blob: 13dfc363c5a8bda4b9833825f21431202dd46025 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package crostini
import (
cui "chromiumos/tast/local/crostini/ui"
dlcutil "chromiumos/tast/local/dlc"
// UnstableModels is list of models that are too flaky for the CQ. Use the standard tast
// criteria at go/tast-add-test to judge whether it should be on the CQ.
var UnstableModels = []string{
// Platform auron
"paine", //
"yuna", //
// Platform bob
// Platform buddy
// Platform coral
// Platform elm
// Platform fiss-moblab
// Platform fizz
// Platform gandof
"gandof", //
// Platform grunt
// Platform guado
"guado", //
// Platform hana
// Platform kevin
"kevin1", //
// Platform kukui
// Platform lulu
"lulu", //
// Platform nocturne
// Platform octopus
"mimrock", // TODO: reenable once is fixed.
// Platform reef
// Platform sarien
// Platform samus
"samus", //
// Platform stratego
"wizpig", //
// Platform tidus
"tidus", //
// CrostiniStableCond is a hardware condition that only runs a test on models that can run Crostini tests without
// known flakiness issues.
var CrostiniStableCond = hwdep.SkipOnModel(UnstableModels...)
// CrostiniStable is a hardware dependency that only runs a test on models that can run Crostini tests without
// known flakiness issues.
var CrostiniStable = hwdep.D(CrostiniStableCond)
// CrostiniUnstableCond is a hardware condition that is the inverse of CrostiniStableCond. It only runs a test on
// models that are known to be flaky when running Crostini tests.
var CrostiniUnstableCond = hwdep.Model(UnstableModels...)
// CrostiniUnstable is a hardware dependency that is the inverse of CrostiniStable. It only runs a test on
// models that are known to be flaky when running Crostini tests.
var CrostiniUnstable = hwdep.D(CrostiniUnstableCond)
// CrostiniAppTest is a hardware dependency limiting the boards on which app testing is run.
// App testing uses a large container which needs large space. Many DUTs in the lab do not have enough space.
// The boards listed have enough space.
var CrostiniAppTest = hwdep.D(hwdep.Model("hatch", "eve", "atlas", "nami"))
// interface defined for GetInstallerOptions to allow both
// testing.State and testing.PreState to be passed in as the first
// argument.
type testingState interface {
DataPath(string) string
// GetContainerMetadataArtifact gets the container metadata artifact
// for the container parameters. Note that this function will return
// different values on different architectures.
func GetContainerMetadataArtifact(debianVersion vm.ContainerDebianVersion, largeContainer bool) string {
if largeContainer {
return fmt.Sprintf("crostini_app_test_container_metadata_%s_%s.tar.xz", debianVersion, vm.TargetArch())
return fmt.Sprintf("crostini_test_container_metadata_%s_%s.tar.xz", debianVersion, vm.TargetArch())
// GetContainerRootfsArtifact gets the container rootfs artifact
// for the container parameters. Note that this function will return
// different values on different architectures.
func GetContainerRootfsArtifact(debianVersion vm.ContainerDebianVersion, largeContainer bool) string {
if largeContainer {
return fmt.Sprintf("crostini_app_test_container_rootfs_%s_%s.tar.xz", debianVersion, vm.TargetArch())
return fmt.Sprintf("crostini_test_container_rootfs_%s_%s.tar.xz", debianVersion, vm.TargetArch())
// GetInstallerOptions returns an InstallationOptions struct with data
// paths, install mode, and debian version set appropriately for the
// test.
