blob: 944473d0c7f2e1147f949433d439c932446e6e04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package arc
import (
// Activity holds resources associated with an ARC activity.
type Activity struct {
a *ARC // Close is not called here
pkgName string
activityName string
disp *Display
tew *input.TouchscreenEventWriter // nil until first use
// BorderType represents the 8 different border types that a window can have.
type BorderType uint
const (
// BorderTop is the top border.
BorderTop BorderType = 1 << 0
// BorderBottom is the bottom border.
BorderBottom = 1 << 1
// BorderLeft is the left border.
BorderLeft = 1 << 2
// BorderRight is the right border.
BorderRight = 1 << 3
// BorderTopLeft is the top-left corner.
BorderTopLeft = (BorderTop | BorderLeft)
// BorderTopRight is the top-right corner.
BorderTopRight = (BorderTop | BorderRight)
// BorderBottomLeft is the bottom-left corner.
BorderBottomLeft = (BorderBottom | BorderLeft)
// BorderBottomRight is the bottom-right corner.
BorderBottomRight = (BorderBottom | BorderRight)
// WindowState represents the different states a window can have.
type WindowState int
// Constants taken from See:
// http://cs/pi-arc-dev/frameworks/base/services/core/arc/java/com/android/server/am/
const (
// WindowStateNormal represents the "not maximized" state, but users can maximize it if they want.
WindowStateNormal WindowState = 0
// WindowStateMaximized is the maximized window state.
WindowStateMaximized WindowState = 1
// WindowStateFullscreen is the fullscreen window state.
WindowStateFullscreen WindowState = 2
// WindowStateMinimized is the minimized window state.
WindowStateMinimized WindowState = 3
// WindowStatePrimarySnapped is the primary snapped state.
WindowStatePrimarySnapped WindowState = 4
// WindowStateSecondarySnapped is the secondary snapped state.
WindowStateSecondarySnapped WindowState = 5
// WindowStatePIP is the Picture-in-Picture state.
WindowStatePIP WindowState = 6
// String returns a human-readable string representation for type WindowState.
func (s WindowState) String() string {
switch s {
case WindowStateNormal:
return "WindowStateNormal"
case WindowStateMaximized:
return "WindowStateMaximized"
case WindowStateFullscreen:
return "WindowStateFullscreen"
case WindowStateMinimized:
return "WindowStateMinimized"
case WindowStatePrimarySnapped:
return "WindowStatePrimarySnapped"
case WindowStateSecondarySnapped:
return "WindowStateSecondarySnapped"
case WindowStatePIP:
return "WindowStatePIP"
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown window state: %d", s)
const (
// borderOffsetForNormal represents the distance in pixels outside the border
// at which a "normal" window should be grabbed from.
// The value, in theory, should be between -1 (kResizeInsideBoundsSize) and
// 30 (kResizeOutsideBoundsSize * kResizeOutsideBoundsScaleForTouch).
// Internal tests proved that using -1 or 0 is unreliable, and values >= 1 should be used instead.
// See:
borderOffsetForNormal = 5
// borderOffsetForPIP is like borderOffsetForNormal, but for Picture-in-Picture windows.
// PiP windows are dragged from the inside, and that's why it has a negative value.
// The hitbox size is hardcoded to 48dp. See PipDragHandleController.isInDragHandleHitbox().
// http://cs/pi-arc-dev/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/
borderOffsetForPIP = -5
// delayToPreventGesture represents the delay used in swipe() to prevent triggering gestures like "minimize".
delayToPreventGesture = 150 * time.Millisecond
// NewActivity returns a new Activity instance.
// The caller is responsible for closing a.
// Returned Activity instance must be closed when the test is finished.
func NewActivity(a *ARC, pkgName, activityName string) (*Activity, error) {
disp, err := NewDisplay(a, DefaultDisplayID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create a new Display")
return &Activity{
a: a,
pkgName: pkgName,
activityName: activityName,
disp: disp,
}, nil
// NewActivityOnDisplay returns a new Activity instance on specific display.
// The caller is responsible for closing a.
