blob: 1ecdbf2cfaedab505fa3942f8e3fcd83de036a95 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Toshiba Machine Co, LTD.
# BA Series
# CA10-M00
# Industrial robot interface motion control module
# This module defines more complex motion commands than the simple Jog is
# able to handle on its own, such as moving to a specified coordinate. It
# also provides for barrier functions to allow for more coordinated
# operations among robots, or among multiple controolers in a single robot,
# which could be required if there are more than 4 degrees of freedom
# supported in a single robot with more than one CA10/CA20 controller.
import time
import roibot
xreadTimeoutError = roibot.ROIbotTimeoutException("Read timeout")
motionTimeoutError = roibot.ROIbotTimeoutException("Motion timeout")
axisToIndexTable = {
"X" : 0,
"Y" : 1,
"Z" : 2,
"R" : 3,
# Utility functions
def assertOneAxis(x, y, z, rotation):
"""Asserts that of 4 axes, one is non-"SP" and the other three are
"SP". This function is rather dumb in order to be rather quick,
and does not provide sophisticated diagnostics on the precise
use failure.
If the assertion does not fail, the axis on which the motion will
occur is returned as a string matching the robot report string."""
count = 0
if x != "SP":
count = count + 1
axis = "X=" + x
if y != "SP":
count = count + 1
axis = "Y=" + y
if z != "SP":
count = count + 1
axis = "Z=" + z
if rotation != "SP":
count = count + 1
axis = "R=" + rotation
if count != 1:
raise roibot.ROIbotParameterException("assertOneAxis")
return axis
# Implementation functions
def waitForCondition(roibot, conditionFunction, context, timeout, timeoutError):
"""This function is a barrier function which calls a condition function
continuously until the condition is true or a timeout occurs. If a
timeout occurs, it raises the exception timeoutError."""
for loop_count in xrange(int(timeout)):
if conditionFunction(roibot, context):
raise motionTimeoutError
# Waits with timeouts. These functions are specified as conditional
# predicate functions to determine completion plus a wrapper to the
# external function which is expected as the interface.
# waitForExecution()
def condExecutionDone(roibot, context):
"""This condition function returns whether or not the robot is
currently executing a command. This is useful for self terminating
operations which clear the execution bit on completion, such as
returning all axes to their origin position."""
report0 = roibot.modeRequestStatus(0)
report0status1 = roibot.parseStatusCode(report0[1][1])
# still in execution?
if report0status1 & 0x02:
return False;
return True
def waitForExecution(roibot, timeout=10000):
"""Delay until the currently executing operation has completed.
The timeout is in 10ms ticks and defaults to 10000 (100 seconds)."""
waitForCondition(roibot, condExecutionDone, 0, timeout, motionTimeoutError)
# waitOneAxis()
def condOneAxisDone(roibot, watchFor):
"""Check if the current position of the watchFor axis value is equal
to the specified value, within some small fuzz factor to account
for polling latency, since we can not request a move to an absolute
fuzz = 4 # strongly timing dependent!!!
axis, want = watchFor.split("=")
want = float(want)
axis = axisToIndexTable[axis]
position = roibot.monRequestPresentPosition()
offset = float(position[1][axis].split("=")[1])
if abs(want - offset) < fuzz:
return True
return False
def waitOneAxis(roibot, x="SP", y="SP", z="SP", rotation="SP", timeout=10000):
"""Wait for a single axis to reach a location, as specified by the
parameter. Valid axis parameters are specified by
a name/value pair parameter:
Valid values for the <axis> element are:
x Move the X axis
y Move the Y axis
z Move the Z axis
rotation Move the rotational axis
Values are absolute. An optional timeout parameter may be specified;
see waitForExecution() for details."""
watchFor = assertOneAxis(x, y, z, rotation)
waitForCondition(roibot, condOneAxisDone, watchFor, timeout,
# Explicit command operations
def moveOneAxis(roibot, x="SP", y="SP", z="SP", rotation="SP"):
"""Perform motion along one axis, specified by the parameter. Only
one axis may be moved. Valid axis parameters are specified by
a name/value pair parameter:
Valid values for the <axis> element are:
x Move the X axis
y Move the Y axis
z Move the Z axis
rotation Move the rotational axis
Values are absolute, and motion occurs regardless of the current
axis values.
This function is a blocking function, and will not return until the
motion is completed or an error or stop condition occurs.
watchFor = assertOneAxis(x, y, z, rotation)
axis = watchFor[0]
want = float(watchFor.split("=")[1])
position = roibot.monRequestPresentPosition()
offset = float(position[1][axisToIndexTable[axis]].split("=")[1])
if want < offset:
direction = "-"
direction = "+"
jogX = waitX = "SP"
jogY = waitY = "SP"
jogZ = waitZ = "SP"
jogR = waitR = "SP"
if axis == "X":
jogX = direction + "H"
elif axis == "Y":
jogY = direction + "H"
elif axis == "Z":
jogZ = direction + "H"
elif axis == "R":
jogR = direction + "H"
if not roibot.execJog(jogX, jogY, jogZ, jogR):
return False # TODO:(tlambert) throw exception
waitOneAxis(roibot, x, y, z, rotation)
if not roibot.execJog("SP", "SP", "SP", "SP"):
return False # TODO(tlambert): throw exception
return True