blob: 491037970c1c7a99bebed4229e586142f5112f7a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "g_tpm_structures.h"
/* Structure to store the context of a OIAP or OSAP session. */
typedef struct {
/* Session handle. */
TPM_HANDLE handle;
/* Session secret. */
uint8_t secret[TPM_SHA1_160_HASH_LEN];
/* Nonce generated by the caller and associated with the session. */
TPM_NONCE nonceEven;
/* Nonce generated by the TPM and associated with the session. */
TPM_NONCE nonceOdd;
/* Nonce generated by the caller and associated with the object. */
/* Nonce generated by the TPM and associated with the object. */
/* Whether to continue with the session. */
TPM_BOOL continueAuthSession;
} APSession;
/* Computes and marshals the authorization trailer of a TPM request. */
void TtlComputeAndMarshal_TPM_AUTH(
APSession* auth, uint8_t* cmd, uint32_t cmd_length,
uint32_t ordinal, uint8_t** cursorp);
/* Unmarshals and verifies the authorization trailer of a TPM response. */
TPM_RESULT TtlUnmarshalAndVerify_TPM_AUTH(
APSession* auth, uint8_t* cmd, uint32_t cmd_length,
uint32_t ordinal, uint8_t** cursorp);