blob: bca612710c632edf0e4152ea321b741e6a5667d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package nearbyshare contains fixtures meta tests use.
package nearbyshare
import (
nearbycommon "chromiumos/tast/common/cros/nearbyshare"
// resetTimeout is the timeout duration to trying reset of the current fixture.
const resetTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
const (
advertisementMonitoring = "BluetoothAdvertisementMonitoring"
backgroundScanning = "NearbySharingBackgroundScanning"
webRTC = "NearbySharingWebRtc"
wlan = "NearbySharingWifiLan"
// NewNearbyShareFixture creates a fixture for Nearby Share tests in different configurations.
func NewNearbyShareFixture(dataUsage nearbycommon.DataUsage, visibility nearbycommon.Visibility, skipReceiverOnboarding bool, enabledFeatures, disabledFeatures []string) testing.FixtureImpl {
return &nearbyShareFixture{
dataUsage: dataUsage,
visibility: visibility,
skipReceiverOnboarding: skipReceiverOnboarding,
enabledFeatures: enabledFeatures,
disabledFeatures: disabledFeatures,
// TODO(crbug/1127165): Remove after data is supported in fixture.
testFiles: []string{"", "", ""},
func init() {
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOfflineAllContacts",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Offline' and 'Visibility' set to 'All Contacts'",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOffline, nearbycommon.VisibilityAllContacts /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOfflineSomeContacts",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Offline' and 'Visibility' set to 'Some Contacts' with the sender selected as a contact on the receiver side",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOffline, nearbycommon.VisibilitySelectedContacts /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineAllContacts",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'All Contacts'",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilityAllContacts /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineSomeContacts",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'Some Contacts' with the sender selected as a contact on the receiver side",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilitySelectedContacts /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineNoOne",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOfflineNoOne",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Offline' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOffline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOfflineNoOneBackgroundScanning",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Offline' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOffline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{advertisementMonitoring, backgroundScanning} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOfflineNoOneBackgroundScanningPreSetup",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Nearby Share onboarding is not complete",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOffline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, false /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{advertisementMonitoring, backgroundScanning} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineNoOneWebRTCAndWLAN",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'. CrOS feature flags configured such that WebRTC and WLAN are eligible upgrade mediums",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{webRTC, wlan} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineNoOneWebRTCOnly",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'. CrOS feature flags configured such that WebRTC is the only upgrade medium",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{webRTC} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{wlan}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
Name: "nearbyShareRemoteDataUsageOnlineNoOneWLANOnly",
Desc: "Fixture for Nearby Share's CB -> CB tests. Each DUT is signed in with a real GAIA account that are in each other's contacts. Configured with 'Data Usage' set to 'Online' and 'Visibility' set to 'No One'. CrOS feature flags configured such that WLAN is the only upgrade medium",
Impl: NewNearbyShareFixture(nearbycommon.DataUsageOnline, nearbycommon.VisibilityNoOne /*skipReceiverOnboarding=*/, true /*enabledFeatures=*/, []string{wlan} /*disabledFeatures=*/, []string{webRTC}),
Contacts: []string{""},
Vars: []string{
ServiceDeps: []string{"tast.cros.nearbyservice.NearbyShareService"},
SetUpTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: resetTimeout,
type nearbyShareFixture struct {
dataUsage nearbycommon.DataUsage
visibility nearbycommon.Visibility
skipReceiverOnboarding bool
enabledFeatures []string
disabledFeatures []string
testFiles []string
// Sender and receiver devices.
d1 *dut.DUT
d2 *dut.DUT
// These two vars actually have type *nearbyservice.nearbyShareServiceClient
sender nearbyservice.NearbyShareServiceClient
receiver nearbyservice.NearbyShareServiceClient
// Path on the sender where the test files are stored.
remoteFilePath string
// Attributes for both chromebooks.
attributes []byte
// RPC connections to the chromebooks. They are initialized in SetUp,
// and must be closed in TearDown to free the underlying SSH connections.
senderRPCClient *rpc.Client
receiverRPCClient *rpc.Client
// FixtData holds information made available to tests that specify this Fixture.
type FixtData struct {
RemoteFilePath string
SenderDisplayName string
ReceiverDisplayName string
Sender nearbyservice.NearbyShareServiceClient
Receiver nearbyservice.NearbyShareServiceClient
// Setup logs in, enables Nearby Share and moves test files to Sender DUT.
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) SetUp(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtState) interface{} {
d1 := s.DUT()
f.d1 = d1
d2 := s.CompanionDUT("cd1")
if d2 == nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get companion DUT cd1")
f.d2 = d2
s.Log("Preparing to move remote data files to DUT1 (Sender)")
tempdir, err := d1.Conn().CommandContext(ctx, "mktemp", "-d", "/tmp/nearby_share_XXXXXX").Output()
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create remote data path directory: ", err)
remoteDir := strings.TrimSpace(string(tempdir))
f.remoteFilePath = remoteDir
// TODO(crbug/1127165): Remove after data is supported in fixture.