func GetInstallerOptions(s testingState, isComponent bool, debianVersion vm.ContainerDebianVersion, largeContainer bool, userName string) *cui.InstallationOptions {
var mode string
if isComponent {
mode = cui.Component
} else {
mode = cui.Dlc
var vmPath string
if isComponent {
vmPath = s.DataPath(vm.ArtifactData())
iOptions := &cui.InstallationOptions{
VMArtifactPath: vmPath,
ContainerMetadataPath: s.DataPath(GetContainerMetadataArtifact(debianVersion, largeContainer)),
ContainerRootfsPath: s.DataPath(GetContainerRootfsArtifact(debianVersion, largeContainer)),
Mode: mode,
DebianVersion: debianVersion,
UserName: userName,
return iOptions
// interface defined for GaiaLoginAvailable to allow both
// testing.State and testing.PreState to be passed in as the first
// argument.
type varState interface {
Var(string) (string, bool)
// GaiaLoginAvailable returns whether or not a real gaia account is in use. This requires some variables from tast-tests-private
func GaiaLoginAvailable(s varState) bool {
return false
// The PreData object is made available to users of this precondition via:
// func DoSomething(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
// d := s.PreValue().(crostini.PreData)
// ...
// }
type PreData struct {
Chrome *chrome.Chrome
TestAPIConn *chrome.TestConn
Container *vm.Container
Keyboard *input.KeyboardEventWriter
// StartedByComponentStretch ensures that a VM running stretch has
// started before the test runs. This precondition has complex
// requirements to use that are best met using the test parameter
// generator in params.go.
// Tip: Run tests with -var=keepState=true to speed up local development
func StartedByComponentStretch() testing.Precondition { return startedByComponentStretchPre }
// StartedByComponentBuster ensures that a VM running buster has
// started before the test runs. This precondition has complex
// requirements to use that are best met using the test parameter
// generator in params.go.
// Tip: Run tests with -var=keepState=true to speed up local development
func StartedByComponentBuster() testing.Precondition { return startedByComponentBusterPre }
// StartedByDlcStretch is like StartedByComponentStretch, except for
// setting up the VM via DLC.
// Tip: Run tests with -var=keepState=true to speed up local development
func StartedByDlcStretch() testing.Precondition { return startedByDlcStretchPre }
// StartedByDlcBuster is like StartedByComponentBuster, except for
// setting up the VM via DLC.
// Tip: Run tests with -var=keepState=true to speed up local development
func StartedByDlcBuster() testing.Precondition { return startedByDlcBusterPre }
// StartedByComponentBusterGaia is similar to StartedByComponentBuster, except for
// logging in to Chrome using gaia user.
func StartedByComponentBusterGaia() testing.Precondition { return startedByComponentBusterGaiaPre }
// StartedByComponentStretchGaia is similar to StartedByComponentStretch, except for
// logging in to Chrome using gaia user.
func StartedByComponentStretchGaia() testing.Precondition { return startedByComponentStretchGaiaPre }
// StartedByDlcBusterGaia is similar to StartedByDlcBuster, except for
// logging in to Chrome using gaia user.
func StartedByDlcBusterGaia() testing.Precondition { return startedByDlcBusterGaiaPre }
// StartedByDlcStretchGaia is similar to StartedByDlcStretch, except for
// logging in to Chrome using gaia user.
func StartedByDlcStretchGaia() testing.Precondition { return startedByDlcStretchGaiaPre }
// StartedByComponentBusterLargeContainer is similar to StartedByComponentBuster,
// but will download the large container which has apps (Gedit, Emacs, Eclipse, Android Studio, and Visual Studio) installed.
func StartedByComponentBusterLargeContainer() testing.Precondition {
return startedByComponentBusterLargeContainerPre
// StartedByDlcBusterLargeContainer is similar to StartedByDlcBuster,
// but will download the large container which has apps (Gedit, Emacs, Eclipse, Android Studio, and Visual Studio) installed.
