blob: d8796affc2c5282d9b9724ad2dc431632c1d16b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Abstract base class and factory method for the processor."""
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from safetynet import InterfaceMeta, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from optofidelity.videoproc import VideoReader
from ._detector import Detector
from .events import Event
from .screen_calibration import ScreenCalibration
from .trace import Trace
class VideoProcessor(object):
"""A video processor is responsible processing video into a steam of events.
The video processor detects events in the video stream. Which kind of events
are detected can be specified by calling EnableDetectors.
It can then be either used by calling ProcessFrame for each video frame to
be processed, or by passing a VideoReader to ProcessVideo.
Both methods accept a list of debug_flags with the following options:
- video: show debug video in camera space
- normalized: show normalized video instead
- delta: show inter-frame delta instead
- line: show debug information from LineDetector
- led: show debug information from LEDDetector
- finger: show debug information from FingerDetector
- screen_draw: show debug information from ScreenDrawDetector
__metaclass__ = InterfaceMeta
def InitializeDetectors(self, *detectors):
"""Initialize processor with the provided list of detectors.
:param List[Detector] detectors: List of detectors to use
def ProcessVideo(self, video_reader, screen_calibration, debug_flags):
"""Process video and return list of detected events.
The InitializeDetectors method has to be run before executing this method.
:param VideoReader video_reader: Video to process
:type screen_calibration: Optional[ScreenCalibration]
:param List[str] debug_flags: List of debug flags
:returns Trace: List of events generated
def CreateScreenCalibration(self, video_reader):
"""Create screen calibration from flashing video.
:type video_reader: VideoReader
:rtype ScreenCalibration