blob: 65f236c1b1deec19723453fbec8797102b99b717 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "update_engine/update_manager/evaluation_context.h"
#include "update_engine/update_manager/state.h"
namespace chromeos_update_manager {
// The three different results of a policy request.
enum class EvalStatus {
std::string ToString(EvalStatus status);
// Parameters of an update check. These parameters are determined by the
// UpdateCheckAllowed policy.
struct UpdateCheckParams {
bool updates_enabled; // Whether the auto-updates are enabled on this build.
// Input arguments to UpdateCanStart.
// A snapshot of the state of the current update process.
struct UpdateState {
// Time when update was first offered by Omaha.
base::Time first_seen;
// Number of update checks returning the current update.
int num_checks;
// Scattering wallclock-based wait period, as returned by the policy.
base::TimeDelta scatter_wait_period;
// Maximum wait period allowed for this update, as determined by Omaha.
base::TimeDelta scatter_wait_period_max;
// Scattering update check threshold, as returned by the policy.
int scatter_check_threshold;
// Minimum/maximum check threshold values.
// TODO(garnold) These appear to not be related to the current update and so
// should probably be obtained as variables via UpdaterProvider.
int scatter_check_threshold_min;
int scatter_check_threshold_max;
// Results regarding the downloading and applying of an update, as determined by
// UpdateCanStart.
// An enumerator for the reasons of not allowing an update to start.
enum class UpdateCannotStartReason {
struct UpdateCanStartResult {
// Whether the update attempt is allowed to proceed.
bool update_can_start;
// Attributes pertaining to the case where update is allowed. The update
// engine uses them to choose the means for downloading and applying an
// update.
bool http_allowed;
bool p2p_allowed;
std::string target_channel;
// Attributes pertaining to the case where update is not allowed. Some are
// needed for storing values to persistent storage, others for
// logging/metrics.
UpdateCannotStartReason cannot_start_reason;
base::TimeDelta scatter_wait_period; // Needs to be persisted.
int scatter_check_threshold; // Needs to be persisted.
// The Policy class is an interface to the ensemble of policy requests that the
// client can make. A derived class includes the policy implementations of
// these.
// When compile-time selection of the policy is required due to missing or extra
// parts in a given platform, a different Policy subclass can be used.
class Policy {
virtual ~Policy() {}
// List of policy requests. A policy request takes an EvaluationContext as the
// first argument, a State instance, a returned error message, a returned
// value and optionally followed by one or more arbitrary constant arguments.
// When the implementation fails, the method returns EvalStatus::kFailed and
// sets the |error| string.
// UpdateCheckAllowed returns whether it is allowed to request an update check
// to Omaha.
virtual EvalStatus UpdateCheckAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec, State* state, std::string* error,
UpdateCheckParams* result) const = 0;
// Returns EvalStatus::kSucceeded if either an update can start being
// processed, or the attempt needs to be aborted. In cases where the update
// needs to wait for some condition to be satisfied, but none of the values
// that need to be persisted has changed, returns
// EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater. Arguments include an |interactive| flag that
// tells whether the update is user initiated, and an |update_state| that
// encapsulates data pertaining to the currnet ongoing update process.
virtual EvalStatus UpdateCanStart(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
std::string* error,
UpdateCanStartResult* result,
const bool interactive,
const UpdateState& update_state) const = 0;
// Checks whether updating is allowed over the current network connection
// Consults the shill provider as well as the device policy (if available).
// Returns |EvalStatus::kSucceeded|, setting |result| according to whether or
// not the current connection can be used; on failure, returns
// |EvalStatus::kFailed| and sets |error| accordingly.
virtual EvalStatus UpdateCurrentConnectionAllowed(
EvaluationContext* ec,
State* state,
std::string* error,
bool* result) const = 0;
Policy() {}
} // namespace chromeos_update_manager