blob: ca8b8abf89ad57b783ca4fc8379ed07fa9f9ed98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package assistant supports interaction with Assistant service.
package assistant
import (
// QueryResponse contains a subset of the results returned from the Assistant server
// when it received a query. This struct contains the only fields which are used in
// the tests.
type QueryResponse struct {
// Contains the HTML string of the response.
HTML string `json:"htmlResponse"`
// QueryStatus contains a subset of the status of an interaction with Assistant started
// by sending a query, e.g. query text, mic status, and query response. This struct contains
// the only fields which are used in the tests.
// TODO(meilinw): Add a reference for the struct after the API change landed (
type QueryStatus struct {
QueryResponse `json:"queryResponse"`
// Enable brings up Google Assistant service and returns any errors.
func Enable(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
return tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.setAssistantEnabled)`, true, 10*1000 /* timeout_ms */)
// Disable stops the Google Assistant service and returns any errors.
func Disable(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
return tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.setAssistantEnabled)`, false, 10*1000 /* timeout_ms */)
// Cleanup stops the Google Assistant service so other tests are not impacted.
// If a failure happened, we make a screenshot beforehand so the Assistant UI
// is visible in the screenshot.
func Cleanup(ctx context.Context, hasError func() bool, cr *chrome.Chrome, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
if hasError() {
outDir, ok := testing.ContextOutDir(ctx)
if !ok {
return errors.New("outdir not available")
screenshot.CaptureChrome(ctx, cr, filepath.Join(outDir, "screenshot.png"))
return Disable(ctx, tconn)
// EnableAndWaitForReady brings up Google Assistant service, waits for
// NEW_READY signal and returns any errors.
func EnableAndWaitForReady(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
return tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.enableAssistantAndWaitForReady)`)
// SendTextQuery sends text query to Assistant and returns the query status.
func SendTextQuery(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, query string) (QueryStatus, error) {
var status QueryStatus
err := tconn.Call(ctx, &status, `tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.sendAssistantTextQuery)`, query, 10*1000 /* timeout_ms */)
return status, err
// SetHotwordEnabled turns on/off "OK Google" hotword detection for Assistant.
func SetHotwordEnabled(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, enabled bool) error {
return setPrefValue(ctx, tconn, "settings.voice_interaction.hotword.enabled", enabled)
// SetContextEnabled enables/disables the access to the screen context for Assistant.
// This pref corresponds to the "Related Info" setting of Assistant.
func SetContextEnabled(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, enabled bool) error {
return setPrefValue(ctx, tconn, "settings.voice_interaction.context.enabled", enabled)
// SetVoiceInteractionConsentValue enables/disables the consent value for Assistant voice interaction.
func SetVoiceInteractionConsentValue(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, value int) error {
return setPrefValue(ctx, tconn, "settings.voice_interaction.activity_control.consent_status", value)
// SetBetterOnboardingEnabled enables/disables the Assistant onboarding feature
// by controlling the number of sessions where onboarding screen has shown.
// Note that true pref value will *not* be restored later, so tests that need
// this feature must explicitly enable it during setup. Also note that once
// better onboarding has been activated for a session, it will remain enabled
// for the duration of that session until an Assistant interaction happens.
// It is recommended to disable Better Onboarding for Assistant performance
// tests that are not explicitly testing the Better Onboarding feature.
func SetBetterOnboardingEnabled(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, enabled bool) error {
// The maximum number of user sessions in which to show Assistant onboarding.
// Please keep it synced to |kOnboardingMaxSessionsShown| stored in
// ash/assistant/ui/assistant_ui_constants.h.
value := 3
if enabled {
value = 0
return setPrefValue(ctx, tconn, "ash.assistant.num_sessions_where_onboarding_shown", value)
// setPrefValue is a helper function to set value for Assistant related preferences.
func setPrefValue(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, prefName string, value interface{}) error {
return tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.setWhitelistedPref)`, prefName, value)
// ToggleUIWithHotkey mimics the Assistant key press to open/close the Assistant UI.
func ToggleUIWithHotkey(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
if err := tconn.Call(ctx, nil, `async () => {
let accel = {keyCode: 'assistant', shift: false, control: false, alt: false, search: false, pressed: true};
// Triggers the hotkey pressed event.
await tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.activateAccelerator)(accel);
// Releases the key for cleanup. This release event will not be handled as it is
// not a registered accelerator, so we ignore the result and don't wait for this
// async call returned.
accel.pressed = false;
chrome.autotestPrivate.activateAccelerator(accel, () => {});
}`); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to execute accelerator")
return nil
// VerboseLogging is a helper function passed into chrome.New which will:
// - Enable VLOG traces in the assistant code.
// - Enable PII in VLOG traces in the assistant code. This will log the
// actual queries sent, and the replies received.
func VerboseLogging() chrome.Option {
return chrome.ExtraArgs(
// VerboseLoggingEnabled creates a new precondition which can be shared by
// tests that require an already-started Chromeobject with verbose logging
// enabled.
func VerboseLoggingEnabled() testing.Precondition { return verboseLoggingPre }
var verboseLoggingPre = chrome.NewPrecondition("verbose-logging", VerboseLogging())