blob: 11cf9b37c41143f0faa7e3fc9c772f52369a99e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
pb "chromiumos/vm_tools/tremplin_proto"
lxd ""
const upgradeScriptPath = "/opt/google/cros-containers/bin/upgrade_container"
func (s *tremplinServer) shutDownContainer(containerName string) error {
err := s.stopContainer(containerName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stop container %v with error %v", containerName, err)
// Notify cicerone that container has been shutdown.
_, err = s.listenerClient.ContainerShutdown(context.Background(), &pb.ContainerShutdownInfo{ContainerName: containerName})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not notify ContainerShutdown of %s on host: %v", containerName, err)
return nil
// startUpgradeContainer launches an async container upgrade job.
func (s *tremplinServer) startUpgradeContainer(containerName string, sourceVersion, targetVersion pb.UpgradeContainerRequest_Version) (pb.UpgradeContainerResponse_Status, string) {
if sourceVersion != pb.UpgradeContainerRequest_DEBIAN_STRETCH ||
targetVersion != pb.UpgradeContainerRequest_DEBIAN_BUSTER {
return pb.UpgradeContainerResponse_NOT_SUPPORTED, fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade from %s to %s not supported", sourceVersion, targetVersion)
if ok := s.upgradeStatus.StartTransaction(containerName); !ok {
return pb.UpgradeContainerResponse_ALREADY_RUNNING, fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade already in progress on %s", containerName)
var ioSink = &stdioSink{}
execArgs := []string{upgradeScriptPath}
op, err := s.execProgramAsync(containerName, execArgs, ioSink, ioSink)
if err != nil {
return pb.UpgradeContainerResponse_FAILED, fmt.Sprintf("Error starting upgrade: %v", err)
go s.babysitContainerUpgrade(op, ioSink, containerName)
return pb.UpgradeContainerResponse_STARTED, ""
// babysitContainerUpgrade waits for a container upgrade to finish, providing status updates to the listener client all the while.
// Provides a final update upon completion (success or failure) and cleans up state once the job is done.
func (s *tremplinServer) babysitContainerUpgrade(op lxd.Operation, ioSink *stdioSink, containerName string) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(s.upgradeClientUpdateInterval)
done := make(chan error)
// TODO( Timeout.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
progress := &pb.UpgradeContainerProgress{
ContainerName: containerName,
Status: pb.UpgradeContainerProgress_IN_PROGRESS,
ProgressMessages: strings.Split(ioSink.ReadString(), "\n"),
s.listenerClient.UpgradeContainerStatus(context.Background(), progress)
case err := <-done:
ret := op.Get().Metadata["return"].(float64)
if err != nil || ret != 0 {
progress := &pb.UpgradeContainerProgress{
ContainerName: containerName,
Status: pb.UpgradeContainerProgress_FAILED,
ProgressMessages: strings.Split(ioSink.ReadString(), "\n"),
FailureReason: fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade ended with return code %v, lxd exec error %v", ret, err),
s.listenerClient.UpgradeContainerStatus(context.Background(), progress)
} else {
err = s.shutDownContainer(containerName)
if err != nil {
progress := &pb.UpgradeContainerProgress{
ContainerName: containerName,
Status: pb.UpgradeContainerProgress_FAILED,
ProgressMessages: strings.Split(ioSink.ReadString(), "\n"),
FailureReason: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to shut down container with error %v", err),
s.listenerClient.UpgradeContainerStatus(context.Background(), progress)
progress := &pb.UpgradeContainerProgress{
ContainerName: containerName,
Status: pb.UpgradeContainerProgress_SUCCEEDED,
ProgressMessages: strings.Split(ioSink.ReadString(), "\n"),
s.listenerClient.UpgradeContainerStatus(context.Background(), progress)
err := op.Wait()
done <- err
// cancelUpgradeContainer cancels an in-progress container upgrade job.
func (s *tremplinServer) cancelUpgradeContainer(containerName string) (pb.CancelUpgradeContainerResponse_Status, string) {
if !s.upgradeStatus.SetStatus(containerName, PendingCancel) {
return pb.CancelUpgradeContainerResponse_NOT_RUNNING, fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade not in progress for %s", containerName)
} else {
// LXD doesn't support aborting an in-progress exec but that's all right, kill -9 will abort whatever we want.
// babysitContainerUpgrade then detects that the job is no longer running and cleans up + informs the listener.
execArgs := []string{"pkill", "-9", "-f", upgradeScriptPath}
ret, stdout, stderr, err := s.execProgram(containerName, execArgs)
if ret != 0 || err != nil {
return pb.CancelUpgradeContainerResponse_FAILED, fmt.Sprintf("Error cancelling upgrade: return code: %d, error: %v, stdout: %s, stderr: %s", ret, err, stdout, stderr)
return pb.CancelUpgradeContainerResponse_CANCELLED, ""