// Returned Activity instance must be closed when the test is finished.
func NewActivityOnDisplay(a *ARC, pkgName, activityName string, displayID int) (*Activity, error) {
disp, err := NewDisplay(a, displayID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not create a new Display")
return &Activity{
a: a,
pkgName: pkgName,
activityName: activityName,
disp: disp,
}, nil
// Start starts the activity by invoking "am start" and waits for it to be visible on the Chrome side.
func (ac *Activity) Start(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
cmd := ac.a.Command(ctx, "am", "start", "--display", strconv.Itoa(ac.disp.DisplayID), "-W", ac.pkgName+"/"+ac.activityName)
return ac.startHelper(ctx, tconn, cmd)
// StartWithArgs starts the activity by invoking "am start" with prefixes and suffixes
// to pkgName/activityName. This is useful for intent arguments.
func (ac *Activity) StartWithArgs(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, prefixes, suffixes []string) error {
args := []string{"start"}
args = append(args, prefixes...)
args = append(args, ac.pkgName+"/"+ac.activityName)
args = append(args, suffixes...)
cmd := ac.a.Command(ctx, "am", args...)
return ac.startHelper(ctx, tconn, cmd)
// startHelper starts the activity by invoking "am start".
func (ac *Activity) startHelper(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, cmd *testexec.Cmd) error {
output, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start activity")
// "adb shell" doesn't distinguish between a failed/successful run. For that we have to parse the output.
// Looking for:
// Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] }
// Error type 3
// Error: Activity class {} does not exist.
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^Error:\s*(.*)$`)
groups := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(output))
if len(groups) == 2 {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to start activity: ", groups[1])
return errors.New("failed to start activity")
if err := ash.WaitForVisible(ctx, tconn, ac.PackageName()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to wait for visible activity")
return nil
// Stop stops the activity by invoking "am force-stop" with the package name.
// If there are multiple activities that belong to the same package name, all of
// them will be stopped.
func (ac *Activity) Stop(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
// "adb shell am force-stop" has no output. So the error from Run() is returned.
if err := ac.a.Command(ctx, "am", "force-stop", ac.pkgName).Run(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to stop activity")
if err := ash.WaitForHidden(ctx, tconn, ac.pkgName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to wait for the activity to be dismissed")
return nil
// WindowBounds returns the window bounding box of the activity in pixels.
// The caption bounds, in case it is present, is included as part of the window bounds.
// This is the same size as the one reported by Chrome/Aura.
// See: SurfaceBounds
func (ac *Activity) WindowBounds(ctx context.Context) (coords.Rect, error) {
t, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return coords.Rect{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get task info")
// Fullscreen and maximized windows already include the caption height. PiP windows don't have caption.
if t.windowState == WindowStateFullscreen ||
t.windowState == WindowStateMaximized ||
t.windowState == WindowStatePIP ||
// TODO(b/141175230): Freeform windows should not include caption. Remove check once bug gets fixed.
(t.windowState == WindowStateNormal && t.Bounds.Top == 0) {
return t.Bounds, nil
// But the rest must have the caption height added to their bounds.
captionHeight, err := ac.disp.CaptionHeight(ctx)
if err != nil {
return coords.Rect{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get caption height")
t.Bounds.Top -= captionHeight
t.Bounds.Height += captionHeight
return t.Bounds, nil
// SurfaceBounds returns the surface bounds in pixels. A surface represents the buffer used to store
// the window content. This is the buffer used by SurfaceFlinger and Wayland.
// The surface bounds might be smaller than the window bounds since the surface does not
// include the caption.
// And does not include the shelf size if the activity is fullscreen/maximized and the shelf is in "always show" mode.
// See: WindowBounds
func (ac *Activity) SurfaceBounds(ctx context.Context) (coords.Rect, error) {
t, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return coords.Rect{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get task info")
return t.Bounds, nil
// Close closes the resources associated with the Activity instance.
// Calling Close() does not stop the activity.
func (ac *Activity) Close() {
if ac.tew != nil {
// MoveWindow moves the activity's window to a new location.
// t represents the duration of the movement.
// toBounds represent the destination bounds (in px).
// fromBounds represent the source bounds (in px).
func (ac *Activity) MoveWindow(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, t time.Duration, toBounds, fromBounds coords.Rect) error {
sdkVer, err := SDKVersion()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get the SDK version")
switch sdkVer {
case SDKP:
return ac.moveWindowP(ctx, coords.NewPoint(toBounds.Left, toBounds.Top), t)
case SDKR:
return ac.moveWindowR(ctx, tconn, t, toBounds, fromBounds)
return errors.Errorf("unsupported SDK version: %d", sdkVer)
// moveWindowP moves the activity's window to a new location.
