blob: 8175c0aa13e12cc0f593433b8977731fb54a1699 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <vector>
#include "filepath.h"
#include "tests/clearTest.h"
#include "tests/drawSizeTest.h"
#include "tests/submitTest.h"
#include "utils.h"
// g_list determines should we show the test list.
int g_list = false;
// g_iteration determines the total iteration to run for each test
int g_iteration = 1;
// g_verbose determines the logging level to print into the screen.
int g_verbose = false;
// g_vlayer enables the vulkan verification layer if it is set.
int g_vlayer = false;
// g_hasty enables the hasty mode. Tests would tries to reuse vulkan instance if
// possible.
int g_hasty = false;
// g_spirv_dir is the path to the folder contains spirv code for test.
FilePath g_spirv_dir = FilePath("shaders");
// g_out_dir is the path to the folder to store the output image.
FilePath g_out_dir = FilePath("");
// kLongOptions defines the options for argument options.
const static struct option kLongOptions[] = {
{"iterations", required_argument, nullptr, 'i'},
{"tests", required_argument, nullptr, 't'},
{"blacklist", required_argument, nullptr, 'b'},
{"spirv_dir", required_argument, nullptr, 's'},
{"out_dir", required_argument, nullptr, 'o'},
{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"list", no_argument, &g_list, 1},
{"vlayer", no_argument, &g_vlayer, 1},
{"verbose", no_argument, &g_verbose, 1},
{"hasty", no_argument, &g_hasty, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0}};
// TimeTest times the test by looping it iteration times.
// @param test: test to be excuted.
// @param iteration: how many times should the test be executed.
inline uint64_t TimeTest(vkbench::testBase* test, uint64_t iteration) {
uint64_t start = GetUTime();
try {
} catch (const vk::SystemError& err) {
LOG("Setup failed: %s", err.what());
for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
return GetUTime() - start;
// Run the test and pre/post processes.
// @param duration_us: The test would to iterate till duration_us is reached.
void Run(vkbench::testBase* test, const uint64_t duration_us = 1000000) {
try {
} catch (const vk::SystemError& err) {
LOG("Test failed to initialize: %s", err.what());
// Do some iterations since initial timings may vary.
TimeTest(test, 2);
// Target minimum iteration is 1s for each test.
uint64_t time = 0;
uint64_t iteration = 1;
double score = -1.f;
do {
time = TimeTest(test, iteration);
DEBUG("iterations: %llu, time: %llu us, time/iter: %llu us", iteration,
time, time / iteration)
if (time > duration_us) {
score = time / iteration;
iteration = iteration * 2;
} while ((1ull << 40) > iteration);
// Returns 0.0 if it ran max iterations in less than test time.
if (score <= 0.01f)
LOG("%s: measurement may not be accurate.", test->Name())
score = test->FormatMeasurement(score);
LOG("@RESULT: %46s = %10.2f %-15s", test->Name(), score, test->Unit());
try {
char file_name[1024];
sprintf(file_name, "%s.png", test->Name());
FilePath file_path = g_out_dir.Append(FilePath(file_name));
vkbench::Image image = test->GetImage();
} catch (std::runtime_error err) {
DEBUG("Get runtime_error while SaveImage: %s.", err.what());
void PrintHelp() {
Usage: vkbench [OPTIONS]
-i, --iterations=N Specify the iterations to run the tests.
-t, --tests=TESTS Tests to run in colon separated form.
-b, --blacklist=TESTS Tests to not run in colon separated form.
--list List the tests available.
--verbose Show verbose messages.
--vlayer Enable vulkan verification layer.
--hasty Enable hasty mode.
In this mode, tests will try to reuse existing vulkan
instance if possible. It also runs a reduced number
of tests and checks the validity of each tests.
--spirv_dir Path to SPIRV code for test.(default: shaders/)
--out_dir Path to the output directory.),")
bool prefixFind(std::vector<std::string> list, std::string name) {
for (const std::string item : list) {
if (name.rfind(item, 0) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
bool ParseArgv(int argc,
char** argv,
std::vector<std::string>& enabled_tests,
std::vector<std::string>& disabled_tests) {
int c;
int option_index = 0;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i:t:b:", kLongOptions, &option_index)) !=
-1) {
if (c == 'i') {
g_iteration = atoi(optarg);
} else if (c == 't') {
enabled_tests = SplitString(std::string(optarg), ':');
} else if (c == 'b') {
disabled_tests = SplitString(std::string(optarg), ':');
} else if (c == 's') {
g_spirv_dir = FilePath(optarg);
} else if (c == 'o') {
g_out_dir = FilePath(optarg);
} else if (c == '?' || c == 'h') {
return false;
if (optind < argc) {
ERROR("Unknown argv: ")
while (optind < argc)
ERROR("%s ", argv[optind++])
return false;
return true;
std::vector<vkbench::testBase*> genTests(
std::vector<std::string>& enabled_tests,
std::vector<std::string>& disabled_tests) {
std::vector<vkbench::testBase*> all_tests;
auto appendList = [](std::vector<vkbench::testBase*>& a,
const std::vector<vkbench::testBase*>& b) {
if (b.size() == 0)
if (g_hasty)
a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
appendList(all_tests, vkbench::SubmitTest::GenTests());
appendList(all_tests, vkbench::DrawSizeTest::GenTests());
appendList(all_tests, vkbench::ClearTest::GenTests());
auto filterTests = [enabled_tests,
disabled_tests](const vkbench::testBase* test) {
bool should_run =
enabled_tests.empty() || prefixFind(enabled_tests, test->Name());
should_run &= !prefixFind(disabled_tests, test->Name());
if (!should_run)
delete test;
return !should_run;
all_tests.erase(remove_if(all_tests.begin(), all_tests.end(), filterTests),
// Sort to bundle tests using same vulkan instance together.
std::stable_sort(all_tests.begin(), all_tests.end(),
[](vkbench::testBase* a, vkbench::testBase* b) -> bool {
return a->vk < b->vk;
// Sanity check as certain characters is not allowed by dashboard.
auto assertValidCharater = [](const char* str) {
if (!regex_match(std::string(str), std::regex(R"(\w+)")))
RUNTIME_ERROR("%s contains invalid character", str);
for (auto test : all_tests) {
return all_tests;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<std::string> enabled_tests, disabled_tests;
if (!ParseArgv(argc, argv, enabled_tests, disabled_tests))
return -1;
std::vector<vkbench::testBase*> all_tests =
genTests(enabled_tests, disabled_tests);
if (g_list) {
for (const auto& test : all_tests) {
LOG("%s: %s", test->Name(), test->Desp())
return false;
for (auto i = 0; i < all_tests.size(); i++) {
auto& test = all_tests[i];
for (auto iter = 0; iter < g_iteration; iter++) {
try {
if (!test->vk->IsInitialized())
Run(test, 1000000);
if (!g_hasty)
} catch (const std::runtime_error error) {
LOG("@RESULT: %46s = ERROR[%s]", test->Name(), error.what());
// keep test->vk initialized for the next test.
if (g_hasty && test->vk->IsInitialized()) {
if (i + 1 >= all_tests.size() || test->vk != all_tests[i + 1]->vk) {
for (auto& test : all_tests) {
delete test;