blob: e7e260f347a9f863674ed1129652c2fe06e686d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Object of a reported finger contact model.
* @constructor
* @param {array of float} paramArray the array of all contact parameters.
* [0]: contact amplitude
* [1]: x-positon of contact
* [2]: y-position of contact
* [3]: x-sigma of contact gaussian model
* [4]: y-sigma of contact gaussian model
* [5]: theta of contact gaussian model
* [6]: tracking ID of contact
* [7]: thumb likelihood
* [8]: palm indicator (0: finger, 1: palm)
function Contact(paramArray) {
this.amp = paramArray[0];
this.xPos = paramArray[1];
this.yPos = paramArray[2];
this.xSigma = paramArray[3];
this.ySigma = paramArray[4];
this.theta = paramArray[5];
this.trackId = paramArray[6];
this.thumbLikelihood = 0;
this.isPalm = 0;
if (paramArray.length > 7)
this.thumbLikelihood = paramArray[7];
if (paramArray.length > 8)
this.isPalm = paramArray[8];
* Object of webplot.
* @constructor
* @param {Element} canvas the canvas to draw circles and clicks.
* @param {string} dataScale the max scale of heatmap raw data.
* @param {string} dataOffset the offset of heatmap raw data for presenting.
* @param {string} dataWidth the size of width of heatmap raw data.
* @param {string} dataHeight the size of height of heatmap raw data.
function Webplot(canvas, dataScale, dataOffset, dataWidth, dataHeight) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
this.scale = 1 / parseInt(dataScale);
this.offset = parseInt(dataOffset);
this.width = parseInt(dataWidth);
this.height = parseInt(dataHeight);
this.gridSize = null;
this.pointRadius = 6.0;
this.contactLineWidth = 3.5;
* Update the width and height of the canvas, the max radius of circles,
* and the edge of click rectangles.
Webplot.prototype.updateCanvasDimension = function() {
var newWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
var newHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
if (this.canvas.width != newWidth || this.canvas.height != newHeight) {
var dataRatio = this.height / this.width;
var canvasRatio = (newHeight / newWidth);
// The actual dimension of the viewport.
this.canvas.width = newWidth;
this.canvas.height = newHeight;
// Calculate the inner area of the viewport on which to draw finger traces.
// This inner area has the same height/width ratio as the touch device.
if (dataRatio >= canvasRatio) {
this.canvas.innerWidth = Math.round(newHeight / dataRatio);
this.canvas.innerHeight = newHeight;
this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft = Math.round(
(newWidth - this.canvas.innerWidth) / 2);
this.canvas.innerOffsetTop = 0;
this.gridSize = newHeight / this.height;
} else {
this.canvas.innerWidth = newWidth;
this.canvas.innerHeight = Math.round(newWidth * dataRatio);
this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft = 0;
this.canvas.innerOffsetTop = Math.round(
(newHeight - this.canvas.innerHeight) / 2);
this.gridSize = newWidth / this.width;
this.drawFrame(this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft, this.canvas.innerOffsetTop,
this.canvas.innerWidth, this.canvas.innerHeight, 'gray');
* Draw a rectangle of heatmap frame border.
* @param {int} x the x coordinate of upper left corner of the rectangle.
* @param {int} y the y coordinate of upper left corner of the rectangle.
* @param {int} width the width of the rectangle.
* @param {int} height the height of the rectangle.
* @param {string} colorName
Webplot.prototype.drawFrame = function(x, y, width, height, colorName) {
this.ctx.lineWidth = "4";
this.ctx.strokeStyle = colorName;
this.ctx.rect(x, y, width, height);
* Draw a circle of presenting contact gaussian model.
* @param {Element} contact the contact object of gaussian finger model.
Webplot.prototype.drawContactArea = function(contact) {
var ctxLeft = this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft;
var ctxTop = this.canvas.innerOffsetTop;
var grid = this.gridSize;
var offset = grid / 2;
var x = contact.xPos;
var y = (this.height - 1) - contact.yPos; // Reflect over x-axis.
var cx = x * grid + offset + ctxLeft;
var cy = y * grid + offset + ctxTop;
this.ctx.beginPath();; // save state
this.ctx.translate(cx, cy);
this.ctx.scale(contact.xSigma * grid, contact.ySigma * grid);
this.ctx.arc(0, 0, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
this.ctx.restore(); // restore to original state
this.ctx.lineWidth = this.contactLineWidth;
if (contact.isPalm)
this.ctx.strokeStyle = 'gold';
this.ctx.strokeStyle = 'deeppink';
* Draw a point of presenting contact center.
* @param {Element} contact the contact object of gaussian finger model.
Webplot.prototype.drawContactCenter = function(contact) {
var ctxLeft = this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft;
var ctxTop = this.canvas.innerOffsetTop;
var grid = this.gridSize;
var colors = ['blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'red', 'orange', 'green',
'gold', 'cyan', 'brown', 'limegreen'];
var offset = grid / 2;
var x = contact.xPos;
var y = (this.height - 1) - contact.yPos; // Reflect over x-axis.
var cx = x * grid + offset + ctxLeft;
var cy = y * grid + offset + ctxTop;
this.ctx.arc(cx, cy, this.pointRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
this.ctx.fillStyle = colors[contact.trackId % colors.length];
if (contact.isPalm) {
var text = 'PALM';
var text_color = 'blue';
} else {
var text = contact.thumbLikelihood.toFixed(4);
var green = parseInt(255 * (1 - contact.thumbLikelihood)).toString(16);
green = (green.length < 2) ? '0' + green : green;
var red = parseInt(255 * contact.thumbLikelihood).toString(16);
red = (red.length < 2) ? '0' + red : red;
var text_color = '#' + red + green + '00';
this.fillText(text, cx + 4, cy + 20, '18px Arial', text_color);
* Fill text.