// to represents the coordinates (top-left) for the new position, in pixels.
// t represents the duration of the movement.
// moveWindowP only works with WindowStateNormal and WindowStatePIP windows. Will fail otherwise.
// moveWindowP performs the movement by injecting Touch events in the kernel.
// If the device does not have a touchscreen, it will fail.
func (ac *Activity) moveWindowP(ctx context.Context, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) error {
task, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
if task.windowState != WindowStateNormal && task.windowState != WindowStatePIP {
return errors.Errorf("cannot move window in state %d", int(task.windowState))
bounds, err := ac.WindowBounds(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get activity bounds")
var from coords.Point
captionHeight, err := ac.disp.CaptionHeight(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get caption height")
halfWidth := bounds.Width / 2
from.X = bounds.Left + halfWidth
to.X += halfWidth
if task.windowState == WindowStatePIP {
// PiP windows are dragged from its center
halfHeight := bounds.Height / 2
from.Y = bounds.Top + halfHeight
to.Y += halfHeight
} else {
// Normal-state windows are dragged from its caption
from.Y = bounds.Top + captionHeight/2
to.Y += captionHeight / 2
return ac.swipe(ctx, from, to, t)
// moveWindowR moves the activity's window to a new location.
// t represents the duration of the movement.
// toBounds represent the destination bounds (in px).
// fromBounds represent the source bounds (in px).
// moveWindowR only works with WindowStateNormal and WindowStatePIP windows. Will fail otherwise.
// moveWindowR performs the movement using a mouse drag.
func (ac *Activity) moveWindowR(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, t time.Duration, toBounds, fromBounds coords.Rect) error {
windowStates, err := ash.GetAllARCAppWindowStates(ctx, tconn, ac.PackageName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get app window state")
supportsMove := false
for _, windowState := range windowStates {
if windowState == ash.WindowStatePIP || windowState == ash.WindowStateNormal {
supportsMove = true
if !supportsMove {
return errors.New("move window only supports Normal and PIP windows")
// We'll drag the window from the top-left quadrant.
from := coords.NewPoint(fromBounds.Left+(fromBounds.Width/4), fromBounds.Top+(fromBounds.Height/4))
to := coords.NewPoint(toBounds.Left+(toBounds.Width/4), toBounds.Top+(toBounds.Height/4))
dispMode, err := ash.PrimaryDisplayMode(ctx, tconn)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get display mode")
dsf := dispMode.DeviceScaleFactor
// Convert points back to dp to perform drag.
from.X = int(math.Round(float64(from.X) / dsf))
from.Y = int(math.Round(float64(from.Y) / dsf))
to.X = int(math.Round(float64(to.X) / dsf))
to.Y = int(math.Round(float64(to.Y) / dsf))
// There needs to be a brief pause before the drag or the mouse won't pick up the pip window.
return dragWithPause(ctx, tconn, from, to, t)
// ResizeWindow resizes the activity's window.
// border represents from where the resize should start.
// to represents the coordinates for for the new border's position, in pixels.
// t represents the duration of the resize.
// ResizeWindow only works with WindowStateNormal and WindowStatePIP windows. Will fail otherwise.
// For PiP windows, they must have the PiP Menu Activity displayed. Will fail otherwise.
func (ac *Activity) ResizeWindow(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, border BorderType, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) error {
sdkVer, err := SDKVersion()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get the SDK version")
switch sdkVer {
case SDKP:
if err := ac.resizeWindowP(ctx, border, to, time.Second); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not resize window")
return nil
case SDKR:
if err := ac.resizeWindowR(ctx, tconn, border, to, time.Second); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not resize window")
return nil
return errors.Errorf("unsupported SDK version: %d", sdkVer)
// resizeWindowP resizes the activity's window.
// border represents from where the resize should start.
// to represents the coordinates for for the new border's position, in pixels.
// t represents the duration of the resize.
// resizeWindowP only works with WindowStateNormal and WindowStatePIP windows. Will fail otherwise.
// For PiP windows, they must have the PiP Menu Activity displayed. Will fail otherwise.
// resizeWindowP performs the resizing by injecting Touch events in the kernel.