// Workaround to use data files downloaded in other tests.
const (
prebuiltLocalDataPath = "/usr/local/tast/data/chromiumos/tast/remote/bundles/cros/nearbyshare/data"
builtLocalDataPath = "../platform/tast-tests/src/chromiumos/tast/remote/bundles/cros/nearbyshare/data"
pathToUse := builtLocalDataPath
// Use the built local data path if it exists, and fall back to the prebuilt data path otherwise.
testFileCheck := filepath.Join(builtLocalDataPath, f.testFiles[0])
if _, err := os.Stat(testFileCheck); os.IsNotExist(err) {
pathToUse = prebuiltLocalDataPath
} else if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to check if built local data path exists: ", err)
s.Log("Moving data files to DUT1 (Sender)")
for _, data := range f.testFiles {
remoteFilePath := filepath.Join(remoteDir, data)
if _, err := linuxssh.PutFiles(ctx, d1.Conn(), map[string]string{filepath.Join(pathToUse, data): remoteFilePath}, linuxssh.DereferenceSymlinks); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to send data to remote data path %v: %v", remoteDir, err)
var keepState bool
if val, ok := s.Var(nearbycommon.KeepStateVar); ok {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(val)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Unable to convert %v var to bool: %v", nearbycommon.KeepStateVar, err)
keepState = b
// Login and setup Nearby Share on DUT 1 (Sender).
cl1, err := rpc.Dial(s.FixtContext(), d1, s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to connect to the RPC service on the DUT: ", err)
f.senderRPCClient = cl1
const crosBaseName = "cros_test"
senderDisplayName := nearbycommon.RandomDeviceName(crosBaseName)
s.Log("Enabling Nearby Share on DUT1 (Sender). Name: ", senderDisplayName)
senderUsername := s.RequiredVar("nearbyshare.cros_username")
senderPassword := s.RequiredVar("nearbyshare.cros_password")
sender, err := f.enableNearbyShare(ctx, s, cl1, senderDisplayName, senderUsername, senderPassword, "", keepState /*skipOnboarding=*/, true, f.enabledFeatures, f.disabledFeatures)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to enable Nearby Share on DUT1 (Sender): ", err)
f.sender = sender
// Login and setup Nearby Share on DUT 2 (Receiver).
cl2, err := rpc.Dial(s.FixtContext(), d2, s.RPCHint())
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to dial rpc service on DUT2: ", err)
f.receiverRPCClient = cl2
receiverDisplayName := nearbycommon.RandomDeviceName(crosBaseName)
s.Log("Enabling Nearby Share on DUT2 (Receiver). Name: ", receiverDisplayName)
receiverUsername := s.RequiredVar("nearbyshare.cros2_username")
receiverPassword := s.RequiredVar("nearbyshare.cros2_password")
s.Log("skipReceiverOnboarding = ", f.skipReceiverOnboarding)
receiver, err := f.enableNearbyShare(ctx, s, cl2, receiverDisplayName, receiverUsername, receiverPassword, senderUsername, keepState, f.skipReceiverOnboarding, f.enabledFeatures, f.disabledFeatures)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to enable Nearby Share on DUT2 (Receiver): ", err)
f.receiver = receiver
s.Log("Getting device attributes about the sender")
senderAttrsRes, err := f.sender.CrOSAttributes(ctx, &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to save device attributes about the sender: ", err)
s.Log("Getting device attributes about the receiver")
receiverAttrsRes, err := f.receiver.CrOSAttributes(ctx, &empty.Empty{})
if err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to save device attributes about the receiver: ", err)
var senderAttributes *nearbycommon.CrosAttributes
var receiverAttributes *nearbycommon.CrosAttributes
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(senderAttrsRes.Attributes), &senderAttributes); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to unmarshal sender's attributes: ", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(receiverAttrsRes.Attributes), &receiverAttributes); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to unmarshal receiver's: ", err)
attributes := struct {
Sender *nearbycommon.CrosAttributes
Receiver *nearbycommon.CrosAttributes
}{Sender: senderAttributes, Receiver: receiverAttributes}
crosLog, err := json.MarshalIndent(attributes, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to format device metadata for logging: ", err)
f.attributes = crosLog
return &FixtData{
RemoteFilePath: f.remoteFilePath,
Sender: f.sender,
Receiver: f.receiver,
SenderDisplayName: senderDisplayName,
ReceiverDisplayName: receiverDisplayName,
// enableNearbyShare is a helper function to enable Nearby Share on each DUT.