func StartedByDlcBusterLargeContainer() testing.Precondition {
return startedByDlcBusterLargeContainerPre
type vmSetupMode int
const (
component vmSetupMode = iota
type containerType int
const (
normal containerType = iota
type loginType int
const (
loginNonGaia loginType = iota
var startedByComponentStretchPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_component_stretch",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: component,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianStretch,
var startedByComponentBusterPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_component_buster",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: component,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
var startedByDlcStretchPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_dlc_stretch",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: dlc,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianStretch,
var startedByDlcBusterPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_dlc_buster",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: dlc,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
var startedByComponentStretchGaiaPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_component_stretch_gaia",
timeout: chrome.GAIALoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: component,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianStretch,
loginType: loginGaia,
var startedByComponentBusterGaiaPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_component_buster_gaia",
timeout: chrome.GAIALoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: component,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
loginType: loginGaia,
var startedByDlcStretchGaiaPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_dlc_stretch_gaia",
timeout: chrome.GAIALoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: dlc,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianStretch,
loginType: loginGaia,
var startedByDlcBusterGaiaPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_dlc_buster_gaia",
timeout: chrome.GAIALoginTimeout + 7*time.Minute,
vmMode: dlc,
container: normal,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
loginType: loginGaia,
var startedByComponentBusterLargeContainerPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_component_buster_large_container",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 10*time.Minute,
vmMode: component,
container: largeContainer,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
var startedByDlcBusterLargeContainerPre = &preImpl{
name: "crostini_started_by_dlc_buster_large_container",
timeout: chrome.LoginTimeout + 10*time.Minute,
vmMode: dlc,
container: largeContainer,
debianVersion: vm.DebianBuster,
// Implementation of crostini's precondition.
type preImpl struct {
name string // Name of this precondition (for logging/uniqueing purposes).
timeout time.Duration // Timeout for completing the precondition.
vmMode vmSetupMode // Where (component/dlc) the VM comes from.
container containerType // What type of container (regular or extra-large) to use.
debianVersion vm.ContainerDebianVersion // OS version of the container image.
cr *chrome.Chrome
tconn *chrome.TestConn
cont *vm.Container
keyboard *input.KeyboardEventWriter
startedOK bool
loginType loginType
// Interface methods for a testing.Precondition.
func (p *preImpl) String() string { return }
func (p *preImpl) Timeout() time.Duration { return p.timeout }
// Called by tast before each test is run. We use this method to initialize
// the precondition data, or return early if the precondition is already
// active.
func (p *preImpl) Prepare(ctx context.Context, s *testing.PreState) interface{} {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, "prepare_"
defer st.End()
// Read the -keepState variable always, to force an error if tests don't
// have it defined.
useLocalImage := keepState(s) && vm.TerminaImageExists()
if p.cont != nil {
if err := BasicCommandWorks(ctx, p.cont); err != nil {
s.Log("Precondition unsatisifed: ", err)
p.cont = nil
p.Close(ctx, s)
} else if err :=; err != nil {
s.Log("Precondition unsatisfied: Chrome is unresponsive: ", err)
p.Close(ctx, s)
} else {
if err :=; err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reset chrome's state: ", err)
return PreData{, p.tconn, p.cont, p.keyboard}
// If initialization fails, this defer is used to clean-up the partially-initialized pre
// and copies over lxc + container boot logs.
// Stolen verbatim from arc/pre.go
shouldClose := true
defer func() {
if shouldClose {
RunCrostiniPostTest(ctx, PreData{, p.tconn, p.cont, p.keyboard})
p.cleanUp(ctx, s)
opts := []chrome.Option{chrome.ARCDisabled()}
// Enable ARC++ if it is supported. We do this on every
// supported device because some tests rely on it and this
// lets us reduce the number of distinct preconditions. If
// your test relies on ARC++ you should add an appropriate
// software dependency.
if arc.Supported() {
if p.loginType == loginGaia {
opts = []chrome.Option{chrome.ARCSupported(), chrome.ExtraArgs(arc.DisableSyncFlags()...)}
} else {
opts = []chrome.Option{chrome.ARCEnabled()}
opts = append(opts, chrome.ExtraArgs("--vmodule=crostini*=1"))
// To help identify sources of flake, we report disk usage before the test.