* @param {string} text the text to display
* @param {int} x the x coordinate of upper left corner of the text.
* @param {int} y the y coordinate of upper left corner of the text.
* @param {string} font the size and the font.
* @param {string} color the color of the text.
Webplot.prototype.fillText = function(text, x, y, font, color) {
this.ctx.font = font;
this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
this.ctx.fillText(text, x, y);
* Capture the canvas image.
* @return {string} the image represented in base64 text
Webplot.prototype.captureCanvasImage = function() {
var imageData = this.canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
// Strip off the header.
return imageData.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, '');
* Process an incoming snapshot.
* @param {object} snapshot
* A snapshot received from python server looks like:
* Snapshot(
* data=[125,123,90,0,0, ... 230,231],
* contact=[[337.311, 1.55013, 6.43009, 0.747915, 0.97476, -0.026596, 1,
* 0.13422, 0]],
* fps=[128.234, 49.992]
* )
* data: a total length of width * height integers array of heatmap raw data.
* contact: an array of contact arrays, each contact array has the following
* elements [amplitude, x-position, y-position, x-sigma, y-sigma,
* theta, track-ID, thumb likelihood, palm indicator], and they are
* all floating numbers.
* fps: an 2-element array of float for receiver FPS and plot FPS.
Webplot.prototype.processSnapshot = function(snapshot) {
var ctxLeft = this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft;
var ctxTop = this.canvas.innerOffsetTop;
var grid = this.gridSize;
var gridFullPixel = Math.ceil(grid);
var data =;
// Clean up canvas.
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// Draw the frame border.
this.drawFrame(this.canvas.innerOffsetLeft, this.canvas.innerOffsetTop,
this.canvas.innerWidth, this.canvas.innerHeight, 'gray');
// Draw heatmap raw data (data grid).
for (var i = 0; i < this.width; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.height; j++) {
var value = this.scale * (data[j + i * this.height] + this.offset);
var x = Math.floor(ctxLeft + i * grid);
// Reflect over x-axis.
var y = Math.floor(ctxTop + (this.height - 1 - j) * grid);
var color = parseInt(255 * value).toString(16);
color = (color.length < 2) ? "0" + color : color;
this.ctx.fillStyle = "#" + color + color + color;
this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, gridFullPixel, gridFullPixel);
// Draw finger contact models.
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var contact = new Contact([i]);
// Show FPS rates.
this.fillText("Algorithm FPS: " + snapshot.fps[0],
20 + ctxLeft, 25 + ctxTop, '14px Verdana', 'bisque');
this.fillText("Plot FPS: " + snapshot.fps[1],
240 + ctxLeft, 25 + ctxTop, '14px Verdana', 'cyan');
Webplot.quitFlag = false;
* An handler for onresize event to update the canvas dimensions.
function resizeCanvas() {
* Send a 'quit' message to the server and display the event file name
* on the canvas.
* @param {boolean} closed_by_server True if this is requested by the server.
function quit(closed_by_server) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasWebplot');
var webplot = window.webplot;
var startX = 100;
var startY = 100;
var font = '30px Verdana';
// Capture the image before clearing the canvas and send it to the server,
// and notify the server that this client quits.
if (!Webplot.quitFlag) {
Webplot.quitFlag = true;'quit');
if (closed_by_server) {
webplot.fillText('The python server has quit.',
startX, startY, font, 'red');
webplot.fillText('Centroiding data are saved inside "/tmp/"',
startX, startY + 100, font, 'red');
function save() {'save:' + webplot.captureCanvasImage());
* A handler for keyup events to handle user hot keys.
function keyupHandler() {
var webplot = window.webplot;
var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase();
var ESC = String.fromCharCode(27);
switch(String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase()) {
// ESC: clearing the canvas
case ESC:
// 'b': toggle the background color between black and white
// default: black
case 'b':
document.bgColor = (document.bgColor == 'Black' ? 'White' : 'Black');
// 'f': toggle full screen
// default: non-full screen
// Note: entering or leaving full screen will trigger onresize events.
case 'f':
if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
if (document.webkitFullscreenElement)
// 'q': Quit the server (and save the plot and logs first)
case 'q':
// 's': Tell the server to save the touch events and a png of the plot
case 's':
function clear(should_redraw_border) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvasWebplot');
canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if (should_redraw_border) {
* Create a web socket and a new webplot object.
function createWS() {
var websocket = document.getElementById('websocketUrl').innerText;
var dataScale = document.getElementById('dataScale').innerText;
var dataOffset = document.getElementById('dataOffset').innerText;
var dataWidth = document.getElementById('dataWidth').innerText;
var dataHeight = document.getElementById('dataHeight').innerText;
if (window.WebSocket) {
ws = new WebSocket(websocket);
ws.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if ( == 'quit') {
} else if ( == 'clear') {
} else if ( == 'save') {
} else {
var snapshot = JSON.parse(;
} else {
alert('WebSocket is not supported on this browser!')
webplot = new Webplot(document.getElementById('canvasWebplot'),
dataScale, dataOffset, dataWidth, dataHeight);