// senderUsername is only used when the device visibility is "Some contacts".
// keepState is used to optionally preserve user accounts on the DUT.
// Sender devices should pass an empty string since the visibility setting is only relevant to receivers.
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) enableNearbyShare(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtState, cl *rpc.Client, deviceName, username, password, senderUsername string, keepState, skipOnboarding bool, enabledFeatures, disabledFeatures []string) (nearbyservice.NearbyShareServiceClient, error) {
// Connect to the Nearby Share Service so we can execute local code on the DUT.
ns := nearbyservice.NewNearbyShareServiceClient(cl.Conn)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Logging into ChromeOS")
loginReq := &nearbyservice.CrOSLoginRequest{Username: username, Password: password, KeepState: keepState, EnabledFlags: enabledFeatures, DisabledFlags: disabledFeatures}
if _, err := ns.NewChromeLogin(ctx, loginReq); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to start Chrome: ", err)
if skipOnboarding {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Enabling Nearby Share and configuring it's settings")
req := &nearbyservice.CrOSSetupRequest{DataUsage: int32(f.dataUsage), Visibility: int32(f.visibility), DeviceName: deviceName, SenderUsername: senderUsername}
if _, err := ns.CrOSSetup(ctx, req); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to setup Nearby Share: ", err)
return ns, nil
// TearDown removes the test files from the sender and and closes the services on both DUTs.
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) TearDown(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtState) {
// Delete the test files from the sender.
if err := f.d1.Conn().CommandContext(ctx, "rm", "-r", f.remoteFilePath).Run(); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to remove test files from the sender: ", err)
// Shut down the nearby share service connections.
if _, err := f.sender.CloseChrome(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to shutdown nearby share service connection for sender: ", err)
if _, err := f.receiver.CloseChrome(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to shutdown nearby share service connections for receiver: ", err)
// Close gRPC clients to free underlying SSH resources.
if err := f.senderRPCClient.Close(ctx); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to close gRPC client for sender: ", err)
if err := f.receiverRPCClient.Close(ctx); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to close gRPC client for receiver: ", err)
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) Reset(ctx context.Context) error { return nil }
// PreTest is run before each test in the fixture..
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) PreTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtTestState) {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), "device_attributes.json"), f.attributes, 0644); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to write CrOS attributes to output file: ", err)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Starting logging on sender")
if _, err := f.sender.StartLogging(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to start logging on the sender: ", err)
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Starting logging on receiver")
if _, err := f.receiver.StartLogging(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Log("Failed to start logging on the receiver: ", err)
// PostTest will pull the logs from the DUT and delete leftover logs and test files.
func (f *nearbyShareFixture) PostTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.FixtTestState) {
// Save logs on each DUT.
if _, err := f.sender.SaveLogs(ctx, &nearbyservice.SaveLogsRequest{SaveUiLogs: s.HasError()}); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to save nearby share logs on the sender: ", err)
if _, err := f.receiver.SaveLogs(ctx, &nearbyservice.SaveLogsRequest{SaveUiLogs: s.HasError()}); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to save nearby share logs on the receiver: ", err)
// Pull the log files back to the host.
logsToSave := []string{nearbyshare.ChromeLog, nearbyshare.MessageLog, nearbyshare.BtsnoopLog}
if s.HasError() {
logsToSave = append(logsToSave, "faillog")
duts := []*dut.DUT{f.d1, f.d2}
tags := []string{"sender", "receiver"}
for i, dut := range duts {
logFiles, err := dut.Conn().CommandContext(ctx, "ls", nearbyshare.NearbyLogDir).Output()
if err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to get list of log files in remote DUTs nearby temp dir: ", err)
} else {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Files in remote DUTs nearby temp dir: ", strings.Replace(string(logFiles), "\n", " ", -1))
for _, log := range logsToSave {
logPathSrc := filepath.Join(nearbyshare.NearbyLogDir, log)
logPathDst := filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), log+"_"+tags[i])
if err := linuxssh.GetFile(ctx, dut.Conn(), logPathSrc, logPathDst, linuxssh.PreserveSymlinks); err != nil {
testing.ContextLogf(ctx, "Failed to save %s to %s. Error: %s", logPathSrc, logPathDst, err)
// Delete the log files so that we have a clean run for parameterized tests.
if err := dut.Conn().CommandContext(ctx, "rm", "-r", nearbyshare.NearbyLogDir).Run(); err != nil {
testing.ContextLog(ctx, "Failed to remove the log files at end of test: ", err)
// Delete the sent files from the Downloads folder on the receiver.
if _, err := f.receiver.ClearTransferredFiles(ctx, &empty.Empty{}); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to clear transferred files from the Downloads folder on the receiver: ", err)