blob: e25366e1364f9475bcba797ff9a7a0168cecb489 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
pb "chromiumos/vm_tools/vm_rpc"
// Features represents the features that have been enabled.
type Features struct {
features map[pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature]bool
// The docs for flag don't actually say what this is for, but presumably it's to
// conform to the Stringer interface.
func (v *Features) String() string {
if v.features == nil {
return ""
var features []string
for feature := range pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature_name {
if v.features[pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature(feature)] {
features = append(features, pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature_name[feature])
return strings.Join(features, ",")
// Set is called when parsing CLI arguments when a new -feature parameter is
// encountered.
func (v *Features) Set(s string) error {
log.Printf("Setting flag: %s", s)
feature, ok := pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature_value[s]
if !ok {
log.Printf("Ignoring unknown feature: %s", s)
if v.features == nil {
v.features = make(map[pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature]bool)
v.features[pb.StartTerminaRequest_Feature(feature)] = true
return nil
// IsUsedByTestsEnabled reports whether the USED_BY_TESTS feature flag is set.
func (v *Features) IsUsedByTestsEnabled() bool {
return v.features != nil && v.features[pb.StartTerminaRequest_USED_BY_TESTS]
// IsStartLxdEnabled reports whether the START_LXD feature flag is set.
func (v *Features) IsStartLxdEnabled() bool {
return v.features != nil && v.features[pb.StartTerminaRequest_START_LXD]
// IsResetLxdOnLaunchEnabled reports whether the RESET_LXD_ON_LAUNCH feature
// flag is set.
func (v *Features) IsResetLxdOnLaunchEnabled() bool {
return v.features != nil && v.features[pb.StartTerminaRequest_RESET_LXD_ON_LAUNCH]