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# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This is a line drawing script for Touchbot II
By using its rather long set of parameters, this script can generate
a wide array of different straight-line based gestures on the Touchbot II.
The gestures take in two points (start and end) which consist of:
x, y coordinates in the range from 0.0->1.0
angle in degrees
finger distance in mm that specifies how far apart the hand should open
Which fingers the robot should extend as a list of 4 booleans
Top right, Top Left, Bottom Left, Bottom Right
A speed in approximately mm/s
Which kind of line to do which should be either "swipe" or "basic"
The robot will then linearly interpolate between those two points
For a two finger scroll motion you might do something like:
python link.p 0.5 0.1 0 40 0.5 0.9 0 40 0 1 0 1 100 swipe
For a human-like pinch zoom motion
python lumpy.p 0.5 0.5 30 45 0.5 0.5 27 20 1 0 1 0 75 basic
import sys
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from touchbotII import Touchbot, Device, PositionArg
# Load the device spec
device = Device(sys.argv[1])
start = PositionArg(*[float(v) for v in sys.argv[2:6]])
end = PositionArg(*[float(v) for v in sys.argv[6:10]])
fingers = [int(arg) for arg in sys.argv[10:14]]
speed = float(sys.argv[14])
is_swipe = bool(sys.argv[15] == 'swipe')
delay = 0.0
if len(sys.argv) > 15:
delay = float(sys.argv[16])
print (('Usage: python %s device.p start end finger_states speed ' +
'[swipe|basic]') % __file__)
print ' * start and end: formatted as x y angle finger_distance'
print ' * finger_states: a list of 4 values (1s and 0s)'
print ' * speed: a decimal value for the speed in mm/s'
print ' * which kind of line to draw: either "swipe" or "basic"'
print 'For a two finger scroll motion you might do something like:'
print ('python %s link.p 0.5 0.1 0 40 0.5 0.9 0 40 0 1 0 1 100 swipe' %
print 'For a human-like pinch zoom motion'
print ('python %s lumpy.p 0.5 0.5 30 45 0.5 0.5 27 20 1 0 1 0 75 basic' %
print 'Executing the line defined by:'
print '\tStart: %s' % str(start)
print '\tEnd: %s' % str(end)
print '\tFingers: %s' % str(fingers)
print '\tSpeed: %f' % speed
print '\tIs Swipe?: %s' % str(is_swipe)
print '\tDelay: %f' % delay
# Connect to the robot and configure the profile
bot = Touchbot()
prof = bot.GetCurrentProfile()
prof.speed = speed
prof.straight = Touchbot.STRAIGHT_INTERPOLATION
if not (bot.IsLegalRelativeCoordinate((start.x, start.y)) and
bot.IsLegalRelativeCoordinate((end.x, end.y))):
print ('All coordinates must fall in the range of %s' %
if not bot.IsLegalFingerList(fingers):
print 'Your finger list must contain exactly 4 values, each either 1 or 0'
if not bot.IsLegalSpeed(speed):
print 'The speed %f is not acceptable for this robot' % speed
# Convert the point specifications into something the robot understands
abs_start = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos((start.x, start.y),
abs_end = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos((end.x, end.y),
# Offset the position to center the finger if it's only using one
abs_start = bot.CenterIfSingleFinger(fingers, abs_start, start.finger_distance)
abs_end = bot.CenterIfSingleFinger(fingers, abs_end, end.finger_distance)
# Go to the starting point
bot.SetFingerStates([0, 0, 0, 0])
bot.SetCartesian(abs_start, start.finger_distance, blocking=True)
# Sort out what to do with the fingers as it moves depending on if it is a
# swipe or a regular, basic line.
if is_swipe:
# start moving to end point
bot.SetCartesian(abs_end, end.finger_distance, blocking=False)
distance_to_travel = abs_start.CartesianDistanceFrom(abs_end)
distance_traveled = 0.0
# Wait until 1/4 of the distance has been traveled to extend the fingers
# This allows the hand to get up to speed before touching the pad
while distance_traveled < 0.25 * distance_to_travel:
curr_pos = bot.GetCurrentPosition()
distance_traveled = curr_pos.CartesianDistanceFrom(abs_start)
# Raise the fingers after only 3/4 of the distance has been traveled
while distance_traveled < 0.75 * distance_to_travel:
curr_pos = bot.GetCurrentPosition()
distance_traveled = curr_pos.CartesianDistanceFrom(abs_start)
bot.SetFingerStates([0, 0, 0, 0])
# put fingers down and wait for delay
# Move to end point
bot.SetCartesian(abs_end, end.finger_distance, blocking=True)
bot.SetFingerStates([0, 0, 0, 0])