blob: 2a3c3360f4ed65babec6268c7d001fba61ae39ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "delegate/sample/core.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/lite/core/c/c_api_opaque.h"
namespace tflite::cros {
namespace {
float AddImpl(float a, float b) {
return a + b;
float SubImpl(float a, float b) {
return a - b;
int CalculateNumElements(const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tensor) {
int num_elements = 1;
int num_dims = TfLiteOpaqueTensorNumDims(tensor);
for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; ++i) {
num_elements *= TfLiteOpaqueTensorDim(tensor, i);
return num_elements;
} // namespace
TfLiteStatus CrosSampleDelegateCore::Init(
TfLiteOpaqueContext* context,
const TfLiteOpaqueDelegateParams* params) {
int num_nodes = params->nodes_to_replace->size;
for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) {
TfLiteOpaqueNode* node = nullptr;
TfLiteRegistrationExternal* registration = nullptr;
int node_index = params->nodes_to_replace->data[i];
TfLiteOpaqueContextGetNodeAndRegistration(context, node_index, &node,
NodeInfo info = {
.op = TfLiteRegistrationExternalGetBuiltInCode(registration),
.input1 = TfLiteOpaqueNodeGetInput(context, node, 0),
.input2 = TfLiteOpaqueNodeGetInput(context, node, 1),
.output = TfLiteOpaqueNodeGetOutput(context, node, 0),
using TensorSet = std::set<const TfLiteOpaqueTensor*>;
TensorSet all_inputs;
TensorSet all_outputs;
for (const auto& info : node_infos_) {
// If the input of some node is an output of some node in the same delegated
// subgraph, it's an internal tensor for us.
std::set_intersection(all_inputs.begin(), all_inputs.end(),
all_outputs.begin(), all_outputs.end(),
return kTfLiteOk;
TfLiteStatus CrosSampleDelegateCore::Prepare() {
// Allocate memory for internal tensors. For external tensors, the memory will
// be provided with SetExternalTensorMemory().
for (const auto& tensor : internal_tensors_) {
int size = CalculateNumElements(tensor);
return kTfLiteOk;
float* CrosSampleDelegateCore::GetRawDataSource(
const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tensor) {
if (auto it = internal_tensors_memory_.find(tensor);
it != internal_tensors_memory_.end()) {
return it->;
if (auto it = external_tensors_memory_.find(tensor);
it != external_tensors_memory_.end()) {
return static_cast<float*>(it->second);
// Fall back to use data pointer inside the tensor. Normally this should not
// happen.
return reinterpret_cast<float*>(TfLiteOpaqueTensorData(tensor));
void CrosSampleDelegateCore::SetExternalTensorMemory(
const TfLiteOpaqueTensor* tensor,
void* memory) {
external_tensors_memory_.insert_or_assign(tensor, memory);
TfLiteStatus CrosSampleDelegateCore::Eval() {
for (const auto& info : node_infos_) {
float* input1 = GetRawDataSource(info.input1);
float* input2 = GetRawDataSource(info.input2);
float* output = GetRawDataSource(info.output);
// The input/output tensors have the same size.
int size = CalculateNumElements(info.output);
std::transform(input1, input1 + size, input2, output,
info.op == kTfLiteBuiltinAdd ? AddImpl : SubImpl);
return kTfLiteOk;
} // namespace tflite::cros