blob: 8ecf095bedeb5726f4035a8e2e0a2f32a3196974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package input
import (
func TestEventWriterTouch(t *testing.T) {
const (
x = 13
y = 17
p = 62
tMajor = 4
tMinor = 3
touchID = 12345
b := testBuffer{}
now := time.Unix(5, 0)
mw := TouchscreenEventWriter{
rw: &RawEventWriter{&b, func() time.Time { return now }},
nextTouchID: touchID,
width: 1000,
height: 1000,
maxTouchSlot: 9,
maxTrackingID: 65536,
maxPressure: 128,
tw, err := mw.NewSingleTouchWriter()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("TouchEvent returned error: %v", err)
defer tw.Close()
tw.touches[0].absPressure = p
tw.touches[0].touchMajor = tMajor
tw.touches[0].touchMinor = tMinor
tw.touches[0].touchID = touchID
tw.Move(x, y)
written, err := readAllEvents(bytes.NewReader(b.buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
t.Error("Failed to read events: ", err)
tv := syscall.NsecToTimeval(now.UnixNano())
syn := eventString(tv, uint16(EV_SYN), uint16(SYN_REPORT), 0)
expected := []string{
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_SLOT), 0),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID), touchID),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_POSITION_X), x),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), y),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_PRESSURE), p),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR), tMajor),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR), tMinor),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_KEY), uint16(BTN_TOUCH), 1),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_X), x),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_Y), y),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_PRESSURE), p),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_SLOT), 0),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID), -1),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_PRESSURE), 0),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_KEY), uint16(BTN_TOUCH), 0),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(written, expected) {
t.Errorf("Wrote %v; want %v", written, expected)
func TestRotate(t *testing.T) {
const (
inX = 13
inY = 17
p = 62
tMajor = 4
tMinor = 3
touchID = 12345
width = 2000
height = 1000
for _, c := range []struct {
rotations []int
expX int32
expY int32
transpose bool
setRotationSuccess bool
{[]int{0}, inX, inY, false, true},
{[]int{90}, width - 1 - inY, inX, true, true},
{[]int{180}, width - 1 - inX, height - 1 - inY, false, true},
{[]int{270}, inY, height - 1 - inX, true, true},
{[]int{-90}, inY, height - 1 - inX, true, true},
{[]int{360}, inX, inY, false, true},
{[]int{127}, inX, inY, false, false},
{[]int{90, 180}, width - 1 - inX, height - 1 - inY, false, true},
} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.rotations), func(t *testing.T) {
b := testBuffer{}
now := time.Unix(5, 0)
mw := TouchscreenEventWriter{
rw: &RawEventWriter{&b, func() time.Time { return now }},
nextTouchID: touchID,
width: width,
height: height,
maxTouchSlot: 9,
maxTrackingID: 65536,
maxPressure: 128,
tw, err := mw.NewSingleTouchWriter()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create a touch event writer: ", err)
tw.touches[0].absPressure = p
tw.touches[0].touchMajor = tMajor
tw.touches[0].touchMinor = tMinor
for _, rotation := range c.rotations {
err := mw.SetRotation(rotation)
if c.setRotationSuccess && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to set rotation to %d: %v", rotation, err)
} else if !c.setRotationSuccess && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Succeed to set rotation to %d unexpectedly", rotation)
if c.transpose {
if mw.Width() != height || mw.Height() != width {
t.Errorf("Width and Height should return the rotated size: got %d,%d vs want %d,%d", mw.Width(), mw.Height(), height, width)
} else {
if mw.Width() != width || mw.Height() != height {
t.Errorf("Width and Height should remain same: got %d,%d want %d,%d", mw.Width(), mw.Height(), width, height)
tw.Move(inX, inY)
written, err := readAllEvents(bytes.NewReader(b.buf.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to read events: ", err)
tv := syscall.NsecToTimeval(now.UnixNano())
syn := eventString(tv, uint16(EV_SYN), uint16(SYN_REPORT), 0)
expected := []string{
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_SLOT), 0),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID), touchID),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_POSITION_X), c.expX),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), c.expY),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_PRESSURE), p),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR), tMajor),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR), tMinor),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_KEY), uint16(BTN_TOUCH), 1),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_X), c.expX),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_Y), c.expY),
eventString(tv, uint16(EV_ABS), uint16(ABS_PRESSURE), p),
if !reflect.DeepEqual(written, expected) {
t.Errorf("Wrote %v; want %v", written, expected)