blob: 7f3d44091b34f71c33e538b9acb6b4548b2f4cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module contains the Validators used by the FuzzyCheck class.
# The validators mak use of the FuzzyComparator class that allows validations
# to be made in a fuzzy way that leads to a score instead of a true/false
# decision.
import math
import re
from fuzzy_check import FuzzyComparator
def Disabled(fn):
Function decorator to disable a test case.
def Validate():
fn.disabled = True
return fn
def FingerSize(*args):
Function decorator to define finger sizes on the robot instruction method.
def InstructRobot(robot):
def Wrapper(fn):
fn.finger_size = args
return fn
return Wrapper
def CustomFinger(fn):
Function decorator to enforce custom finger setup for an robot instruction
method. The robot will start with no finger tips attached and this method
has to take care of setting up finger tips as well as cleaning them up again.
def InstructRobot(robot):
fn.finger_size = None
return fn
class AbstractValidator(object):
Base class provides the possibility to Validate start/end times of
def __init__(self, start=None, end=None):
if start:
self._start_check = FuzzyComparator(start)
self._start_check = None
if end:
self._end_check = FuzzyComparator(end)
self._end_check = None
self._start = 0
self._end = 0
def Accept(self, event):
This method is used to determine if this validator is able to validate a
certain event. If it cannot validate the event it will be handled by
the next validator or is considered as an unexpected event.
return False
def Validate(self, event):
While this validator is active, this method is called for each gesture that
it accepts (i.e. Accept(event) returns True).
def TypeStr(self):
Returns a shortened string representation used for presentation. It should
not contain any validation information but only show which kind of
gestures are accepted.
def _ValidateTimestamps(self, event):
if self._start == 0:
self._start = float(event.start)
self._end = float(event.end)
def _ScoreTimestamps(self):
score = 1
if self._start_check:
score = score * self._start_check.Compare(self._start)
if self._end_check:
score = score * self._end_check.Compare(self._end)
return score
class AbstractCountValidator(AbstractValidator):
Base class for buttons. Allows to Validate if a certain number of
button events are present.
def __init__(self, count_match="== 1 ~ 1", start=None, end=None):
AbstractValidator.__init__(self, start, end)
self._count_match = FuzzyComparator(count_match)
self._count = 0
self.score = self._count_match.Compare(self._count)
def Accept(self, event):
return event.type == self.__class__.event_type
def Validate(self, event):
self._count = self._count + 1
self.score = self._count_match.Compare(self._count)
self.score = self.score * self._ScoreTimestamps()
def TypeString(self):
return self.__class__.event_type
def __str__(self):
format_str = "{0} c:{1}{2}"
return format_str.format(self.TypeString(), self._count, self._count_match)
class FlingStopValidator(AbstractCountValidator):
event_type = "FlingStop"
class SwipeLiftValidator(AbstractCountValidator):
event_type = "SwipeLift"
class FourFingerSwipeLiftValidator(AbstractCountValidator):
event_type = "FourFingerSwipeLift"
class AbstractButtonValidator(AbstractCountValidator):
Base class for buttons. Allows to Validate if a certain number of
button events are present.
def __init__(self, button, count_match="== 1 ~ 1", start=None, end=None):
AbstractCountValidator.__init__(self, count_match, start, end)
self._button = button
def Accept(self, event):
return event.type == self.__class__.event_type and \
event.button == self._button
def TypeString(self):
return self.__class__.event_type + "(" + str(self._button) + ")"
class ButtonDownValidator(AbstractButtonValidator):
event_type = "ButtonDown"
class ButtonUpValidator(AbstractButtonValidator):
event_type = "ButtonUp"
class AbstractAxisValidator(AbstractValidator):
Allows to Validate movement on a 2 dimensional axis (scroll, cursor movement,
or fling. x and y movement can be validateValidated separately, as well as the
overall distance traveled.
Next to the overall movement, the Roughness measure of the movement can also
be validateValidated.
def __init__(self, d=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, start=None, end=None,
roughness=None, speed=None, merge=False, integralPixels=False):
AbstractValidator.__init__(self, start, end)
if d:
self._distance_check = FuzzyComparator(d)
self._distance_check = None
if x:
self._x_check = FuzzyComparator(x)
self._x_check = None
if y:
self._y_check = FuzzyComparator(y)
self._y_check = None
if z:
self._z_check = FuzzyComparator(z)
self._z_check = None
if speed:
self._speed_check = FuzzyComparator(speed)
self._speed_check = None
if roughness:
self._roughness_check = FuzzyComparator(roughness)
self._roughness_check = None
self._distance = 0
self._x = 0
self._y = 0
self._z = 0
self._distance_remainder = 0.0
self._roughnesses = []
self._speeds = []
self._merge = merge
self._integralPixels = integralPixels
def _Speed(self):
if self._speeds:
return sum(self._speeds) / len(self._speeds)
return 0
def Accept(self, event):
return (event.type == self.event_type and
((float(event.start) - self._end) < 0.1 or
self._end <= 0.0 or
def _UpdateScore(self):
self.score = 1
if self._distance_check:
self.score = self.score * self._distance_check.Compare(self._distance)
if self._x_check:
self.score = self.score * self._x_check.Compare(self._x)
if self._y_check:
self.score = self.score * self._y_check.Compare(self._y)
if self._z_check:
self.score = self.score * self._z_check.Compare(self._z)
if self._roughness_check:
roughness = sum(self._roughnesses)
self.score = self.score * self._roughness_check.Compare(roughness)
if self._speed_check:
self.score = self.score * self._speed_check.Compare(self._Speed())
self.score = self.score * self._ScoreTimestamps()
if self.score == 0:
self.score = False
def _AddDistance(self, event):
if self._integralPixels:
distance = self._distance + event.distance + self._distance_remainder
self._distance = int(distance)
self._distance_remainder = distance - self._distance
self._distance = self._distance + event.distance
def Validate(self, event):
self._x = self._x + event.dx
self._y = self._y + event.dy
self._z = self._z +
def TypeString(self):
return self.event_type
def __str__(self):
valuators = []
if self._distance_check:
valuators.append("d:{0:.4g}".format(self._distance) +
if self._x_check:
valuators.append("x:{0:.4g}".format(self._x) + str(self._x_check))
if self._y_check:
valuators.append("y:{0:.4g}".format(self._y) + str(self._y_check))
if self._z_check:
valuators.append("z:{0:.4g}".format(self._z) + str(self._z_check))
if self._roughness_check:
valuators.append("r:{0:.4g}".format(sum(self._roughnesses)) +
if self._speed_check:
valuators.append("s:{0:.4g}".format(self._Speed()) +
if self._start_check:
valuators.append("start:" + str(self._start) + str(self._start_check))
if self._end_check:
valuators.append("end:" + str(self._end) + str(self._end_check))
return self.event_type + " " + (" ".join(valuators))
class FlingValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "Fling"
class ScrollValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "Scroll"
class PinchValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "Pinch"
class SwipeValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "Swipe"
class FourFingerSwipeValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "FourFingerSwipe"
class MotionValidator(AbstractAxisValidator):
event_type = "Motion"
class AnythingButValidator(object):
Allows to 'wait' for a certain gesture to be performed. It will accept all
events exept for the events accepted by the validators passed as arguments.
The score of this validator is always 1.
def __init__(self, *but):
self._but = but
self.score = 1
def Accept(self, event):
for validator in self._but:
if validator.Accept(event):
return False
return True
def Validate(self, event):
def __str__(self):
types = map(lambda x: str(x.TypeString()), self._but)
return "not(" + " or ".join(types) + ")"