// If the device does not have a touchscreen, it will fail.
func (ac *Activity) resizeWindowP(ctx context.Context, border BorderType, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) error {
task, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
if task.windowState != WindowStateNormal && task.windowState != WindowStatePIP {
return errors.Errorf("cannot move window in state %d", int(task.windowState))
// Default value: center of window.
bounds, err := ac.WindowBounds(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get activity bounds")
src := bounds.CenterPoint()
borderOffset := borderOffsetForNormal
if task.windowState == WindowStatePIP {
borderOffset = borderOffsetForPIP
// Top & Bottom are exclusive.
if border&BorderTop != 0 {
src.Y = bounds.Top - borderOffset
} else if border&BorderBottom != 0 {
src.Y = bounds.Top + bounds.Height + borderOffset
// Left & Right are exclusive.
if border&BorderLeft != 0 {
src.X = bounds.Left - borderOffset
} else if border&BorderRight != 0 {
src.X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width + borderOffset
// After updating src, clamp it to valid display bounds.
ds, err := ac.disp.Size(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get display size")
src.X = int(math.Max(0, math.Min(float64(ds.Width-1), float64(src.X))))
src.Y = int(math.Max(0, math.Min(float64(ds.Height-1), float64(src.Y))))
return ac.swipe(ctx, src, to, t)
// resizeWindowR resizes the activity's window.
// border represents from where the resize should start.
// to represents the coordinates for for the new border's position, in pixels.
// t represents the duration of the resize.
// resizeWindowR only works with WindowStateNormal and WindowStatePIP windows. Will fail otherwise.
// resizeWindowR performs the resizing using a mouse drag.
func (ac *Activity) resizeWindowR(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, border BorderType, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) error {
windowStates, err := ash.GetAllARCAppWindowStates(ctx, tconn, ac.PackageName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get app window state")
supportsMove := false
hasPIPWindow := false
for _, windowState := range windowStates {
if windowState == ash.WindowStatePIP {
hasPIPWindow = true
if windowState == ash.WindowStatePIP || windowState == ash.WindowStateNormal {
supportsMove = true
if !supportsMove {
return errors.New("resize window only supports Normal and PIP windows")
// Default value: center of window.
bounds, err := ac.WindowBounds(ctx)
src := bounds.CenterPoint()
borderOffset := borderOffsetForNormal
if hasPIPWindow {
borderOffset = borderOffsetForPIP
// Top & Bottom are exclusive.
if border&BorderTop != 0 {
src.Y = bounds.Top - borderOffset
} else if border&BorderBottom != 0 {
src.Y = bounds.Top + bounds.Height + borderOffset
// Left & Right are exclusive.
if border&BorderLeft != 0 {
src.X = bounds.Left - borderOffset
} else if border&BorderRight != 0 {
src.X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width + borderOffset
dispMode, err := ash.PrimaryDisplayMode(ctx, tconn)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get display mode")
displaySize := coords.NewSize(dispMode.WidthInNativePixels, dispMode.WidthInNativePixels)
dsf := dispMode.DeviceScaleFactor
// After updating src, clamp it to valid display bounds.
src.X = int(math.Max(0, math.Min(float64(displaySize.Width-1), float64(src.X))))
src.Y = int(math.Max(0, math.Min(float64(displaySize.Height-1), float64(src.Y))))
// Convert points back to dp to perform drag.
src.X = int(math.Round(float64(src.X) / dsf))
src.Y = int(math.Round(float64(src.Y) / dsf))
to.X = int(math.Round(float64(to.X) / dsf))
to.Y = int(math.Round(float64(to.Y) / dsf))
return mouse.Drag(tconn, src, to, t)(ctx)
// SetWindowState sets the window state. Note this method is async, so ensure to call ash.WaitForArcAppWindowState after this.
// Supported states: WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized
func (ac *Activity) SetWindowState(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, state WindowState) error {
sdkVer, err := SDKVersion()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get the SDK version")
switch sdkVer {
case SDKP:
return ac.setWindowStateP(ctx, state)
case SDKR:
return ac.setWindowStateR(ctx, tconn, state)
case SDKS:
return ac.setWindowStateS(ctx, tconn, state)
return errors.Errorf("unsupported SDK version: %d", sdkVer)
// setWindowStateP sets the window state. Note this method is async, so ensure to call ash.WaitForArcAppWindowState after this.
