blob: 2e38468b2c06e7c0dabab2679d3c1b1288035d16 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "tensorflow/lite/core/c/c_api_types.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/core/c/common.h"
namespace tflite::cros {
using TfLiteOpaqueDelegateUniquePtr =
std::unique_ptr<TfLiteOpaqueDelegate, void (*)(TfLiteOpaqueDelegate*)>;
// Users should inherit from this class and implement the interface below.
// Each instance represents a single part of the graph (subgraph).
class SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface {
virtual ~SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface() = default;
// Initializes a delegated subgraph.
// The nodes in the subgraph are inside
// TfLiteOpaqueDelegateParams->nodes_to_replace
virtual TfLiteStatus Init(TfLiteOpaqueContext* context,
const TfLiteOpaqueDelegateParams* params) = 0;
// Will be called by the framework. Should handle any needed preparation
// for the subgraph e.g. allocating buffers, compiling model.
// Returns status, and signalling any errors.
virtual TfLiteStatus Prepare(TfLiteOpaqueContext* context,
TfLiteOpaqueNode* node) = 0;
// Actual subgraph inference should happen on this call.
// Returns status, and signalling any errors.
// NOTE: Tensor data pointers (tensor->data) can change every inference, so
// the implementation of this method needs to take that into account.
virtual TfLiteStatus Eval(TfLiteOpaqueContext* context,
TfLiteOpaqueNode* node) = 0;
// Retrieves the async kernel.
// Returns nullptr if the delegate does not support asynchronous execution.
virtual TfLiteAsyncKernel* AsyncKernel(TfLiteOpaqueContext* context,
TfLiteOpaqueNode* node) = 0;
// Pure Interface that clients should implement.
// The Interface represents a delegate's capabilities and provides a factory
// for SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface.
// Clients should implement the following methods:
// - IsNodeSupportedByDelegate - Initialize
// - Name
// - CreateDelegateKernelInterface
class SimpleAsyncDelegateInterface {
virtual ~SimpleAsyncDelegateInterface() = default;
// Returns true if 'node' is supported by the delegate. False otherwise.
virtual bool IsNodeSupportedByDelegate(
const TfLiteRegistrationExternal* registration_external,
const TfLiteOpaqueNode* node,
TfLiteOpaqueContext* context) const = 0;
// Initialize the delegate before finding and replacing TfLite nodes with
// delegate kernels, for example, retrieving some TFLite settings from
// 'context'.
virtual TfLiteStatus Initialize(TfLiteOpaqueContext* context) = 0;
// Returns a name that identifies the delegate.
// This name is used for debugging/logging/profiling.
virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
// Returns instance of an object that implements the interface
// SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface.
// An instance of SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface represents one subgraph
// to be delegated.
// Caller takes ownership of the returned object.
virtual std::unique_ptr<SimpleAsyncDelegateKernelInterface>
CreateDelegateKernelInterface() = 0;
// Factory class that provides static methods to deal with SimpleAsyncDelegate
// creation and deletion.
class SimpleAsyncDelegateFactory {
// Creates TfLiteDelegate from the provided SimpleAsyncDelegateInterface.
// The returned TfLiteDelegate should be deleted using DeleteAsyncDelegate.
// A simple usage of the flags bit mask:
// CreateAsyncDelegate(..., kTfLiteDelegateFlagsAllowDynamicTensors |
// kTfLiteDelegateFlagsRequirePropagatedShapes)
static TfLiteOpaqueDelegate* CreateAsyncDelegate(
std::unique_ptr<SimpleAsyncDelegateInterface> delegate,
int64_t flags = kTfLiteDelegateFlagsNone);
// Deletes 'delegate' the passed pointer must be the one returned from
// CreateAsyncDelegate. This function will destruct the SimpleAsyncDelegate
// object too.
static void DeleteAsyncDelegate(TfLiteOpaqueDelegate* opaque_delegate);
// A convenient function wrapping the above two functions and returning a
// std::unique_ptr type for auto memory management.
inline static TfLiteOpaqueDelegateUniquePtr Create(
std::unique_ptr<SimpleAsyncDelegateInterface> delegate) {
return TfLiteOpaqueDelegateUniquePtr(
CreateAsyncDelegate(std::move(delegate)), DeleteAsyncDelegate);
} // namespace tflite::cros