if err := reportDiskUsage(ctx); err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to gather disk usage: ", err)
if p.loginType == loginGaia {
opts = append(opts, chrome.GAIALoginPool(s.RequiredVar("ui.gaiaPoolDefault")))
if p.vmMode == dlc {
opts = append(opts, chrome.EnableFeatures("CrostiniUseDlc"))
} else {
opts = append(opts, chrome.DisableFeatures("CrostiniUseDlc"))
if useLocalImage {
// Retain the user's cryptohome directory and previously installed VM.
opts = append(opts, chrome.KeepState())
var err error
if, err = chrome.New(ctx, opts...); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to Chrome: ", err)
if p.tconn, err =; err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create test API connection: ", err)
defer faillog.DumpUITreeOnError(ctx, s.OutDir(), s.HasError, p.tconn)
if p.keyboard, err = input.Keyboard(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create keyboard device: ", err)
if useLocalImage {
s.Log("keepState attempting to start the existing VM and container by launching Terminal")
terminalApp, err := terminalapp.Launch(ctx, p.tconn)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("keepState failed to launch Terminal. Try again, cryptohome will be cleared on the next run to reset to a good state: ", err)
if err = terminalApp.Exit(p.keyboard)(ctx); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to exit Terminal window: ", err)
} else {
// Install Crostini.
iOptions := GetInstallerOptions(s, p.vmMode == component, p.debianVersion, p.container == largeContainer,
if _, err := cui.InstallCrostini(ctx, p.tconn,, iOptions); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to install Crostini: ", err)
p.cont, err = vm.DefaultContainer(ctx,
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to running container: ", err)
// Report disk size again after successful install.
if err := reportDiskUsage(ctx); err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to gather disk usage: ", err)
p.startedOK = true
shouldClose = false
if err :=; err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to reset chrome's state: ", err)
return PreData{, p.tconn, p.cont, p.keyboard}
// keepState returns whether the precondition should keep state from the
// previous test execution and try to recycle the VM.
func keepState(s *testing.PreState) bool {
if str, ok := s.Var("keepState"); ok {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(str)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Cannot parse argument %q to keepState: %v", str, err)
return b
return false
// Connect connects the precondition to a running VM/container.
// If you shutdown and restart the VM you will need to call Connect again.
func (p *PreData) Connect(ctx context.Context) error {
return p.Container.Connect(ctx, p.Chrome.NormalizedUser())
// Close is called after all tests involving this precondition have been run,
// (or failed to be run if the precondition itself fails). Unlocks Chrome's and
// the container's constructors.
func (p *preImpl) Close(ctx context.Context, s *testing.PreState) {
ctx, st := timing.Start(ctx, "close_"
defer st.End()
p.cleanUp(ctx, s)
// cleanUp de-initializes the precondition by closing/cleaning-up the relevant
// fields and resetting the struct's fields.
func (p *preImpl) cleanUp(ctx context.Context, s *testing.PreState) {
if p.keyboard != nil {
if err := p.keyboard.Close(); err != nil {
s.Log("Failure closing keyboard: ", err)
p.keyboard = nil
// Don't uninstall crostini or delete the image for keepState so that
// crostini is still running after the test, and the image can be reused.
if keepState(s) && p.startedOK {
s.Log("keepState not uninstalling Crostini and deleting image in cleanUp")
} else {
if p.cont != nil {
if err := uninstallLinuxFromUI(ctx, p.tconn,; err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to close settings window after uninstalling Linux: ", err)
p.cont = nil
// Unmount the VM image to prevent later tests from
// using it by accident. Otherwise we may have a dlc
// test use the component or vice versa.
if p.vmMode == component {
if err := vm.UnmountComponent(ctx); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to unmount cros-termina component: ", err)
} else {
if err := dlcutil.Uninstall(ctx, "termina-dlc"); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to unmount termina-dlc: ", err)
if err := vm.DeleteImages(); err != nil {
s.Log("Error deleting images: ", err)
p.startedOK = false
// Nothing special needs to be done to close the test API connection.