// Supported states: WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized
func (ac *Activity) setWindowStateP(ctx context.Context, state WindowState) error {
t, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
switch state {
case WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized:
return errors.Errorf("unsupported window state %d", state)
if err = ac.a.Command(ctx, "am", "task", "set-winstate", strconv.Itoa(t.ID), strconv.Itoa(int(state))).Run(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not execute 'am task set-winstate'")
return nil
// setWindowStateR sets the window state. Note this method is async, so ensure to call ash.WaitForArcAppWindowState after this.
// Supported states: WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized
func (ac *Activity) setWindowStateR(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, state WindowState) error {
switch state {
case WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized:
return errors.Errorf("unsupported window state %d", state)
wmEvent, err := windowStateToWMEvent(state)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get wm event")
window, err := ash.GetARCAppWindowInfo(ctx, tconn, ac.PackageName())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get ARC app window")
if _, err := ash.SetWindowState(ctx, tconn, window.ID, wmEvent, false /* waitForStateChange */); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to send wm event")
return nil
// setWindowStateS sets the window state. Note this method is async, so ensure to call ash.WaitForArcAppWindowState after this.
// Supported states: WindowStateNormal, WindowStateMaximized, WindowStateFullscreen, WindowStateMinimized
func (ac *Activity) setWindowStateS(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, state WindowState) error {
// Delegate to R version because there isn't significant difference.
return ac.setWindowStateR(ctx, tconn, state)
func windowStateToWMEvent(state WindowState) (ash.WMEventType, error) {
switch state {
case WindowStateNormal:
return ash.WMEventNormal, nil
case WindowStateMaximized:
return ash.WMEventMaximize, nil
case WindowStateMinimized:
return ash.WMEventMinimize, nil
case WindowStateFullscreen:
return ash.WMEventFullscreen, nil
return ash.WMEventNormal, errors.Errorf("unsupported window state %d", state)
// GetWindowState returns the window state.
func (ac *Activity) GetWindowState(ctx context.Context) (WindowState, error) {
task, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return WindowStateNormal, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
return task.windowState, nil
// CaptionHeight returns the caption height of the activity.
func (ac *Activity) CaptionHeight(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
height, err := ac.disp.CaptionHeight(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get caption height")
return height, nil
// DisplayDensity returns the density of activity's physical display.
func (ac *Activity) DisplayDensity(ctx context.Context) (float64, error) {
density, err := ac.disp.PhysicalDensity(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get density")
return density, nil
// WaitForFinished waits till all the activities beloninging to this task are
// inactive. Active means anywhere between activity launched and activity shut
// down in the activity lifecycle. This function cannot tell if the activity was
// launched at all.
// Activity lifecycle:
func (ac *Activity) WaitForFinished(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration) error {
return testing.Poll(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if errors.Is(err, errNoTaskInfo) {
return nil
return errors.New("activity is still active")
}, &testing.PollOptions{Timeout: timeout})
// IsRunning returns true if the activity is running, false otherwise.
func (ac *Activity) IsRunning(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
if _, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errNoTaskInfo) {
return false, nil
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot tell if the activity is running")
return true, nil
// PackageName returns the activity package name.
func (ac *Activity) PackageName() string {
return ac.pkgName
// ActivityName returns the activity name.
func (ac *Activity) ActivityName() string {
return ac.activityName
// Resizable returns the window resizability.
func (ac *Activity) Resizable(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
task, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
return task.resizable, nil
// swipe injects touch events in a straight line. The line is defined by from and to, in pixels.
// t represents the duration of the swipe.
// The last touch event will be held in its position for a few ms to prevent triggering "minimize" or similar gestures.
func (ac *Activity) swipe(ctx context.Context, from, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) error {
if err := ac.initTouchscreenLazily(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize touchscreen device")
stw, err := ac.tew.NewSingleTouchWriter()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get a new TouchEventWriter")
defer stw.Close()
// TODO(ricardoq): Fetch stableSize directly from Chrome OS, and not from Android.
// It is not clear whether Android can have a display bounds different than Chrome OS.
