blob: 256b9e4ad27dde5ea0b86612997fe12fe9c9978c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
def CreateComponent(type_, element, extra_args=[], value_filter=None):
"""Create instance of type_ with config from element.
:param type type_: Type instance to create. Must have a FromConfig method.
:type element: Optional[ElementTree.Element]
:param List[Any] extra_args: Extra arguments passes to FromConfig.
:param value_filter: Method called to parse all config values.
if value_filter is None:
value_filter = lambda v: v
children = []
attrib = {}
if element is not None:
for child in element:
child_attrib = {k: value_filter(v) for k, v in child.attrib.iteritems()}
children.append((child.tag, child_attrib))
attrib = {k: value_filter(v) for k, v in element.attrib.iteritems()}
return type_.FromConfig(attrib, children, *extra_args)
def CreateComponentFromXML(type_, xml_source, extra_args=[], value_filter=None):
element = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_source)
return CreateComponent(type_, element, extra_args, value_filter)