
return false, errors.Errorf("found mismatch in key %q, values are different: one has %q, while the other has %q", k, mapBefore[k], mapAfter[k])
return true, nil
// logInformation logs some information for debugging purposes.
func logInformation(ctx context.Context, h *firmware.Helper, information string) (string, error) {
var (
err error
dutConnection servo.DUTConnTypeValue
result string
switch information {
case "servoType":
result, err = h.Servo.GetServoType(ctx)
case "dutConnectionType":
dutConnection, err = h.Servo.GetDUTConnectionType(ctx)
result = string(dutConnection)
case "pdCommunication":
result, err = h.Servo.GetPDCommunication(ctx)
result = "Unknown information"
if err != nil {
return "", err
return result, nil