blob: 4461a773cf7b1d5a49267534f4619cf8ee9f8825 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module provides the TestFactory class to create new tests based upon
# an activity and cmt log.
from gesture_log import GestureLog
from replay import Replay
from test_case import TestCase
import decimal
import json
import math
import os
import replay
new_test_template = """\
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from fuzzy_check import FuzzyCheck
from validators import *
# originally generated gestures:
def Validate(raw, events, gestures):
fuzzy = FuzzyCheck()
fuzzy.expected = [
# MotionValidator("== 100 ~ 50"),
# FlingStopValidator(),
# ButtonDownValidator(1),
# ButtonUpValidator(1),
# ScrollValidator(">= 100"),
# FlingValidator(">= 100"),
# AnythingButValidator(ButtonDownValidator(1)),
fuzzy.unexpected = [
# MotionValidator("<10"),
# FlingStopValidator("<10"),
return fuzzy.Check(gestures)
class TestFactory(object):
The TestFactory can create new test cases. Testa are named after their
activity log filename. It will automatically trim the cmt log to match
the activity logs time range.
user_property_names = [
"Tap Enable",
def __init__(self, tests_dir, replay_tool):
self.tests_dir = tests_dir
self.replay_tool = replay_tool
def _ValidateGestures(self, replay_log, original_log):
if len(replay_log.gestures) != len(original_log.gestures):
return False
for i, replay_gesture in enumerate(replay_log.gestures):
original_gesture = original_log.gestures[i]
if original_gesture.type != replay_gesture.type:
return False
return True
def CreateTest(self, name, activity_file, cmt_file):
Create a new test. This method will create all necessary files to replay
the events from the activity/cmt log file and also provides a template for
the validator.
case = TestCase(self.tests_dir, name)
activity_log = open(activity_file).read()
# make sure the precision is enough
activity = json.loads(activity_log, parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
# extract from/to times from activity log
hwstates = filter(lambda e: e["type"] == "hardwareState",
trim_from = hwstates[0]["timestamp"]
trim_to = hwstates[-1]["timestamp"]
# extract user defined properties
properties = activity["properties"]
user_properties = {}
for name in TestFactory.user_property_names:
user_properties[name] = properties[name]
json.dump({"gestures": user_properties}, open(case.case_property_file, "w"))
# trim event log file
replay = Replay(case.platform_dat_file, self.replay_tool)
replay.Trim(cmt_file, case.log_file, trim_from, trim_to)
properties_str = json.dumps(case.gesture_props)
replay = Replay(case.platform_dat_file, self.replay_tool)
replay_data = replay.Replay(case.log_file, properties_str, True)
replay_log = GestureLog(replay_data)
# only create new module if this test case is not using the module
# from commons
if not case.module:
report = "# " + "\n# ".join([str(g) for g in replay_log.gestures])
open(case.case_module_file, "w").write(new_test_template % report)
self._CheckCreatedTest(case, activity_log, replay_log)
return case
def _CheckCreatedTest(self, case, activity_log, replay_log):
original_log = GestureLog(activity_log)
print "Checking test for warnings:"
def PrintMismatch(type, key, original, replay):
format = " %s '%s' mismatch: Expected %s but is %s"
print format % (type, key, str(original), str(replay))
# check if device properties are the same
property_errors = False
properties_to_check = {}
if os.path.exists(case.device_property_file):
device_properties = json.load(open(case.device_property_file))
if "gestures" in device_properties:
if os.path.exists(case.case_property_file):
case_properties = json.load(open(case.case_property_file))
if "gestures" in case_properties:
for key in properties_to_check.keys():
if key not in
# Ignore properties that didn't exist when log was created
replay_value =[key]
original_value =[key]
# try comparing values as floats
delta = math.fabs(float(replay_value) - float(original_value))
if delta > 1e-10:
PrintMismatch("Property", key, original_value, replay_value)
property_errors = True
except ValueError:
# values are not floats. Use direct comparison
if replay_value != original_value:
PrintMismatch("Property", key, original_value, replay_value)
property_errors = True
# check hardware properties
hwproperties_errors = False
for key, original_value in original_log.hwproperties.items():
if not key in replay_log.hwproperties:
print " HwProperty '%s' is missing" % key
hwproperties_errors = True
replay_value = replay_log.hwproperties[key]
if math.fabs(original_value - replay_value) > 1E-10:
PrintMismatch("HwProperty", key, original_value, replay_value)
hwproperties_errors = True
# check sequence of hwstates and callbacks
hwstates_errors = False
def EntryTime(entry):
if "now" in entry:
return entry["now"]
elif "timestamp" in entry:
return entry["timestamp"]
elif "endTime" in entry:
return entry["endTime"]
return -1
# A callback might come in too early. The driver will then reset the timer
# to get a callback that at least had the desired time passed.
# We need to remove those as this does not happen with the replay fake
# timers. Those always get called at the desired time.
cleaned_original_entries = []
timer = 0
for i, entry in enumerate(original_log.raw["entries"]):
if entry["type"] == "callbackRequest" and i > 0:
time = EntryTime(original_log.raw["entries"][i - 1])
timer = time + entry["when"]
elif entry["type"] == "timerCallback" and timer > 0:
delta = entry["now"] - timer
if delta > 0:
elif entry["type"] == "hardwareState":
cleaned_replay_entries = [e for e in replay_log.raw["entries"]
if e["type"] == "hardwareState"
or e["type"] == "timerCallback"]
if len(cleaned_original_entries) != len(cleaned_replay_entries):
hwstates_errors = True
for i, replay_entry in enumerate(cleaned_replay_entries):
if replay_entry["type"] != cleaned_original_entries[i]["type"]:
hwstates_errors = True
# validate resulting gestures
gestures_errors = False
if len(replay_log.gestures) != len(original_log.gestures):
gestures_errors = True
for i, replay_gesture in enumerate(replay_log.gestures):
original_gesture = original_log.gestures[i]
if original_gesture.type != replay_gesture.type:
gestures_errors = True
print "Warnings: "
if hwproperties_errors:
print "- Hardware properties do not match."
print " Are you creating the test for the right platform?"
if property_errors:
print "- Device properties do not match."
print " This can happen if platform.props is out of date or you are" + \
" adding an older log."
if hwstates_errors:
print "- The hardware state + timer callback sequence is not the same!"
print " This is a technical limitation and might cause different" + \
" behavior."
if gestures_errors:
print "- Generated gestures do not match."
print " Original gestures:"
print " " + "\n ".join([str(g) for g in original_log.gestures])
print " Replay gestures:"
print " " + "\n ".join([str(g) for g in replay_log.gestures])
print " This might be caused by one of the warnings above or simply"
print " because the drivers behavior changed since the log was created."
if not(gestures_errors or hwproperties_errors or property_errors
or hwstates_errors):
print " none :)"