// Using "non-rotated" display bounds for calculating the scale factor since
// touchscreen bounds are also "non-rotated".
dispSize, err := ac.disp.stableSize(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get stable bounds for display")
tcc := ac.tew.NewTouchCoordConverter(dispSize)
fromX, fromY := tcc.ConvertLocation(from)
toX, toY := tcc.ConvertLocation(to)
if err := stw.Swipe(ctx, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, t); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start the swipe gesture")
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, delayToPreventGesture); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "timeout while sleeping")
return nil
// DisplaySize returns the size of display associated with the activity.
func (ac *Activity) DisplaySize(ctx context.Context) (s coords.Size, err error) {
return ac.disp.Size(ctx)
// initTouchscreenLazily lazily initializes the touchscreen.
// Touchscreen initialization is not needed, unless swipe() is called.
func (ac *Activity) initTouchscreenLazily(ctx context.Context) error {
if ac.tew != nil {
return nil
var err error
ac.tew, err = input.Touchscreen(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not open touchscreen device")
return nil
var errNoTaskInfo = errors.New("no task info")
// getTaskInfo returns the task record associated for the current activity.
func (ac *Activity) getTaskInfo(ctx context.Context) (TaskInfo, error) {
tasks, err := ac.a.TaskInfosFromDumpsys(ctx)
if err != nil {
return TaskInfo{}, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
for _, task := range tasks {
for _, activity := range task.ActivityInfos {
if activity.PackageName == ac.pkgName {
qualifiedName := activity.PackageName + activity.ActivityName
if activity.ActivityName == ac.activityName || qualifiedName == ac.activityName {
return task, nil
return TaskInfo{}, errors.Wrapf(errNoTaskInfo, "could not find task info for %s/%s", ac.pkgName, ac.activityName)
// PackageResizable returns the window resizability of an app package name.
func (ac *Activity) PackageResizable(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
task, err := ac.getPackageTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
return task.resizable, nil
// getPackageTaskInfo returns the task record associated for an app package name.
func (ac *Activity) getPackageTaskInfo(ctx context.Context) (TaskInfo, error) {
tasks, err := ac.a.TaskInfosFromDumpsys(ctx)
if err != nil {
return TaskInfo{}, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
for _, task := range tasks {
for _, activity := range task.ActivityInfos {
if activity.PackageName == ac.pkgName {
return task, nil
return TaskInfo{}, errors.Wrapf(errNoTaskInfo, "could not find task info for %s", ac.pkgName)
// Focused returns whether the app's window has focus or not.
// Only works on ARC++ R and later.
func (ac *Activity) Focused(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
n, err := SDKVersion()
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get the SDK version")
if n < SDKR {
return false, errors.Errorf("getting the focused state is not implemented for SDK %d", n)
task, err := ac.getTaskInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "could not get task info")
return task.focused, nil
// Focus focuses the activity.
func (ac *Activity) Focus(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn) error {
if err := tconn.Call(ctx, nil, "tast.promisify(chrome.autotestPrivate.setArcAppWindowFocus)", ac.pkgName); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call setArcAppWindowFocus")
return nil
// dragWithPause performs a regular mouse drag with a brief pause before pressing and moving.
func dragWithPause(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, from, to coords.Point, t time.Duration) (firstErr error) {
if firstErr := mouse.Move(tconn, from, 0)(ctx); firstErr != nil {
return firstErr
if firstErr := testing.Sleep(ctx, time.Second); firstErr != nil {
return firstErr
if firstErr := mouse.Press(tconn, mouse.LeftButton)(ctx); firstErr != nil {
return firstErr
defer func() {
if err := mouse.Release(tconn, mouse.LeftButton)(ctx); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
} else {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to release mouse left button: ", err)
return mouse.Move(tconn, to, t)(ctx)
// ToAshWindowState returns equivalent ash WindowStateType for the arc WindowState.
func (s WindowState) ToAshWindowState() (ash.WindowStateType, error) {
switch s {
case WindowStateNormal:
return ash.WindowStateNormal, nil
case WindowStateMaximized:
return ash.WindowStateMaximized, nil
case WindowStateFullscreen:
return ash.WindowStateFullscreen, nil
case WindowStateMinimized:
return ash.WindowStateMinimized, nil
case WindowStatePrimarySnapped:
return ash.WindowStateLeftSnapped, nil
case WindowStateSecondarySnapped:
return ash.WindowStateRightSnapped, nil
case WindowStatePIP:
return ash.WindowStatePIP, nil
return ash.WindowStateNormal, errors.Errorf("unknown window state: %d", s)