p.tconn = nil
if != nil {
if err :=; err != nil {
s.Log("Failure closing chrome: ", err)
} = nil
func uninstallLinuxFromUI(ctx context.Context, tconn *chrome.TestConn, cr *chrome.Chrome) error {
// Open the Linux settings.
st, err := settings.OpenLinuxSettings(ctx, tconn, cr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open Linux Settings")
// Uninstall Crostini
ui := uiauto.New(tconn)
if err := uiauto.Combine("remove Linux",
ui.WaitUntilExists(settings.DevelopersButton))(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := st.Close(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to close settings window after uninstalling Linux")
return nil
// reportDiskUsage logs a report of the current disk usage.
func reportDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) error {
var (
statefulRoot = "/mnt/stateful_partition"
encryptedRoot = filepath.Join(statefulRoot, "encrypted")
chronosDir = filepath.Join(encryptedRoot, "chronos")
varDir = filepath.Join(encryptedRoot, "var")
encryptedBlockPath = filepath.Join(statefulRoot, "encrypted.block")
devImageDir = filepath.Join(statefulRoot, "dev_image")
homeDir = filepath.Join(statefulRoot, "home")
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Saving disk usage snapshot")
if err := func() error {
outDir, ok := testing.ContextOutDir(ctx)
if !ok {
return errors.New("outdir not available")
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(outDir, "du_stateful.txt"))
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
cmd := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("du -h -t 50M %s | sort -rh", shutil.Escape(statefulRoot)))
cmd.Stdout = f
if err := cmd.Run(testexec.DumpLogOnError); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "du %q", statefulRoot)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return err
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Gathering disk usage data")
fsSize := func(root string) (free, used, total uint64, err error) {
var st unix.Statfs_t
if err := unix.Statfs(root, &st); err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, err
bsz := uint64(st.Bsize)
return st.Bfree * bsz, (st.Blocks - st.Bfree) * bsz, st.Blocks * bsz, nil
statefulFree, statefulUsed, statefulTotal, err := fsSize(statefulRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
encryptedFree, encryptedUsed, encryptedTotal, err := fsSize(encryptedRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
treeSize := func(dir string) (uint64, error) {
out, err := testexec.CommandContext(ctx, "du", "--block-size=1", "--summarize", "--one-file-system", dir).Output(testexec.DumpLogOnError)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "du %q", dir)
ts := strings.SplitN(string(out), "\t", 2)
if len(ts) != 2 {
return 0, errors.Errorf("du %q: uncognized output %q", dir, string(out))
return strconv.ParseUint(ts[0], 10, 64)
chronosSize, err := treeSize(chronosDir)
if err != nil {
return err
varSize, err := treeSize(varDir)
if err != nil {
return err
encryptedBlockSize, err := treeSize(encryptedBlockPath)
if err != nil {
return err
devImageSize, err := treeSize(devImageDir)
if err != nil {
return err
homeSize, err := treeSize(homeDir)
if err != nil {
return err
mb := func(bytes uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%5.1f GB", float32(bytes)/1024/1024/1024)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Disk usage report:")
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " stateful: %s / %s (%s free)", mb(statefulUsed), mb(statefulTotal), mb(statefulFree))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " encrypted: %s / %s (%s free)", mb(encryptedBlockSize), mb(encryptedTotal), mb(encryptedFree))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " chronos: %s", mb(chronosSize))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " var: %s", mb(varSize))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " misc: %s", mb(encryptedUsed-(chronosSize+varSize)))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " allocated: %s", mb(encryptedBlockSize-encryptedUsed))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " unencrypted: %s", mb(statefulUsed-encryptedBlockSize))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " dev_image: %s", mb(devImageSize))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " home: %s", mb(homeSize))
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, " misc: %s", mb(statefulUsed-encryptedBlockSize-(devImageSize+homeSize)))
return nil