blob: 1c1b48425bca846868cbd848a6480613e157e251 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package platform
import (
const (
traceConfigFile = "perfetto/perfetto_tbm_traced_probes.pbtxt"
traceMetricCPU = "android_cpu"
traceMetricMEM = "android_mem"
targetProcessName = "/usr/bin/traced_probes"
func init() {
Func: PerfettoTBMTracedProbes,
Desc: "Verifies functions of Perfetto traced and traced_probes",
Contacts: []string{"", ""},
Data: []string{traceConfigFile, perfetto.TraceProcessor},
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.platform.PerfettoTraceBasedMetricsService"},
// processCPUMetric extracts information of the target process in the
// cpu metric.
func processCPUMetric(cpuMetric *perfetto_proto.AndroidCpuMetric, s *testing.State) {
foundTarget := false
for _, processInfo := range cpuMetric.GetProcessInfo() {
if processInfo.GetName() == targetProcessName {
foundTarget = true
metric := processInfo.GetMetrics()
s.Log("megacycles: ", metric.GetMcycles())
s.Log("runtime in nanosecond: ", metric.GetRuntimeNs())
s.Log("min_freq in kHz: ", metric.GetMinFreqKhz())
s.Log("max_freq in kHz: ", metric.GetMaxFreqKhz())
s.Log("avg_freq in kHz: ", metric.GetAvgFreqKhz())
if foundTarget == false {
s.Error("Failed to find the target process: ", targetProcessName)
// processMemMetric extracts information of the target process in the
// mem metric.
func processMemMetric(memMetric *perfetto_proto.AndroidMemoryMetric, s *testing.State) {
foundTarget := false
for _, processMetric := range memMetric.GetProcessMetrics() {
if processMetric.GetProcessName() == targetProcessName {
foundTarget = true
counters := processMetric.GetTotalCounters()
s.Log("anon_avg in rss: ", counters.GetAnonRss().GetAvg())
s.Log("file_avg in rss: ", counters.GetFileRss().GetAvg())
s.Log("swap_avg in rss: ", counters.GetSwap().GetAvg())
if foundTarget == false {
s.Error("Failed to find the target process: ", targetProcessName)
// PerfettoTBMTracedProbes is the function that collects perfetto
// trace results with trace-based metrics from the client.
func PerfettoTBMTracedProbes(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// Prepare local client.
d := s.DUT()
cl, err := rpc.Dial(ctx, d, s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to the RPC service on the DUT: ", err)
defer cl.Close(ctx)
pc := platform.NewPerfettoTraceBasedMetricsServiceClient(cl.Conn)
outputPath, err := perfetto.RunPerfetto(ctx, pc, s.DataPath(traceConfigFile))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to RunPerfetto: ", err)
metrics, err := perfetto.RunMetrics(ctx, s.DataPath(perfetto.TraceProcessor), outputPath, []string{traceMetricCPU, traceMetricMEM})
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to RunMetrics: ", err)
// We may also send the result to crosbolt for the regression check.
processCPUMetric(metrics.GetAndroidCpu(), s)
processMemMetric(metrics.GetAndroidMem(), s)