blob: 553031ee4f9439606c994b3dacf004656a117f8c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module provides the test runner which is responsible for discovering
# and executing tests.
from cStringIO import StringIO
import fnmatch
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import traceback
from mtreplay import MTReplay
from mtlib import Log
from mtlib.gesture_log import GestureLog
from os import path
from test_case import TestCase
class TestRunner(object):
The TestRunner provides a simple interface to execute a set of test cases.
All test results are returned in a result structure containing logs,
validation results, errors, the generated gestures and the final score.
def __init__(self, tests_dir):
self.tests_dir = tests_dir
def RunTest(self, test_case, generate_original_values=False):
This method executes a single test. The results are provided in the
following structure:
"logs": {
"evdev": "" # libevdev logs
"gestures": "", # gestures library logs
"activity": "", # generated activity log
"validation": "" # logs from the validation process
"error": "", # error message if applicable.
"events": "", # string representation of all events generated
"gestures": "", # string representation of all gestures generated
"result": "", # "success" the test provides a score.
# "failure" the test executed, but validation failed.
# "error" the test could not be executed.
"score": 0 # the final score of the test
out = {
"logs": {
"evdev": "",
"gestures": "",
"activity": "",
"validation": ""
"error": "",
"events": "",
"description": "",
"disabled": False,
"gestures": "",
"result": "",
"score": 0
dbg_log = logging.getLogger(
if not test_case.IsComplete():
out["result"] = "incomplete"
out["disabled"] = True
return out
result = test_case.Check()
if result is not True:
out["error"] = result
out["result"] = "error"
return out
out["description"] = test_case.description
if test_case.disabled:
out["result"] = "disabled"
out["disabled"] = True
return out
try:"Loading log: %s", test_case.log_file)
events = Log(evdev=test_case.log_file)"Starting replay...")
replay = MTReplay()
replay_results = replay.Replay(events, test_case.gesture_props,
test_case.platform, dbg_log=dbg_log)
log = replay_results.gestures
out["logs"]["evdev"] = replay_results.evdev_log
out["logs"]["gestures"] = replay_results.gestures_log
out["logs"]["activity"] = replay_results.log.activity
out["events"] = "\n".join(map(lambda e: str(e),
out["gestures"] = "\n".join(map(lambda g: str(g), log.gestures))
# look for errors in the gestures library output
errors = []
for line in replay_results.gestures_log.splitlines():
if line.startswith("ERROR:"):
if errors:"Found errors in gestures log")
out["error"] = "\n".join(errors)
out["result"] = "error"
return out
# validate the replay results"Validating...")
if generate_original_values:
score, validation_log, original_values = \
log.raw,, log.gestures)
out['original_values'] = original_values
elif test_case.original_values:
score, validation_log = test_case.module.Validate(
log.raw,, log.gestures,
score, validation_log = test_case.module.Validate(
log.raw,, log.gestures)
out["logs"]["validation"] = validation_log
out["result"] = "success" if score is not False else "failure"
out["score"] = score"Validation result: %s", out["result"])
dbg_log.exception("Exception raised")
out["error"] = traceback.format_exc()
out["result"] = "error"
return out
def RunGDB(self, glob):
test_case = self.DiscoverTestCases(glob)[0]
replay = MTReplay()
events = Log(evdev=test_case.log_file)
replay_results = replay.Replay(events, test_case.gesture_props,
test_case.platform, gdb=True)
def RunAll(self, glob="all"):
This method runs a set of test cases. Test cases can be selected using
a unix-style GLOB or "all" to execute all tests.
The result is a dictionary mapping the test name to the results structure
as described in RunTest.
results = {}
for case in self.DiscoverTestCases(glob):
results[] = self.RunTest(case)
return results
def DiscoverTestCases(self, glob=None):
return TestCase.DiscoverTestCases(self.tests_dir, glob)
def ParallelTestRunnerProcess(case, verbose=False):
level = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.WARNING
logging.basicConfig(level=level)"Starting process for: %s",
runner = TestRunner(case.tests_path)
return (case, runner.RunTest(case))
def VerboseParallelTestRunnerProcess(case):
return ParallelTestRunnerProcess(case, verbose=True)
class ParallelTestRunner(TestRunner):
def RunAll(self, glob="all", verbose=False):
Extends TestRunner.RunAll by multiprocessing. The test cases are distributed
to as many processes as there are cores available.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
cases = self.DiscoverTestCases(glob)"Starting multiprocessing pool")
if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
data =, cases)
data =, cases)"All tests executed")
results = {}
for case, result in data:
results[] = result
return results