blob: ded3e3df9bd58a64378a75ff45b6de2df61f4553 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package hwsec
import (
hwsecremote "chromiumos/tast/remote/hwsec"
func init() {
Func: FWMPAcrossTPMClear,
Desc: "Verifies that FirmwareManagementParameters are working correctly across TPM clear",
Contacts: []string{
SoftwareDeps: []string{"reboot", "tpm", "gsc"},
Attr: []string{"group:hwsec_destructive_func"},
Timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
const (
// fwmpRemovedErrorCode is the error code returned by GetFirmwareManagementParameters when the FWMP is removed.
testHash1 = "0123456789abcdef9876543210abcdef0123456789abcdef9876543210abcdef"
testHash2 = "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
// checkFWMPCleared checks that FWMP is cleared, and returns nil iff it is cleared.
func checkFWMPCleared(ctx context.Context, cryptohome *hwsec.CryptohomeClient) error {
_, _, err := cryptohome.GetFirmwareManagementParameters(ctx)
if err == nil {
return errors.New("call to GetFirmwareManagementParameters succeeded when FWMP is cleared")
if err.ErrorCode != fwmpRemovedErrorCode {
return errors.Errorf("call to GetFirmwareManagementParameters failed with an incorrect error code, got %q, want %q", err.ErrorCode, fwmpRemovedErrorCode)
return nil
// clearFWMPAndCheck clears FWMP and checks that it's cleared correctly. It return nil iff FWMP is successfully cleared.
func clearFWMPAndCheck(ctx context.Context, cryptohome *hwsec.CryptohomeClient) error {
if _, err := cryptohome.RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to clear fwmp")
// Note that the reason why we are checking if FWMP is cleared after a
// successful call to RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters is we want to
// verify RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters actually does remove FWMP.
// i.e. We want to catch cases whereby RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters
// succeeded but it wasn't cleared.
if err := checkFWMPCleared(ctx, cryptohome); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to check fwmp is cleared")
return nil
// checkFWMPSet checks that FWMP is set to the expected values.
func checkFWMPSet(ctx context.Context, cryptohome *hwsec.CryptohomeClient, expectedFlags, expectedHash string) error {
flags, hash, err := cryptohome.GetFirmwareManagementParameters(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "call to GetFirmwareManagementParameters failed when trying to check FWMP is set correctly")
if flags != expectedFlags {
return errors.Errorf("flags are incorrect when checking FWMP is set correctly, got %q, want %q", flags, expectedFlags)
if hash != expectedHash {
return errors.Errorf("hash is incorrect when checking FWMP is set correctly, got %q, want %q", hash, expectedHash)
return nil
// setFWMPAndCheck sets the FWMP and checks that it's set correctly. It return nil iff FWMP is successfully set.
func setFWMPAndCheck(ctx context.Context, cryptohome *hwsec.CryptohomeClient, flags, hash string) error {
if _, err := cryptohome.SetFirmwareManagementParameters(ctx, flags, hash); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set FWMP")
// Note that the reason why we are checking if FWMP is set after a
// successful call to SetFirmwareManagementParameters is we want to
// verify SetFirmwareManagementParameters actually does set FWMP.
// i.e. We want to catch cases whereby SetFirmwareManagementParameters
// succeeded but it wasn't set.
if err := checkFWMPSet(ctx, cryptohome, flags, hash); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to check fwmp is set correctly")
return nil
// FWMPAcrossTPMClear checks that the firmware management parameters are functioning correctly across TPM clear.
func FWMPAcrossTPMClear(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
cmdRunner := hwsecremote.NewCmdRunner(s.DUT())
helper, err := hwsecremote.NewHelper(cmdRunner, s.DUT())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create hwsec helper: ", err)
cryptohome := helper.CryptohomeClient()
// Resets the TPM states before running the tests.
if err := helper.EnsureTPMAndSystemStateAreReset(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to ensure resetting TPM: ", err)
if err := helper.EnsureTPMIsReady(ctx, hwsec.DefaultTakingOwnershipTimeout); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to wait for TPM to be owned: ", err)
// Clear FWMP before the start of the test.
if err := clearFWMPAndCheck(ctx, cryptohome); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to clear FWMP at the start of the test: ", err)
// Now try to set it with the first value, then read it back to check.
if err := setFWMPAndCheck(ctx, cryptohome, testFlags1, testHash1); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set FWMP with test case 1: ", err)
// Clear the FWMP to make sure it can be cleared.
if err := clearFWMPAndCheck(ctx, cryptohome); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to clear FWMP after setting the first test case: ", err)
// Test again with the second test case.
if err := setFWMPAndCheck(ctx, cryptohome, testFlags2, testHash2); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set FWMP with test case 2: ", err)
// Reboot the DUT.
if err := helper.Reboot(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reboot the DUT: ", err)
// Ensure the FWMP still there after reboot.
if err := checkFWMPSet(ctx, cryptohome, testFlags2, testHash2); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to check the second FWMP after reboot the DUT: ", err)
// Resets the TPM states.
if err := helper.EnsureTPMAndSystemStateAreReset(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to ensure resetting TPM: ", err)
// Ensure the FWMP still there after reset the TPM.
if err := checkFWMPSet(ctx, cryptohome, testFlags2, testHash2); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to check the second FWMP after reset the TPM: ", err)
// Ensure TPM is ready.
if err := helper.EnsureTPMIsReady(ctx, hwsec.DefaultTakingOwnershipTimeout); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to wait for TPM to be owned: ", err)
// Ensure the FWMP still there after TPM is ready.
if err := checkFWMPSet(ctx, cryptohome, testFlags2, testHash2); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to check the second FWMP after TPM is ready: ", err)